The struggles of being a left handed are immense. For all the tools, equipment and and items are made favoring the right handed and there are just a few handful for the left handed. The entire orientation of these items makes it difficult for left handed people to work on them efficiently. And when it comes to statistics and data, the world has over 11% left handed people. For every 10 people, one is left handed. Babies generally begin showing signs of hand dominance at age 7-9 months. For parents, it gets difficult especially the right handed parents. So we have some tips for raising a left handed child to make it easier and effective.
Causes of Left Handedness
There are several factors which contribute to left handedness in kids. Some important causes of left handedness are:
1. Sex of the Child:
Males are slightly more in number for left handed population. Generally, this can be attributed to testerostone hormones which are believed to be associated with left handedness.
2. Genetic or Hereditary Factors:
Generally, fathers genes play a major role in determining hand dominance. Left handedness may run in the family.
3. Development Stage of Fetus also Plays an Important.
The environment of the womb including hormonal exposure plays an important role in hand dominance influence and triggers in a child.
4. Brain Damage:
Some researches suggest there are some brain damages in early life which prompt left handed domination. These researches suggest there is absolutely no human who is born with left handedness.
5. Adjustments:
Sometimes right hands suffer from injuries thus left handedness becomes an adjustment, to begin with, and continues as a habit further.
Left handed Child Development Tips

There are some early signs of left handedness which you must observe from as early as age 4 months. The children begin pointing and grabbing objects at this age. Check how and which hand your child uses more. Also, the ones who are left handed may look awkward for right handed parents. And by age 7-9 months the child begins to show this dominance of hand elaborately. Some tips for raising a left handed child are:
1. Encourage your Child for their Special Qualities:
Never diss or reject this special quality in your child You must be as encouraging and supportive as possible. This will help in instilling
Never diss or reject this special quality in your child You must be as encouraging and supportive as possible. This will help in instilling self confidence in your child. Appreciate the left handed domination in your child and never curse this. Left handed people are born with the ability to think outside and beyond the box thus appreciate this skill of your child
2. Help your Kids in Adjusting in Right Hand Dominated World:
The left handed kids may need extra help when it comes to accomplishing their daily chores effectively. Just be supportive and encouraging in teaching them how to finish these tasks. Simple activities like tying a shoelace and using scissor may take a while for left handed children as they observe right handed people around and get confused

3. Your Child must be Surrounded by Right People and this Helps in Building Self Confidence:
Be sure to share the most famous left handed people around the world. This will help in bringing self- confidence in your kids. Be proud of their special quality and keep appreciating them
4. Writing may be a Challenge for Left Handed People:
Writing may get challenging as they write letter differently than right handed people. What right handed people write from left to right the left handed people do it another way from right to left. So stop judging them and accept how they write to make wiring skills easy to be adopted.

5. Do Not Judge or Influence your Child’s Hand Preference:
No matter how much you force at the end it is all about which hand dominates in your child. If you influence at this crucial stage of their gross motor skill development you may cause a long term damage for them. So do not frustrate them
6. Provided Left Hand Specific Toys and Tools:
Be an encouraging parent, and provide all the tools and toys for left handed domination. This will help them in working effectively in the toys and tools

7. If your Child Uses Left Hand More Often Before 18 Months See your Pediatrician:
Sometimes there can be a hidden delay in motor skill development which causes this left handedness. So you must see a pediatrician immediately.
8. Find Right Sports Activities and Games for the Kids:
You must help the kids in picking the right sport game activities for your child. Some of the sport are great with left hand domination too.
Some Interesting Facts on Left Handed People:

Look at Some Interesting Facts on Left Handed People Here:
- Left handed people are more likely to have allergies
- Left handed people are more prone to migraine and allergies.
- Left handed people are insomniacs and thrice more likely to become alcoholics
- Tend to reach puberty 3-4 years later than right handed ones. Better at multi tasking and twice likely to be a man
- Have shorter lifespan by around 9 years less than right handed people.
- Left handed people are 39 % more likely to be homosexual.
- Left handed people recover from stroke faster
- Of the 7 most recent US presidents 4 were left handed.
- Left handed have more post traumatic stress
- Left handed people are more susceptible to negative emotions like anger.
Some Challenges of Left Handed People:
Left handed child development has its own challenges and shortcomings. Some of these include:
- Doors are sneaky and just not right for your hand orientation.
- They live in a right handed world
- They have their own scissors, knives and other supplies which suit left handed people only
- Writing can be extremely challenging for the style of notebooks and pens
- Tying the shoes is very difficult
The above compilation on Tips for raising a left handed child is to help parents and caretakers to encourage and support this special quality in their children.
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