How to Prepare Your Child for Kindergarten


Kindergarten preparation for your child could be challenging as a parent. However, some children are excited about starting school yet nervous. They realize that starting school means changes in their daily routine. What gets them anxious is the realization that they might have to spend time away from parents, away from the house and put into a more disciplined life learning new rules etc. It is natural for the kids to fear the changes, but if you ask us on “how to prepare for kindergarten?” we are here to help you.

My mother still talks about the time when she was getting me ready for Kindergarten. She says that she wanted to prepare me for kindergarten a week before. So she used to take me for a walk to my new school each day to make me familiar with the new surroundings and the play area. But the day I was to go there for real, I was in tears and wanted to stay back home instead. She did everything to convince me and we walked down to only realize that I was happier seeing other kids around and quickly had a happy smiling face waving my mom bye! I made friends instantly at school and the next day was easier for me to go to the kindergarten without my mom having to convince me again!

How to prepare your child for Kindergarten:

1. Read books every day:

Read-books-every-dayMake a routine with your kid to read books and help your child to develop language reading and writing skills. Teach rhymes and ask him to repeat it. Children enjoy books once they get into the routine to read over and over again. Run your finger under the words showing that reading is done from left to right and top to bottom. Visit the local libraries with the kid and let him have a book along with you when you read. Let the child see you reading as well. Tell them why is it important to read.

2. Speak about the schedule:

Speak-about-the-scheduleTell your kid what will it be like to go to school. There will be a list of things on what kindergartens need to know.Tell them what time the school begins and when it ends each day. Explain it to them that this does not change and that they will have fun at their school each day. Ask them how do they feel about it and counsel if need be. It is a parent’s responsibility to make them feel positive about schooling. Check if they are prepared for kindergarten.

3. Visit the school before joining:

Visit-the-school-before joinLike I said, it really helped me to see the school and make a picture of it so that it doesn’t turn out to be a sudden shock of my life to go to a new place one fine day. Visit the school with your kid and let them see their new classrooms and meet the new teacher before the school starts.

4. Let them know it is normal to be nervous:

Let-them-know-it-is-normalLet them know that all the other kids are also nervous and it is not a big deal. It is absolutely normal to feel anxious and worry, but assure them that everything is going to be normal when they join the first day. Make them feel positive.

5. Teach kids to develop motor skills

Teach-kids-to-develop-motorThe basic thing is to start helping your child with the motor skills. Let them take their own time to learn to hold the pencil and scribble at the beginning. Give them crayons and let them color. Once they develop the muscles, they learn writing automatically with the correct grip.

6. Get them used to instructions:

Get-them-used-to-instructionsStart giving them tiered instructions. Like for example, “Go to the bathroom, wash your face and hand, wipe your hand dry” or “go to your room, get your red bus toy, wipe it off clean and then play”.

7. Teach them basic manners:

Teach-them-basic-mannersTeach them the basic manners. We have articles to help you with this from our website Talk to your child about raising their hand in a class when they have doubts. Teach them how to speak to a teacher and respect them.

8. Train them in social skills:

Train-them-in-social-skillsTell them how they could share their toys and books and play with other children. Teach them what it means to take a turn or how to communicate and solve a problem.

9. Teach the kids to take responsibility:

Teach-the-kidsKindergarten needs to know to take their own responsibility. Encourage them to take care of their own books, clean up their toys and mess. If they use the bathroom by themselves, they should remember to keep it clean.

10. Good eating habits:

Good-eating-habitsPut your kid in practice to eat their food by themselves before they join the school. Train them to have proper meals to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let them know that they will have to eat on their own in the school and that they should share their food. Also – teach them various table manners.

11. Teach them to write their name:

Teach-them-to-writeThe kids should be taught to write their name once they learn the letters. Make a point to have the first alphabet is capitalized.

Thus there are many ways to prepare your child for kindergarten. As a parent, it is your onus to understand that children do not have the inborn quality to read or write or even to tie their shoes for instance. Preparing children for Kindergarten needs time, patience and love. Start training your kid at least a year before taking an admission into the kindergarten which gives them ample time to grow and adjust. Encourage them to be enthusiastic and continue discovering various new aspects of life.