8 Effective Ways On How To Praise A Child With Words; Tips For Parents

Praise a child with words

Does praising a child is important? When you should praise your child? Are there any benefits of praising a child? Is praising is connected to child self confidence? Are you stress with all these queries. Don’t be stressed out, be relax.

Praising always encourages the child, no matter what age there are up to. The child always feels good about themselves. Praise is all about what you like about your child or their behaviour.

At the end of the article, you will have fair share information about the benefits of phrasing a child and when you should praise your child. You will also find ways to praise a child with words. So scroll down the article and read on.

Why Is Praising A Child Important?


Praising plays a major part in learning the child good behaviour. This acts as a correcting or checkmark in how to behave and how not to behave in front of others and themselves. Moreover, it encourages them from good behaviour.

As per the expert, it is said that praising has a direct relationship between self-esteem and confidence of the child. It builds up their confidence level. Praising helps them to tell what you like about his or her behaviour.

Praising words for a child also do plays an important role in increasing the intrinsic motivation of the child and allow the kids to achieve independence and good behaviour. In a true sense, there is no limit to justify the importance of praising a child.

All aspects of behaviour are related to each other like motivation, personality, self esteem, confidence, etc.

When You Should Praise Your Child?


Praise is a powerful weapon that works great to monitor and correct the child behaviour. There is no specific time where you need to praise the child. It is a matter of when you see any short of good and disciple behaviour then you should use words to praise a child.

It has a direct effect on children with learning and attention issues. Whenever you see the child effort rather than for his natural ability then do use praising words for a child to encourage them with regards to confidence and self esteem.

Praising at the right time and right moment helps the child to increase the level of motivation and keep in trying hard and looking for effective strategies to overcome the challenges and opportunities in life.

As per the experts’ and psychologist’s advice, they said that you should quite often and periodically praise the child with words as it will lead to a checklist of things what to do and what not to do in case of the child behoviour. Make sure you enhance the perseverance and maintain in with regular intervals of moments.

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How To Praise A Child With Words:


Here are a few of the best ways to praise a child, some of them are as follows-

1. Praise Sincerely and Honestly:

Praise Sincerely and Honestly

You should not praise your child simply without any reason. Make sure you should praise a child when you see certain good behaviour and course of action. The praise should be sincere and honest, it should be directly from your heart. Don’ t praise spontaneously.

As per the expert, it is found that the insincere praise is mot only ineffective but also can be harmful to both of you. This has a serious negative effect on child behaviour in the long run.

2. Be Specific And Descriptive:


This is the best way to praise a child. Instead of using long and lengthy praising words and making more complex and confusing for the child it is wise to use words with specific and descriptive. The more you use a descriptive phrase the more the correction and good behaviour of a child you will come across.

Just make sure of one thing that Points out a specific aspect of the child’s performance and describes what behavior led to good results. This is one of the important steps that you need to take care of while praising your child with words.

3. Reward:


Rewards are very important steps for the good behaviour of the child. As not only the praising words only help the child to behave in a right and proper manner. For this to work out you need to reward them too. In some cases, it is a wise verse.

The rewards don’t matter with big or small. What matters is the appreciation that motivates the child further in life.

4. Praise Their Effort And The Process, Not Ability


This is one of the major important steps that you need to take care of while using words to praise a child. Make you praise the child’s effort and the process rather than their ability. As the cause of the child attribution is mater a lot as it focuses on the ways of thinking pattern and future outcomes.

Of you praise the effort of the child then it will encourage you to have control or improve through hard words and patience. It also helps the child develop a growth mindset which moreover believes in achievement, practicing and improving the skill.

5. Reinforcement:


As per the psychologist they founded that reinforcement has a direct relation or effects on the child’s behaviour. The reinforcement may be positive or negative. Whenever you praise your child do make sure that you need to convey or communicate them that the reason behind you is praising.

This will really work great in building the self esteem and confidence in the child. Praising plays a major part in learning the child good behaviour. This acts as a correcting or checkmark in how to behave and how not to behave in front of others and themselves.

6. Avoid Controlling Or Conditional Praise


This is a bit different from the other points of words to praise a child. This moreover helps in the progress and improvement of child behaviour in a good and effective way. The outcome of praising a child with words is more than and harder for the next time.

Moreover, the child develops a sense of self worth. The child with more self worth has a positive impact on them and they have high self esteem. And the opposite outcome is with the child with negative self worth.

7. Avoid Comparison Praise:


It is easy to compare with others, but the outcomes can backfire sometimes with a case of kids. It is also true for adults. Sometimes it makes the child motivate and work hard whereas in some cases it is has a negative effect.

The kids lose motivation and become more resilient when they are compared with others. So whenever you try to compare just think of it how it will feel and how the kids will take. Try to praise them with their own skill and ability not by comparing them with other courses of action.

8. Avoid Easy-Task Praise Or Over-Praise


It is an important step that you need to consider when you praise the child for his good behaviour. Don’t try to praise the child for each and every single simple task they do. This will affect the child’s level of competency in real.

This will allow the child to lower the level of expectation in doing something new and reduce the sense of motivation. They may create an over-inflated self image.

Benefits Of Praising A Child:

Here are some of the benefits of praising a child-

  • Praising always encourages the child, no matter what age there are up to it makes the child always feel good about theme selves and increase their level of motivation.
  • Praising plays a major part in learning the child good behaviour. This acts as a correcting or checkmark in how to behave and how not to behave in front of others and themselves.
  • The very first and important contribution that it put in children that it increases the self esteem and confidence in the well being of their behaviour.
  • It makes them happier mentally and psychological and enhances perseverance.
  • Praising a child has powerful effects on the learning and attention issue in a child.
  • Praise boosts the level of confidence and allows them to achieve more.

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Praising plays an important role in child life. You can prevent and protect your child misbehave by correcting the child’s good behaviour. That is why it is good to praise the child’s effort. I hope this article has given you good information about the importance of praising a child and the ways to use the words to praise a child. Go through the article and find it.