Camping lifestyle is a great way to escape from the busy works and schedules of life, while for others it is a great opportunity to reunite with friends and family. The best way to relax is to try camping as a lifestyle.
Below are a few steps on how to live a Camping Lifestyle
I) Save Money

Before you plan for a camping trip, budgeting is important. Saving some money before planning a camping trip, can last a very long time if you budget, and will at least get you started.
II) Give away or sell most of what you own
You can rent a storage unit, if you have things which you cannot take them with. Incorporate your monthly storage unit expense into your budget, and the storage units are much cheaper out in small towns than in big cities.
III) Pick your mode of transportation
1. Hiking

By far, the hardest mode of transportation in a camping lifestyle. Whatever you carry to the camping ground, latches onto your back, and the ground you can cover is limited. Thousands of people, on major national scenic trails, generally, hike incredible distances every year. They may even find the experience addictive.
If you are hiking, it is ideal to find a spot you like, way off the trail and stay as long as your food lasts. Hiking does not mean, you always have to be on the move. You can also use cabs, shuttles and buses to drop you off in the middle, then hike in and find some place gorgeous to stay for a while.
An advantage of biking is, it allows you to cover much long distance and is easier than backpacking. Biking is run generally on the trails, rather than on the roads. You can pull a cargo trailer, and get touring bikes and rig them out with saddle bags, if you are out for biking. If you are planning for any off-road touring, mountain bikes can even work or you can just explore down trails. Generally, in the mountains, bike touring is hard part, with continual climbs. Biking may not provide enough long-term room for you, if you have children, along with your gear.
3. Canoeing
For camping, Canoeing can be best done on islands. It is recommended to get a 17’4″ or longer for touring, so as to keep the tracks straight. You can even do fishing, swimming, and bathe every day, and travel anywhere through lakes, big rivers and canals. Every minute as you travel through water, will be scenic. An advantage of Canoeing is you can find towns nearby, so getting groceries and necessities will be an easy task.
4. Get a four wheel drive vehicle and do them all
Camping as a lifestyle can be done best by using a backpacking gear, and putting bikes on the back, and your canoe on top. Leave your car, and hike in. Take a trip down the river, and explore an area on mountain bikes. Place rags between the bikes, if you have more than one bike, so as to prevent metal from scraping away when going down the bumpy roads. The lightweight bulky items can be strapped in under the canoe. An only disadvantage of the camping lifestyle is the cost of gas and repairs, but budgeting it earlier before the trip, can make your work easier.
IV) Rough out some plans of where you want to go
Before going for camping as a lifestyle, figure out plans of where you want to go. You need to get information about any public lands you are visiting, through the internet. They may send you an avalanche of information for free, if you call or write to them. Come up with a set period of time, ideally a month or six months or a year, plan and budget for it.
V) Outline a budget, and stick to it fanatically
It is important for the lifestyle campers to plan a budget and stick to it. It is advisable, that to save some money to each month, and when you are out, spend it wisely, until the next month begins.
VI) Get high-quality tents and sleeping bags, if you can afford them

Make your sleep comfortably during the camping trip. It is advisable to get high-quality tents and sleeping bags, if you can afford them. Buy synthetic tents, as they tend to be more durable, and still work when wet. Carry plenty of wool clothing, tarps, rope and blankets. Have non-cotton versions of all clothing items with you, as cotton unlike wool and synthetics has no insulating value when wet.
Bamboo mats are great for laying down. Get thick foam pads, or an inflatable mattress, for sleeping on the ground. A futon mattress works great, if you have a room for the camping lifestyle.
VII) Hit the road, or trail, or river
Stick to your budget and your plans. Be relaxed and stay organized. It is advisable to set up a camp before dark, else you may have to land up in a motel. And if the motel is part of your monthly budget, enjoy it for a full 24 hours. Do not end up in getting last-minute motels, out of poor planning and decision-making, as you may waste most of your valuable vacation time in it.
VIII) Make sure there is a major water source wherever you are going
Water as a source will be used to bathe, laundry, wash dishes, for drinking. The greatest luxury in a camping lifestyle is the hot springs. You need to be sure if there is a major water source wherever you are going, be it hot springs, lake, river, or a creek. It is necessary to know how to purify water, in a camping trip, so that no one gets sick.
IX) Go where it is warm, and move seasonally
A cold weather, usually spoils your enthusiasm for the camping lifestyle. In the US, places in the South like northern Florida, New Mexico and southern Arizona, are great in the winter. And for Summers, you can check out the Northern places, like Montana or the Adirondacks.
X) Utilize free campgrounds

Some campgrounds have certain limitations of staying up to a month. Free camping is available, if you are on the trail, or along the river. In the US, there are low-use free campgrounds across. Few of the best campgrounds in the US are the Owl Creek down in the Apalachicola Forest of northern Florida; the open field in the Oconee National Forest filled with dense persimmon trees; a meadow off Fontana lake where the reservoir is low; the East Bay in Florida under the live oaks; the Jones Pond in the Adirondacks.
By Supraja