How To Increase The Immunity Of Your Child


As parents, you are bound to get worried if your child falls ill frequently. Do they attract everyone that passes through your area? Parents understand that protecting the child from being sick is an almost impossible task and hence you must know how to increase immunity in the child.

Why you cannot prevent your child from falling sick, you can surely make a point to make them healthy such that they remain free from such ailments. Nowadays it is very common for children to get cold or flu even though it is usually because of the weather and sometimes also due to the weak immunity that your child possesses. Remember that injections are not the only option but there’s more to it. Immunization is one of the popular and effective methods to protect the children from illness lead a healthy life. There are many ways through which the child immunity can be strengthened.

What Is Immunity?


Immunity is the ability to the immune system which lets the body’s biological structures and processes and organs are specially developed for fighting off infections and thus prevent illnesses.

The purpose of the immune system is to protect the body against infection. This is how it protects the body from illness and helps to identify and destroy millions of microbes like viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi. These microbes penetrate into our bodies every day and with the enhancement of the immune system, it could perhaps be the most important step in achieving protection and resistance to diseases, reducing susceptibility to flu and cold etc.

What Causes Weak Immunity and Kids:

Infections caused by organisms like viruses fungi or bacteria might indicate as a problem for your child’s immune system. There are various symptoms of weak immune in kids. Anything that could we can your immune system leads to a secondary immunodeficiency disorder. Your body also produces protein when you sleep to fight the infection because of which lack of sleep could also affect the immunity in the body.

Frequent and recurrent pneumonia, sinus, bronchitis, ear infection or skin infection and meningitis are signs and symptoms of primary immunodeficiency and kids. Blood disorders such as low platelet count or anemia, inflammation, and infection of internal organs can also affect.

How to Improve Immunity with Home Remedies in Child:


These are few tips for increasing immunity in kids and other members of the family.

  • Breastfeeding your baby is one of the best ways to increase their immunity. It only contains antibiotics and white blood cells with help in boosting the immune system and the body to fight against diseases. Breast milk promises the safety of the children against illness like an ear infection, allergies, cold and so on. More to it, breastmilk also enhances the baby’s brain power. Doctors recommend that mothers should breastfeed their children for an at least first year of their life for the best results. In a lot of cases, the causes of low immunity in children are because of not having a proper diet or growing up without mother’s milk.


  • Vegetable and fruits: Green leafy vegetables can also be tasty for your child. This is one of the best home remedies to increase immunity power with the help of right food. The green vegetables are immunity boosters in the food category that helps in DNA repairing as well. They contain important antioxidants that help to increase immunity power naturally in children. Talking about spinach and fenugreek which are rich sources of iron, Folic acid, and Zinc. This also provides Vitamins which are great for the health. Shopping more vegetables like carrot, oranges, green beans, strawberries all contain immunity boosting phytonutrients like Vitamin C and carotenoids. Phytonutrients are very important for the body as it increases the production of infection-fighting white blood cells and interferon which is an antibody that coats cell surfaces and blocks out viruses. Attachment login that diet with some phytonutrients can also protect against chronic diseases like heart diseases in adulthood and cancer. You might get your child to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables which day as a part of immunity-boosting foods for kids. Vegetable like cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes etc. also help in fighting infection. All these are loaded with nutrients and antioxidants like beta carotenoids and other Vitamins with essential for the healthy immune system.
  • Root vegetables: As per the Chinese medicine, it is known that root vegetables like sweet potato, potatoes, and carrots act as an immune strengthening agent and work specific to the respiratory system. When you see symptoms of weak immune in kids, you can always keep them with all of these natural home remedies.
  • Garlic, onions, and ginger: The Sulphur compounds which are present in the onion and garlic are known to prevent cancer. The active compounds which are flavonoids in all the three are immune boosting. These are active compounds which are Anicillin in garlic, Quercetin in onions. Shagoals and gingerols are present in ginger. All this aids the digestion and keeps gastritis at bay and enhances the heart health.

Have Enough Sleep:


The sleep deprivation has a lot of disadvantages, one of which is critical and increases the vulnerability to illness. Parents eat certain time of napping for their child, newborns need 18 hours of sleep each day and toddlers need minimum 12 hours of sleep. As a child keeps growing, the hours of sleeping go down but special care needs to be taken good care to make sure the young children sleep for minimum around 8 hours.

Increase Exercise Time:


Exercise helps in a great way to keep you fit and especially for the children to be free from diseases. The children must weekly take swimming classes, getting incredible amounts of exercise while you can rest for a quiet hour or have some chores done. Even a small game of baseball or cricket with the family before the dinner could pump children up and make them eat and spend some quality food time with family together. Exercise works better when the parents encourage it and especially when they see the parents doing it regularly. You must practice it yourself and let your child pick up the good habits from you in no time.

  • Good hygiene habits: You can teach a child about good hygiene only then they remember about it forever. Good hygiene does not only promise to have a better immune system but also reduces the pressure in allowing the immune system to concentrate and focus on major inside threats instead of everyday germ. You should be a role model for your child by paying attention.  Especially you must take care of hygiene after your child has come back home after playing outside for a while or after the school. Teach kids to brush twice in a day, once after they get up in the morning and before going to the bed. Washing their hands before each meal and after using the bathroom, wearing cleaned and washed clothes, using sanitizer regularly and taking shower regularly, should be taught to them. Giving them their own little bottle of sanitizer and letting they have a feeling of responsibility to use it for the right time.
  • Guard against germ spread: Fighting the germs that do not technically boost immunity, but when it is a great way to lessen the stress on your child’s immune system. Follow a habit that if your child gets sick, throw out their toothbrush and replace it with a new one instead. The virus could hop from toothbrush to toothbrush easily infecting the family members, and hence this is very important. Even for various germs that the child is infected of, the germ could re-infect them.
  • Banish secondhand smoke: you must make sure never to passive smoke or let have your child done it. If you or your spouse is used to smoking, it is time to quit. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4000 toxins which irritate and kills the cells in the body.  Kids are susceptible to the harmful effects of the secondhand smoke as they can breathe at a faster rate. The child’s natural detoxification system can also be developed lesser. It might affect their intelligence and neurological development. You can absolutely smoke outside the home when your kid is not around.
  • Do not pressure your Pediatrician: Posting capitalization to write a prescription just for the sake of antibiotics whenever your child has cold, sore throat and flu is a very bad idea. Antibiotics only treat illness caused by bacteria but majorly in the children, it has been observed that the illness is caused by viruses. The professors of Pediatrics and Public Health at Boston University School of medicine have mentioned the above fact. Studies have also proven that many pediatricians prescribe antibiotics somewhat reluctantly such that it urges the parents to mistakenly think that it would not hurt. A simple ear infection is more difficult to cure if caused by stubborn bacteria which do not respond to the standard treatment. The antibacterial can surely hurt as its strains the bacterial strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria can flourish as a result of that.

Garlic onion and Ginger the great for the Health:


The sulfur components present in onion and garlic are grits to prevent cancer. The active compound which is flavonoids in the three is great for immune boosting. Anicillin in garlic which is the active compounds, Querce tin in onions and shagoals and gingerol in Ginger. It absolutely aids digestion and keeps the gastrics at bay also indulging in keeping the heart healthy.