How to Improve Child’s Eyesight Naturally


Early years are the formative years for a child. And this time is crucial to enrich and strengthen a child’s health and wellness. Many kids have weaker eyesight and most often it begins from as early as first years. There is nothing much for hereditary causes and other vision issues. But for normal cases, we can prevent and delay the weakened eyesight with a little caution and care. Let us know more about how to improve a child’s eyesight naturally. Our vision develops over a course of a few initial years and takes us from our fuzzy vision in childhood to a more complex visual system as adults. It is thus very important to pay a lot of attention to visual health and wellness in addition to every other basic detail we capture for our children.

How to Improve Child’s Eyesight Naturally:

There are several methods and also lifestyle changes which will help in improving and enriching vision health for our children. These can be adopted as early as childhood and have a no-glasses vision for long. Be careful if they watch too much television or tablets. And keep a check on their position when they sit to read or write. Ways to improve eyesight fo a child naturally include:

1. Palming for Vision Improvement:

Bates method os natural vision improvement used palming as an important part. You don’t need any separate space or time to perform this enriching exercise. Just open your glasses, in case you have any; and rub your palms quickly to feel warm. Now put the warm palms on your eyes. Rest your elbow on the table meanwhile. Just relax your shoulder and neck muscles and sooth the eye balls with warm palm. Also, relax your vision and stay comfortable while doing this.

Palming is good for any number of time and the more you can palm your eyes the better it is for improving vision naturally. Palming activates the energy centers and heals your eyes.

2. Take off the Glasses and Allow Free Eye Movement:

Ever seen the difference between when you wear glasses and when you don’t, for looking around. Wearing glasses makes the eyes fixed at the center of the glass lens and it prevents eye flexibility. Begin removing the glasses and see how your eyes are set free. Start with 10-15 minutes and increase further in a day.

3. Get Over Your Sedentary Lifestyle and Go Out:

Outdoors and adventure amid nature are supposedly the most enriching and relaxing of the exercises you can do to your eyes. Watching TV, tablet, and mobiles in increasingly ruining your child’s vision. And a break for exploring nature can be healthy and preventive too. Natural light has healing powers and researches suggest spending one hour outside, at least, in a day can reduce the chances of shortsightedness in your kid by about 2 percent.

4. Encourage Physical Activities and Exercises from the Beginning:

Kids must know the benefits and participate in physical exercises from early on. Exercise not just keep the kids fit but also healthy both physically and mentally. This helps in enriching their senses too which in turn strengthens vision. Diabetes, obesity and other health hazards can be done away with regular exercising and this is the major causes of vision impairment and poor vision. Thus exercising is the best natural remedy for any kind of ailment including poor vision

5. Adopt proper dietary habits:

Food always plays a major role in determining our health and wellness. Avoid sugar, salt, and oily junk food and they do no good for health. Healthy greens are rich in Vitamins which enrich vision and also keep the body systems functional. Carotenoids in diet can reduce chemical stress caused by cataract and AMD. Making kids eat more of greens and fresh produce, egg, dairy, corn, and other fiber rich foods can prevent them from sight-stealing disorders later in life.

6. Eye Screening is Important and Must Be in Routine:

Take the kids for regular vision screening and complete scan for eyesight and health of eyes is important. Headaches and eye strain are very common and do no good for kids attending a school or trying to read. Screening helps in identifying and treating them early for a full cure and improves vision health.

7. Use Eyesight Improvement Exercises for Natural Healing:

Exercises which target memory and imagination work best in vision health. Just take off the glasses and hold a book a few inches away and begin reading. Now close one of your eyes with your palm and then focus on one letter on one letter of the page. Draw and sketch that letter with your eye. Now close that eye and picture that letter in your mind. Now again open your eyes and look at the same letter for a few seconds. Envision that letter becoming black compared to other letters. Repeat and proceed with your other eyes in the same way.

8. Loosen Up Your Neck and Head:

Tension in other parts of the body carries to the vision too. Shoulder rolls and turning head from side to side help improve circulation and ease off the tension. Tension causes the occipital area to tighten and harden up. Shoulder blades can be brought together with rolls and turning head from side to side.

Best Food to Improve Eyesight Fast:

There are several foods which help in strengthening and improving eyesight fast. Plant based foods consumed directly are most beneficial and also other healthy citrus fruits and nuts. Some foods which strengthen vision include:

1. Green Leafy Vegetables:

All the green leafy vegetables improve our eyesight. These greens are rich in vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients needed by our body. Spinach specially loaded with antioxidants is just amazing for eye health. Eat these greens fresh and uncooked for more benefits

2. Carrots and Sweet Potatoes:

Beta carotene and Vitamin A in carrots and sweet potatoes help in retinal health and better eyesight. They also protect our eyes from sun induced damage.

3. Zucchini:

Zucchini is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin in addition to antioxidants which improve vision health.

4. Omega 3 Fatty Acid Foods:

Omega 3 fatty acids improve brain activity, aid and enrich blood circulation in our body and also enrich eye functions too. Plant based omega 3 fatty acids include flax seeds, walnuts, dark green leafy vegetables give the same benefits as fish. Rather the greens don’t have mercury risks and other toxins as found in fishes

5. Vitamin C Rich Fruits:

Oranges, lemon, pineapple, tomato, and guava have carotenoids which include lycopene and lutein. These are better for eyesight and prevention of night blindness. Tomato also protects eyes from sun damage

How to Improve Weak Eyesight Naturally with Exercises:

Eye exercises help in visual skills and prevent glasses for long. They even help in getting rid of lenses if followed properly:

1. Tracking Exercise:

Follow a moving object like a vehicle and a ball in a closed space

2. Accommodation:

The ability to quickly switch focus from near to far and far to near. Say shifting from book to blackboard.

3. Fixation:

Fix the attention on a steady object for long like staring

4. Peripheral Vision Tracking:

Outside the central vision, try and see the peripheral vision objects too. Put central vision focus on an object and use peripheral vision to see how background changes

5. Saccades:

Quickly jumping vision from one place to another as in reading

6. Eye Coordination:

Using both eyes together smoothly and accurately. ENjoy convergence and divergence properties of your vision too

7. Depth Perception:

Put a finger in between an object and your eyes. Now see the finger and the object and visualize how this changes from single to double when it becomes a peripheral object

8. Relaxation with Eye Palming and Sunbathing to Enrich Vision.

The above compilation on how to improve eye power without glasses is to help you enrich your vision health and keep up your lifestyle well. Be careful about tension and stress and give time to yourself for relaxing and unwinding too, mind your daily grind.

For any severe issues contact your ophthalmologist immediately.

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