13 Must Know Points To Get Your Child Into Modeling


You know that you have the cutest of the babies ever, right? Everyone tells you that they have a great smile and the prettiest eyes! And you almost have exceeded your storage on the phone with your little one’s pictures is another bit to prove it. Did that ever cross your mind that your baby could be a model? Yeah? Do you want to know how to get your child into modeling? You are on the right page and here are some interesting things you must know before you plan to put your child into modeling.


Before you happen to invest time finding your kid an agency or going on castings, don’t you think it is time you must venture into the modeling world and know more about it? Secondly, you might want to make sure, that your child wants to get into modeling and has interest in it genuinely. You must not pressurize your kid to live your dreams or that they aren’t given a choice rather told to get into kids modeling. Of course, that won’t be the best approach, we are sure! Your kid smiles at the camera whenever you try to capture them but do you wonder if they could do something similar? If your child loves being clicked isn’t enough for them to become models and that they would be comfortable in front of other photographers who are indeed strangers. But, you have to channelize them into it and train your little love to be a model. Read the below to know some important information on child modeling.

1. Ask Yourself First – Does Your Little One Have what it takes to be a Model?


Yes, it does take a lot of money, more than just the pretty face or eyes to become a good model. Personality and temperament are the keys to how kid climbs the ladder in the modeling world. The child has to be well-behaved to be taken in. No one wants to deal with kids who aren’t nice. A kid has to be comfortable in front of the camera, comfortable to speak with new people and strangers and ready to take directions from them. More importantly, the child must be able to handle loads on eyes on them especially while shooting in a large crowd of kids and being focused all the time. Before you think of doing this and letting your kid into modeling, ask yourself where the kid is comfortable around a lot of other new kids and adults? Is the child outgoing and happy generally? Does he pay attention for a longer duration and do as told? If the answers to the above questions is yes, then your kid has the right personality for modeling.

2. Understand the Scope of Modeling for Kids:


Kids into modeling are a pretty debatable topic. This is the most controversial thing where you have both positive and negative opinions floating. While there are few people who believe and strongly advocate that there are benefits of kids being enrolled into modeling, however, the others feel that making a child model is a gross violation of the human rights. Well, we believe as a parent you are the best judge for your child and know what is right and what is wrong for them.

3. Pictures for Your Kid:


When you are taking snaps for your kid, do not ever take a blur one. You must note that the adorable picture of your baby with a cake all over their face and sprinklers on their hair might only look cute to you. This isn’t a photo for modeling that the agency is going to be happy with. The first step is to take the right picture; whether you take it or you have someone else doing for you. It is very simple to take picture of the little one and you can save some money doing it yourself too. The child must look into the camera. Preferably, have no hats or sunglasses or makeup on kids. Using your own digital camera, you can click your baby. But, you have to make sure the picture of your kid features and you have a variety of poses clicked which includes the face or head shots and full body shots too. Photos have to be colored ones and natural, without any filter or modifications. You must choose any 2-3 pictures you think are the best in quality to the reputable agency with a short letter stating your interest for the child into modeling. And also remember that good pictures do not need to be expensive, it is after all the basic consideration to get the picture perfect.

4. Do not Pay the Money Upfront to Agency:


Also, another important bit that you must remember is not to spend a fortune on photography. One of the biggest cons could be the agency asking you money upfront. The agencies must not ask money until your child has been able to sign and companies are ready to book for the work. If there is any persuasion from the agency for money especially in the initial days, deny their offer. Continue to look for few more and search for a reputed agency elsewhere.

5. Do your Homework:


You have to work towards getting the child to speak up and feel confident in front of strangers. You need to be the child’s spokesperson. The kid should be made comfortable and explained what they might have to do. Also in case of any discomfort, the child must face comfortable to come back to you immediately to talk or discuss. Parent should be able to judge which is the right model agency and must not waste their time at places where they won’t be able to do much for the child.

6. Always look for Reputable Agency:


Look for an agency which is registered. You have to do your research on agencies which is the most critical bit. Your child must not get into wrong hands and hence it is important to protect them while they have best of the experiences. Check for agencies those are registered and have an impressive portfolio to reflect their reputation and credibility. You must look into online website or check via social media for any of their campaigns and booked clients. For safety reasons, never leave your kid with agencies alone or even with photographer. Stay with your kid and ensure they are happy doing it and there are no physical or emotional harm to the child at any point.

7. Know how Much the Payment for Baby Models are:


You do not want to go blank to the agency without knowing the worth of your child’s modeling. Child model’s rate varies with the type of gig. They are paid hourly from 25$ to 75$ per hour and if your child makes it to the super gig, they may be paid more like about 125$ per hour. Although this is just a heads up and just for referral sake, it is not standard and could vary.

8. Let the Agency Contact You:


If your baby’s pictures are great, trust us, they call you if they are interested. And there will be more than one agency that calls up. You can work with all unless you have to signature non-compete document which is not a normal process unless you are highly regarded.

9. How to By-Pass the Agency Route:


Several smart moms are bypassing the agency route when it comes to their kids modeling. Do you know the DIY route for child modeling? What does it mean? It is the way parents are essentially serving as their own agency for the kids. The parents reach out to photographers, boutiques, small businesses and hope for their kid to be chosen for bigger gigs. This is very common but the process has its own difficulties to face. There are plenty of advantages of this route too in the way that it allows the kid to get some great experience which helps them prepare for the bigger gig. This method certainly gives an opportunity to the kids to not have the traditional look just out of the agency. On the other hand, these types of gigs are the ones with lower budget and production so they offer photos for your kid’s portfolio, clothing or products in exchange of model’s time. The process requires larger time for the kid to get noticed. Media presence in this DIY route is extremely influential and helpful. But once your child has built a portfolio, you must have their social media account or website for showcasing their portfolio online too. Have some ideas for different pictures as per your child’s personality and experience. The more the variety, the more they get noticed. And be sure to have the kid with natural hair or very light makeup.

10. It Can be a Lot of Fun for Your Child:


The child, if truly likes modeling, could be extreme fun for them. It is true that initially modeling is a lot of hard work for the kid, however, it is a fact that your kid could as well enjoy it so much so that they might never want to discontinue nor would you for the child. Your child has to spend time traveling and it is a great time to bond as well. Spending time in sets to even going to various other locations for the shoots can just be great fun for your child. There are possibilities that your child spends most of their time outside school and home for these shoots. Of course, this provides a vast experience where your child meets new people and other co-hosts, who they would have never thought to meet otherwise. Photographers to makeup artists, professional directors to singers and actors and much more. There is a never-ending experience for your child to get exposed to. Helping the child to become a model is also your prime responsibility since you will be the one to boost their confidence and gradually, they themselves build their self-esteem. But remember at this young age, there will come enough responsibilities which might be burdening too. From meeting deadlines to knowing how to behave at work and with adults, it instills a sense of achievement and responsibility in your child.

11. Remember, your child can Always opt out:


The kid into modeling is just like in another training course where your child has been enrolled for some time. There is a chance of stopping when your kid does not want to continue anymore. The right to sign a contract will be with the parents of the child but might have various terms and conditions associated to it which you must know and read and understand well before signing it. Your child must continue modeling as far as they enjoy and are comfortable with it. The experience is all about it, when they think it gets beyond their scope of enjoyment and liking, you must get them out. Once you get the feeling that this is not something they would like to continue for any reason, you must help to get them out by speaking to the agency or the contract company to end the term. No one will understand what and how your child wants something better than you. So do whatever you know and think is the best for your little one.

12. Earning Early in your child’s life:


The modeling career brings in income very early in your child’s life but it is unfair to expect a big payment in the initial phase. The kid will generate of course but like any other profession, modeling is also all about the ups and downs and the model takes time to establish and earn a name in the industry. They need to build themselves as a steady model and their earnings from the project could make up a big amount that could be again rightly invested for their future.

13. Few Other Points to Remember for Your kid into Modeling:


There are some very important factors that you cannot ignore if your kid gets into modeling. The basic qualities that your child must to grow in the modeling world.

  • Your kid must not be shy: Shying off the camera or new people will not let them be comfortable in the shooting world. Since your child loves it when you shoot them, doesn’t mean they love modeling too. They have to be a part of the larger group of unknown faces and unlike the other groups, they might have had earlier. When the child is uncomfortable in the environment of modeling work, the kid surely will be unable to give their best. However, your child should be able to mix freely and must not inhibit themselves from enjoying the company of strangers. This is the foremost quality they will need in a modeling world.
  • Your kid must be able to adapt and be flexible: Yes, being in the photoshoot for hours together, they might feel irritated too sometimes as it gets hectic. The children may have to prolong their wait for long hours and sit for auditions patiently or sometimes to meet the client. The child modeling includes having to spend some office routine each day for the work and other formal meets. It is absolutely important to stay in the office to fulfill the demands of the industry. If the kid gets cranky or fidgety, then it is difficult to survive in the modeling profession.


  • Do not overburden your kid with a lot of commitments: Iyourou child has some prior commitments along with modeling routine, they are bound to be frustrated. For example, you want them to go for dancing classes along with arts or any other activities with modeling; it will be difficult to manage the modeling schedule. Keep your child relaxed by letting them concentrate wholeheartedly on one thing. Most of the times, in the modeling world, you do not get along notice period for the assignment coming up. There could be urgent calls and plans for the shoot time. This clearly says that you must keep your child’s classes or activities to minimal for them to enjoy what they do.

The major bulk of work done behind the kid’s career is by parents. You have to be prepared to dive in and do the utmost possible. Parents need to have a lot of free time for their kids. Yes, it could be stressful but if it gets noticed, you get your award. The amount of time that you spend driving to various places also fairly depends on where you live. Most of the marketing for modeling happens in Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Olsen etc. and relocating could be a big decision to make. You might as well have your kid to work only a few times over the year. And of course, this is not the get-rich-in-no-time scheme for them. Each job has a different type of expectation and payment too. The rates differ invariantly. You cannot predict the future.


Before you invest time and money you must make sure modeling is something your kid is happy about. If you think this is it for your child, then you must consider all the information provided. We hope the tips to get your child into modeling really helped you. These were the basic pointers. However, your research must not stop for this. Let us know your views and your experience by writing on the comments section below. You could help other parents too with your comments.