How to Get Rid of An Ear Infection Fast


Ear infections are very common in kids as well as adults. And these are caused by bacteria or viruses in the middle ear. These are triggered by wax build ups, food allergies, respiratory infection, environmental allergies, genetics, internal injuries and nutritional deficiencies. Let us know some facts on how to get rid of an ear infection fast.

Home remedies for ear infection can help you prevent unusual discomfort and pain in a great way. Also, the antibiotic treatment can be done away with, if we attend to the ear infections early on with our home remedies. But for more severe cases you must immediately visit your healthcare provider.

What is an Ear Infection:

Ear infection is the entry of any micro-organism in largely our middle ear their growth, regeneration and complications therein. This causes severe pain and itchiness along with pus in some cases. Ear infections may also occur in outer and inner ear too, but middle ear infections are more common.

Air space behind the eardrum, when gets filled with mucous it triggers bacterial or viral outgrowth. This results in infection of the ear or otitis media.

Symptoms of ear infection:

  •  Pain in the ear
  • Difficulty in sleeping
  • Headache which does not go away with anti-inflammatory easily
  • Tugging at the ear
  • Unable to hear sounds clearly
  • Pus or fluid draining from ear
  • Constant high fever
  • Vomits and dizziness
  • Diarrhea

How to sooth an ear infection in adults as well as kids:

How-to-sooth-an-ear-infectionEar infections can be treated at home if these are mild and have just begun. Though it is highly recommended to consult a doctor before attempting any of these remedies at home.

Some home remedies for ear infections are:

1- Hot salt or rice press:

Salt and rice are available at home all the time. This is an inexpensive and quick relief therapy you can proceedear anytime at home.

    – Just take one cup of salt of rice and heat it in microwave.
– Now put this hot salt or rice in a sock or clean cloth.
– Wrap it well so it does not spill out.
– Check this heat on your hand on the back side of palm.
– When it is bearable put at the affected ear and dab gently for 5-10 minutes
– Repeat 5-8 times for quick relief and cure.

2- Basil:

Basil is a great herb which can cure infections in our ear easily with its antimicrobial properties. It also soothes the itch and pain well.

    – Crush a few basil leaves
– Extract juice out of it
– Now use a cotton swab or Q tip to apply this juice inside the infected ear.
– Rub it all around and let a few drops go in the ear
– Repeat 2-3 times a day for immediate results

Basil3- Apple cider vinegar:

ACV or apple cider vinegar is the magic potion for all skin and health issues. For fungal infections in ear, ACV is a great remedy at home.

    – Mix alcohol and ACV in an equal ratio
– Now soak a cotton swab or Q tip in this solution
– Now put this cotton ball in the ear for 3-4 minutes
– Then remove the cotton swab and lay don on opposite direction such that the infected ear touches down
– Then use hair dryer gently to clean dry the ear properly
– Additionally you can also gargle with ACV and water in 1:2 ratio for more relief

4- Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil is rich in anti-bacterial properties so for any bacterial infection of ear it is a great remedy. It also soothes and reduces ear ache too.

    – Mix equal quantities of tea tree oil, ACV and olive oil
– Warm the mixture a little
– Using a dropper put a drop or two in the infected ear
– Leave for 2 minutes and then lie down on the other side to let it drain away

5- Garlic:

Garlic is a rich herb with anti-microbial properties. Just consuming raw garlic can have ample benefits in any sort of infection of the ear. It enhances the healing process with its therapeutic properties. This helps in relieving quickly


the above compilation on How to get rid of an ear infection fast is to help adults and kids, prevent and cure the painful ear infection at home if caught early on. For anything severe do consult a doctor before proceeding with home remedies.

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