15 Ways To Prevent Saggy Breasts After Pregnancy

Saggy Breasts

Are you depress with the current size of your breast? Are you breast starting to droop or sag? Do your breasts look out of shape? Is it a hard time to manage. The answer to all this question is due to the Saggy Breasts.

Sagging breast is well known as ptosis. This is completely normal as a part of the ageing process. It is a common phenomenon for women, especially after pregnancy and breastfeeding. It also appears in the women after a tremendous weight loss.

Well in this article we will focus on the various causes behind saggy breast after pregnancy and the natural ways to get rid of a saggy breast after pregnancy.

What is Sagging Breast?

What is Sagging Breast

Sagging breast is well known as ptosis. This is completely normal as a part of the aging process. It is a common phenomenon for women, especially after pregnancy and breastfeeding. It also appears in the women after a tremendous weight loss.

During the breastfeeding at the pregnancy, the baby led to the breast (R) being saggy and shapeless. As per the studies, the breast starts to sag by the time when you start conceiving or being pregnant.

The sagging of your breast depends upon the percentage of fat and the age of your body. Sagging breasts can affect women’s confidence and body image.

The breast can varies from one to another. This all depends upon the traits inherited by genes. The breast will constantly change and develop. It is the ligaments that support the breast. The breast becomes heavier and Fuller when you are pregnant.

What Causes Saggy Breast After Pregnancy?

There are many changes that do play a major role in causing saggy breasts after pregnancy. Here are some of the causes of sagging breast-

1. Gravity:

As we know that the skin gives in to the effects of gravity.and in results the skin loses some elasticity. This all depends upon the size and shape of your breast. The pull can be large or small on depending upon the amount of sag of the breast.

As per the researcher published in the journal Plastic and reconstructive surgery (R) in September 2016 founded that the larger breast is an important factor in determining the breast ptosis. This is due to the larger mass in the breast.

2. The Size and Shape of The Breast:

It all depends upon the size and shape of the breast. It also depends upon one person to another. As per the studies the smaller breast tends to hold their shape with a rounded bottom whereas the larger breast is more likely to succumb to gravity. The larger breast is more likely to sag over time.

3. Body Weight:

As I mentioned above that sagging of the breast depends upon the bodyweight of a women and age. The women with higher body mass index (R) BMI tend to have larger breasts than women with lower body weight or BMI.

4. Weight Loss:

The gaining and losing of weight plays an important role in increasing breast size. It can easily change the shape of the breast and stretch the skin surrounding the breast. It drastically affects the chest shape and appearance.

5. Smoking:

This is an important factor that can lead to cause sagging breast. Smoking leads the skin to lose elasticity, so that leads to the sagging breasts.

6. Genetics:

Genetics also do play an important role in letting the sagging breast. It all depends upon the strength of the cooper ligaments and body weight.

7. The Times of Pregnancy:

Here comes with another important cause that leads to sagging breasts. It is said that the more you have children or delivery of a baby the more the breast gets stretch or sagging.

8. Exercise:

There are many exercises that put pressure on the breast moment. This also put pressure on the breast ligaments. If the breast is larger and while doing exercise it gives pressure then it leads to stretching of ligaments and sagging of the breast.

Some More Causes Involve:

  • aging
  • collagen deficiency
  • estrogen deficiency
  • menopause
  • multiple pregnancies
  • Breastfeeding
  • not wearing a bra
  • wearing a bad bra
  • Being overweight
  • Overexposure to sun’s UV rays
  • Certain illness such as breast cancer, tuberculosis

How To Prevent Saggy Breast After Pregnancy:

There are certain healthy ways to tighten saggy breast after pregnancy, these ways are as follows-

1. Wear A Right Bra:

This is the most important step that is very useful to fix sagging breast. It really works wonder in order to get rid of a saggy breast after pregnancy. The bra should be correct and fit to your size and shape.

Wear the correct size of your breast, don’t wear smaller to your size nor bigger to your size. The right cup size of bra will ensure your breast are spelling or not. Choose the bra that supports your breast completely.

2. Don’t Gain Excess Weight:

It’s all about your weight. As I mentioned above also that the weight gain and age all determines the sagging breast. Make sure you just put on 25 to 35 pounds of weight through the course of pregnancy.

You can consult to your doctor to figure out the growth of your breast and weight.

3. Exercise Regularly:

Exercise is the best ways to fix the sagging breast. So you should do regularly exercising to keeps on preventing saggy breast after pregnancy.

You can do simple exercises like walking or practice yoga. If you know swimming earlier, then you can for it. Before doing it do consult with your doctor.

Do exercise like-

  • Push up
  • Chest press
  • Chest pull
  • Arm raise
  • Dumbbell fly

4. Keep Your Skin Moisturized:

Moisturizing your skin is very much important for the breast to be in shape and perfect. So make sure you regularly moisturize your skin. It helps the skin to remain supple and get back in shape after all the stretching that happens during pregnancy.

You can use special moisturizers during pregnancy that are available in the market. This is an effective tip for tightening saggy breasts after pregnancy.

5. Go Slow While Losing Weight:

Once you are done with your delivery. Then go slow and steady to lose the weight. Don’t go first in losing all the weight at all. This can affect your breast to sag further.

Slowly losing the weight will allow the body and your skin time to adopt the change.

6. Don’t Smoke or Quit Smoking:

This is a major prevention you can take care of saggy breasts after pregnancy is that you need to smoke or quit smoking. The smoking leads to accelerates the aging process.

The aging also leads to ligaments of breast. It is wise to not smoke or quit smoking during pregnancy. The smoking destroy the elastin which is a protein that helps the skin to remain supple.

7. Use Breast Tightening Oil:

This is another effective ways of preventing saggy breast after pregnancy. Nowadays there is a lot of variety of breast tightening oils are available in the market, you can use it off. This improves the skin elasticity.

These oils contain the natural ingredients that help in keeping the skin hydrated. Massing with breast tightening oil helps in improving the shape of your breast and sagging breast.

8. Increase Fluid Intake:

This is another natural remedy for sagging breasts. The more you increase your fluid intake the more you maintain with your breast size and shape. The intake of at least 64oz of water regularly helps the body to be in shape especially the breast.

Not having enough water can dehydrates the skin, as a result, it will allow the skin to lose the elasticity. You should drink water every two hours of the day.

9. Opt For Chest Exercise:

To strengthen your chest muscles and improve the breast tissue, you can try a butterfly machine or push-ups in your gym. You have to be very specific with certain exercises.

Be do the exercise that keeps pressure on the chest and improves breast appearance in shape and size. Any wrong exercise can address to damage or have a negative impact. So, you have to be very particular about the chest exercise.

10. Ice Massage:

I know you must be wondering that how can ice massage helps to fix sagging breast. But trust me it works wonder. This is a quickly regain firmness that will prevent elasticity of skin.

The ice massage helps to make the skin tissues to contract, and will keep your breasts firm and healthy. You can take 3-4 ice cubes in a cloth and gently massage the breast with it.

11. Aloe-Vera:

Aloe Vera works great for sagging breasts. It has the natural skin tightening properties in it. The antioxidant present in aloe-vera helps to get rid of saggy breast after pregnancy.

Take an aloe vera gel and apply on the breast and massage it in a circular position for at least 10 min and then wash it off. You can do it 3-4 times in a week for a better and earlier results.

12. Cucumber and Egg Yolk:

This rare combination makes and unique remedies for sagging breast. The cucumber does also have an natural skin tightening properties and the egg yolk has a high level of protein and vitamins.

Make a paste of cucumber and mix one egg yolk and mix them well. Apply this paste on breast for 30 minutes and then wash it off. You can use this once in a week.

13. Regular Massage:

Not only with ice massage. You can try with simple massage also. Try with some oil this also helps to get those breasts back in shape. Massage the breast in both an upward and backward position of at least 15-20 mins.

You can do every day if your breast is sagging more. It will help to generate the heat and energy improving the blood circulation of the breast. You can use essential oils also for fixing the sagging breast.

14. Posture:

There is certainly bad posture, such as having a hunched or bent back, (R) which causes the breasts to be sagging. It happens due to putting more pressure and tension on the breast tissue and aggravating sagging. Whereas the good posture involves teaching your body to assume positions during movement where the least amount of strain is placed on supporting ligaments and muscles.

So by keeping your back straight and your shoulders back, good posture works to distribute the weight in your body and help protect against sagging breast during pregnancy.

15. Diet and Nutrition:

For everything, diets play an important role. Eating healthy and nutritious diets helps to get rid of a saggy breast after pregnancy. So try to eat a balanced and healthy diet in order to stay healthy, strong, and resilient.

Try to maintain a healthy diet to feed and nourish your skin to keep it healthy. Make sure you drink enough water to keep your body hydrated and well.

Sagging breast is well known as ptosis. This is completely normal as a part of the ageing process. It is a common phenomenon for women, especially after pregnancy and breastfeeding. It also appears in the women after a tremendous weight loss. I hope this article has given you good information about the ways to get rid of sagging breasts after pregnancy.