How To Find A Perfect Live In Nanny For Your Children And Family

How To Find A Perfect Live In Nanny For Your Children And Family

Many families think that live in nanny is not affordable. Do you think it does get expensive when there’s somebody living in your house and reports to you for more than 40 hours a week? Or, maybe not. If you think a live-in nanny is right for you, then read below.

Hiring live in nanny to take care of your kids is not an easy job to do. You need to hire someone whom you can trust, the one who could not sure and care for your kids the way you want to do.  The shop gets really complicated when you are looking for one. Especially, if they are going to live in your home, you might have to think thoroughly about it. How would you know if which is the correct person to be appointed for this?

We will speak about tips for hiring live in nanny which will help you to find a live-in nanny that you have always hoped for. There are a lot many crucial things that you might want to know right from the beginning especially to know if the nanny would fit in your lifestyle. What if there is any religious belief that gets opposed? Or she could be a neatness freak in a relaxed home or a messier one in a tidy home? These are few questions that we have to address before fixing the live-in nanny.

How to Find a Live in Nanny Perfect for Your Kid:

A few important things to remember before you make your mind for live in nanny is that you are not hiring any personal assistant on a housekeeper. Unless specified it to them while you are hiring. They are not 24/7 available resource for you. They must be paid and accounted for every single work they do. And when they work overtime, they must be paid extra.

How to Find a Live in Nanny Perfect for Your Kid

Live in Nanny for child is supposed to be a dedicated one for your kid. They are professionals who would have a previous experience and provide the best care possible to your child. Live in nannies must hold degrees in education and health care professionals who have work experience in the same. Once you have decided to bring in a live in nanny, you also need to think about some accommodation for an adult at home. She cannot share a bedroom with the child. Thus we have the below mentioned points for you to think about your decision and affirm it.

1. Make a Decision if live in is the Right Thing for you and your Family:

Understand and discuss if your family is ready for a live in nanny. It might not be easy to have somebody living with you under the same roof on the time. Think everything possible about the new person in your home full time and how they do teens in the habits would have to change accordingly. Trying to discuss with the other parents and find out what the challenges they face are and the benefits of having a live in nanny.

2. Account for the Cost of a live in Nanny:

Look into your budget first. You must discuss with your family or your partner to see what you can afford to pay for your child car. There are many ways in which you can figure out what are the ongoing rates for live in Nanny in your area. You can check it online or with the other parents around in the neighborhood. Nannies have to be paid for every hour they are on duty as we already said that they are not at your disposal for 24/7.

3. Discuss with your Family First:

Before you can have a decision of hiring a live in nanny, it is vital that you discuss with your family first. The very foremost difference between a Nanny and a live in nanny is that they would live somewhere else but come daily to your house to take care of your child unlike live in nanny who lives with you. Discuss about your family dynamics and take a decision together. The live in nannies can be of great support to you for a baby who cries all night or when you are out of town and want someone to look at your tot or have to work late few days.

4. Do the House Arrangement for the Extra Member:

The live in nanny would need her own room and some privacy at your home. She will be living with you but needs a space of her own. Get ready an extra room in your house which can be occupied by her. Think about whether she would need an extra bathroom on will she have to share? If your house needs to go through a construction project, think if you want to get it done before she comes in.

5. Look for what you Expect from the Nanny:

You need to be clear about what kind of live in Nanny will best suit you and your family. If you want a Nanny to teach your kid foreign language, then you need to make sure of the prerequisites before you start taking interviews. Similarly if you might want to make a list of all you want to know – like her background, experience and other skills that she possesses.

Look for what you Expect from the Nanny

6. Make sure to have Your Contract Written and Signed:

Be clear with your expectations. It is good to start writing which helps you to clarify your needs for a live in nanny.  You can write down all the duties you expect for your child and family like – Driving the child to the play school, child care before and after, household work like helping with meal preparation, light household tasks etc. You might want to also make sure of the payment including the daily, weekly and overtime work, the benefits where you can give her particular number of days off every month etc. We have a list of things that you might want to take a look and think from your own perspective.

  • Are you ready to bear her common expenses? Like – Internet, cable, cell phone, other utilities.
  • Can she drive your car or does she need to have one of her own?
  • Is she allowed to use your laundry machine?
  • Can she have her guests visiting?
  • If she allowed to conduct her prayers at home?
  • Can she drink alcohol at home?
  • If she allowed to use the same side refrigerator or pantry by putting her food separately or would you are providing her with the necessities?
  • What levels of noise are acceptable?
  • What are the expected levels of cleanliness that she could have for her private space and the rest of the house?
  • Is she allowed to use the other facilities at home like swimming pool, backyard while she is not busy caring for your child.
  • It is good to get all of these answered as well as additional questions that you can think of. Make sure the hours of work will also be discussed clearly and the accountability to the time that he is not taking care of your child.

Make sure to have Your Contract Written and Signed

7. Consider about the Safety:

While we understand that you are hiring in nanny after conducting multiple interviews, it is important to consider for your family’s safety while someone is going to live with you. You must conduct a complete background check including their families and the experience of the family she might have worked earlier.

8. Online Check:

While you have many job searches available online, you might want to see which profile fits in for you beforehand. Another great source to find a perfect Nanny for your family would be via a trusted friend or a colleague who can recommend someone.

9. Interview the Nanny:

You might want to take a look at the different questions that you must ask while interviewing the nanny. We have the article ready for you here- Top Checklist Questions Mandatory For Nanny Interview

10. Take a Trial:

Once you think you have the right person to be the Nanny, spend a few days at home such that you can help her to get used to your home and your child .Help her with an easy transition. What her do the tasks, ask and if needed suggest. Help her to get into the routine before you can go back to yours leaving the home and child to her while busy. If she is new to the town, take her around and show her the necessities and the local grocery stores or medical stores.

11. Focus on Communication:

You must talk to your nanny regularly once he starts working. A constant feedback from her and your child is important to confirm that she is meeting your expectations. Also the employer of your nanny would be in touch with you as they need to know the feedback. An open communication is the only way to do it. You want your life to get easier and hence the more she knows the more she would be helpful to you.

Now that you have already got the best live in nanny for child care and for your family, it is time for you to relax and get into your busy schedule. Having that extra hand to help you out with your family and kids is a big relief and you must welcome it with love and care. Stay vigilant and take comfort knowing all your preparations have resulted into a great relief and paid off well.