Newborn Clothes And Dressing Tips And Care


A little preparation into the shopping for the new baby goes a long way. Firstly note that you are going to change your baby several times a day and it could be messy too! So, how to dress a newborn?

Although babies grow really fast and it is not the best thing to spend a lot of money on their outfits and dressing your teeny tiny bundle of love needs to be comfortable. A newborn is a big responsibility and balancing the comfort, safety, feeding, bathing, umbilical cord care, and nappy changing could be a big thing to be taken care of. The good news is, we have plenty of tips and tricks you could do for the newborn baby clothes and its comfort.


Newborn Baby Clothes Sizes:

Well, yes, you have to consider the size before you could walk out to shop for your baby. Size 000 is the one that fits babies from 0-3months and size 00 is for 3-6 months old baby. However these sizes are intended to fit their mentioned aged babies, some babies might be ready to go to straight to size 00.

Sizes vary between various manufacturers and types of clothing style. So it is worth taking the clothes you already have to compare with the newly bought ones rather than relying on what they say on the label. Babies grow really fast and the first thing to note is to buy minimal things of each size.


How Many Sets Of Clothing Does The Newborn Really Need?

You might need plenty of pairs for changing the clothes regularly. Thus you might want to take a list of things we have mentioned below:

  • 6 One Piece Outfits: The ones appropriate for both playing and sleeping are the best choices. The babies nap real fast and you might not find enough time to change them, thus it needs to be convenient.
  • 6 Jumpsuits/ Leggings: The idea of the jumpsuit is simply to not assemble a whole new outfit for the baby. Simple stretchy with a waistband that fits comfortably on the baby over the diaper and belly sounds perfect. Prefer the one that expands on weight gain.
  • 4-5 Tops: Look for t-shirts that could slip comfortably. The ones snapping at the crotch also works well.
  • 5 Night Suits Or Sleepers: No matter how cute they look they are complicated as it requires a lot of efforts to get on or off.
  • 2 Cardigans Or Jackets In Winters: if your baby is a winter baby, you might need jackets or sweaters that buttons down the front.
  • 2 Cotton Hats: Have broad-brimmed hats to protect the baby in summer and make sure it is soft, warm and covers the ears of the baby in winters.
  • 3 Bunny Cotton Rugs And 3 Muslin Wraps: For the winter baby, have muslin wraps to keep them comfortable and cozy in there.
  • 4 Pair Of Socks: You will need socks both for indoors and outdoors to help your baby keep warm all day.


What Type of Clothes Do Newborns Need?

Your little one is delicate and needs to be comfortable in their clothing. Dressing your newborn that has front buttons are the best as they are easy to be worn. Also, the ones with envelope neck go easily through the head. It could be uncomfortable and tricky to dress up the newborn in clothing that does not get over the head easily.

Think Comfort: Since the baby is going to lie on their back, avoiding back buttons is the best. Avoid buying any of the clothes with beading and threads, ties or drawstrings with attachments, they make it very uncomfortable. The clothes need to be soft, comfortable and easy to be taken care of such as avoiding things that need only hand wash or ironing.

Shop Wisely: Babies grow super quick before you even realize. So do not go mad at having to waste loads of newborn outfits. Sizes could vary between the brands like we said but it is always advisable to buy the next size and roll up the sleeves for their comfort.


Keep Them Warm In Layers: Your winter baby needs to feel cozy in their clothing. Layer the baby up. If you are wondering how to dress newborns for winter, all you need to do is to add layers. The basic rule says to add one extra layer to the baby as compared to yours. The newborn winter clothes need to be such that you can easily remove a layer in case of need. Baby dress in winters could be kept in spare as well in case of need. Always keep a spare blanket in your changing bag for need when you go out with a baby.

Avoid clothes that wrap around the neck of the baby too tight or those which have ties or cords. Baby winter clothes must fit your baby and not the other way round. Babies dressed in winter clothing must be comfortable and warm.

Stay Calm: While you find it difficult to change the baby, your baby might find it upsetting too. So be quick and calm to finish the task smartly. Distract the baby. If you think the baby is hungry, feed them before starting to change their clothes.

Support Your Baby’s Head: The newborn’s head is very tender and needs to be taken well care of in the starting few months. You must put a vest to cover and support their head from the back.

Protect Their Delicate Skin: Your baby’s skin is very delicate. Make a point to wash your baby’s clothes separately and avoid any strong detergents as it could cause irritation to the skin.


Keep Them Cozy In Summers: The newborn summer clothes should be just right to help the baby regulate their body temperatures. The baby is not capable of doing it hence keeping them out of danger by protecting them the right from heat. If you are wondering how to dress newborns for summers, all you need is to avoid a lot of extra layers when the temperature is soaring. Prickly heat could cause rashes and itchiness on the newborn’s skin. Dress newborn in summer such that they have air outs like letting their knee or the elbow out. Add a lightweight hat to protect their eyes from the sun. If the baby is younger than 6 months, use baby sunscreen on their face and hands and any open skin portion. Be sure the material for the baby summer clothes or the sling/ carrier is breathable in summers so that the baby does not go too hot. The best is to keep them indoors when the sun is the strongest.

Write to us on the comment’s section and tell us more about your ideas to dress a newborn. Please share ahead and keep reading with us.