Do your child shows tantrums? Is your child is moody or arrogant? Does he shows sulking behaviour? If you have doubts on this, then just relax and don’t get freq out!!
Sulking behaviour is about the child shows some kind of negative response in behaviour. The children sulk to show they are dis pleasant, angry, or frustrated on many of the sistution.
Well at the end of the article you will come to know the ways to stop your child from sulking and what to do with a sulking child.
What is a Sulking Behaviour?

Sulking or pouting is a silent temper tantrum in a child’s behaviour. The sulking children are moody often and express their feeling by pouting,sulking,and whining. Some times it can be a major personality and mood disorder in children.
Sulking behaviour is about the child shows some kind of negative response in behaviour. The children sulk to show they are dis pleasant, angry, or frustrated on many of the sistution.
This is very common in case of young children and in some case it is common in teen. As per Empowering Parents page, (R) you should not be sucked with this kind of behavior. “Blaming or trying to reason with your child, it will just make the situation worse and the child will do it more”.
How To Deal With Sulking Behaviour:

There are many ways of dealing sulking behaviour in kids, some of them are as follows-
1. Making a rule against sulking;
It takes time to teach your child not to sulk, so by making a rule that they are not allowed in your personal space when they sulk, you take away their ability to punish. This is a best way to stop your child from sulking which as a result they soon will learn that it is silly to still sulk when they cannot see you and you cannot see them.
2. No consequences;
It just work wounder when you do not respond to sulking by blaming, accusing or trying to reason with your child when they are showing tantrums on their behaviour. So in order to stop your child from sulking you have to take the incentive to sulk away.
In other words you do not give your child her way and she is also not rewarded with attention, even though it might be negative attention.Ignoring the little one act will lead to the habit dwindling very soon and easily.
3.Visual cues;
This technique more over work with younger children than older ones. You have to call her name, mimic her downward facing lip and use your fingers to turn your sulk into a smile. This I said for younger children because I might self has tried and finned it out.
4. Spend Quality Time In Nurturing the child:
As per many studies it is found that Parental attention provides care and stabilizes your child. So make sure you both as together spend enough time nurturing your kid. Because by spending time with parents makes children happy and helps them be open about their problems, and prevents them from sulking behaviour.
5. Safe and Pleasant atmosphere at home:
Home is a place where children can express themselves freely and safely. So it is wise to create and maintain a safe, and pleasant atmosphere at home for the children at least for a sulking behaviour kids.
Give your pouting child attention, avoid arguments within the family members, and try to please your child when you find him in a disappointed or sad mood really works amazing in stopping the child from sulking. That will make the child think that home is a safer place.
6.Encourage the child to express verbally:
The moment you see or notice that your child is pouting or sulking. Make sure you bring this to his attention and encourage the child to express his problems in words. It is very important for a child to burst out all the negative feelings out of him/her.
The most important aspect is assure the child that you won’t respond to his problem negatively or react to it. Communicate with child in a very effective and healthy way.
7. Encourage the child to maintain a diary:
The children who find it difficult to communicate their problems feel better when they pen them down. So encourage your sulking kid to maintain a diary as it will help him overcome the stress. This may sound simple but it works wonder in case of stop your child from sulking.
8. Avoid Overreacting:
When your child sulks and annoys you, then in such sistution avoid overreacting and displaying harsh behavior towards your child. If the child is sulking for no reason, then just ignore him and let him realize that you won’t entertain his unreasonable mood swings.
9. Try to keep the stress and Minimum:
Make sure your child doesn’t suffer from any stress. So just avoid high expectations that are inappropriate and subjecting to your child for study for long hours. Encourage your child to develop a good balance between his studying and playing hours. Also, avoid displaying your anger as it may make him anxious.
10. Appropriate Nutrition:
As per studies kids with nutritional deficiency often experience mood swings. So make sure you provide proper nutrition to your kids for an active and healthy behaviour. Plan a balanced, nutritional diet for your child and make sure his diet contains all nutrients necessary to maintain good physical as well as psychological health.
In case a child suffers from any nutritional deficiency, then make sure you consult your doctor .Studies have reveal that B vitamins and fatty acids are highly beneficial for sulking children. Even if the child suffers from vitamin B deficiency, it will affects s the mood of the kids.
The above compilation on How to deal a sulking behaviour kids who doesn’t listen is a very tough for the parents especially mothers of toddlers to handle it. This time is very crucial for your kids and definitely for your bond too. So just be careful in your actions and words as whatever you say or do gets registered in their mind. Hope this article has given you a good number of information about what to do with a sulking child.