Easy Simple Ways To Cut Your Kid’s Hair At Home


How about saving some time and money on your kid’s haircuts? Do not go to salons, especially if your kid wants a simple trim. Read more to learn how to cut your kid’s hair in simple ways.

Professional salons are pretty expensive and especially with kids, it becomes a hassle. Finding time to get the kid to the salon from your busy schedule could be a tough one too. Getting kids haircut being another very frequent thing that you have to do once in every two months or so could be an overhead costly affair. Most parents as well struggle tremendously to persuade the kids to get a haircut.

Dealing with all the tantrums and trouble! Whether the childlike to keep the floppy hair to resemble a celebrity’s style or just like being unkempt. A very common notion among the parents is that kids are usually reluctant to get their hair cut for whatever reasons! Rather than dragging your kid each time to the hairdresser, how about learning how to cut kids’ hair at home and growing the cash in your bank account instead?

A lot of us feel that the kid’s hair grows alarmingly fast and you just feel that you visit the salon more often and always. These cuts add up and get heavy on your pockets and you might have thought about taking care of the cute haircuts yourself. It makes them more comfortable and having a known face handling their hair can be a lot easier for the kids as compared to a stranger with scissors getting near their dear hair! Although it looks like a tricky process we have got all the answers to your question to “how to cut your kids hair at home” right here. Follow these simple steps and without much practice, you will be surprised to see how easy it is indeed to learn to cut the hair.

How to Cut Your Kids Hair At Home:


1. How to Cut Medium or Long Hair:

This is one of the simplest of all.

  1. Using a wide-toothed comb, detangle the hair and create a separation of hair on the head. Marking an inch thick section on the hair along with the head, secure them with clips separately. The horizontal bottom portion of the hair is let free for you to start with.
  2. Once again detangle the hair and start with spraying water to the hair and dampen it. Next, slowly move the comb in one portion of the hair and bring it to the bottom section and cut half an inch from the ends. Use the comb to keep the hair straight. For the curly hair, cut off about lesser than an inch as they seem longer when wet.
  3. Pin the last section aside now, and open up the next section just above. Release the hair from the clip and dampen it. Using the same technique with a comb to keep the hair straight, cut exactly the length of the last layer. Complete the sections to the left and right before moving to the topmost section of hair.

2. How to Cut Short Hair:

  1. When you divide the hair into sections from the temple, there should be separate rectangular sections on either side of the head in front of the ears.
  2. While you start to cut the hair, begin from the left side to the right. Trimming thin section say a quarter of an inch in length slowly. The basic difference from back to front is a half inch. Cut only a quarter inch such that the curvature of the head gives a pretention that the hair is of the same size when letting free.
  3. For the back section of hair, take a right to left approach again where you trim thin sections of hair and do the same with the lower sections on both sides.
  4. Keep looking for the balance on all sides. You must style it according to the child’s preference and length as well.

3. Cutting Bangs:

  1. Dampen the hair in front and comb it to detangle. From the hairline, section takes a triangular section. Run the comb through the hair again to detangle it. The bang must not be large to prick your kid’s eyes and not too short as they do not look great. Mark with your hand a line such that it just matches the middle of the eye length or shorter. Trim as usual. This makes a cute child haircut style.

4. Using a Clipper to Cut Hair:

The trimmer is a great option to cut short the hair however you have to remember a few important points. The guard length should be selected in a way that suits the length of the hair. Start from the back, moving towards front and sides of the head. Trim the sides towards the end. If you need a shorter hair length, select a 2 number guard.

  1. If you need to trim to fade: Using the length 2 sizes of the guard, attach it to the clipper and then trim from the neck’s nape to the base of the skull. Use an arcing technique.

Few Tips to Make it Easier:


1. Go Slow:

Since you are doing this the first time, you are pretty new to it. You might have seen in the videos that they do it easily and faster than you could but you must not worry or panic. Take your time, relax and especially while you are cutting their hair, be a little patient and ask the kid to relax to have it done uniformly.

Surely takes a lot of patience but nevertheless, you will be more comfortable the second time you are about to do it. Do not take any hasty moves that snip the hair shorter than you thought or nick their skin. You do not want the first experience of having cut your kid’s hair to be bad. Although initially, it might look like not saving a lot of your time but soon you will realize how convenient it is indeed instead of having to drive them and wait for it to get done and drive back home.

2. Buy the right tools:

It could turn to be a nightmare if you do not have the right tool to do this job. If you have ever cut a doll’s hair with blunt scissors, you know how bad it gets at the end. Getting the right equipment hence is very important here even before you think to cut the hair. Start with a good pair of shears and you can easily buy them online or in the beauty supply stores. You will also need a spray bottle to wet the kid’s hair. A comb and towel will also be in the items to have. Clips to secure the portions of hair would also be a tool you will need.

Although you can use your own small clutch clips if they fix well. We recommend to not using the scissors for any other purpose especially for the craft as the sharpness reduces and does not let it be crisp for the next haircut. Having this right equipment helps you to be more consistent and develop your skills gradually over time. You will be more confident with the right tools in your hand. And however, your kid might be lesser scared to let you do it the first time seeing you possess the professional equipment at home.

3. Prepare Your Kid for A Haircut:

The foremost thing is to get them ready for the haircut. Since you are at home, you might want your kid to wash the hair thoroughly. Using a shampoo, like a regular wash, get them clean. Make sure to scrub the kid’s scalp as you do not want any oil traces as that slips the scissors. Do not completely dry their hair, but you must start when the hair is damp and not completely dry. In case the child has already washed the hair earlier this day, you might use a spray to dampen the hair

4. Keep the kid busy


Isn’t this the most common solution whenever we want to do something without the kids being bothered too much? Yeah, works out well in this case too. At home, your kid might not prefer to sit comfortably as compared to that on a stylist’s chair. And kids being fidgety all day, they do not even sit stable. While you aim to chop their hair straight, you might not want them to shag!

Get them busy in some activity that helps them to not move too much or have them to listen to some of their favorite music or TV show. Encourage them to read or color, creating their own masterpiece while you get their hair cut. Give off a nutritious snack and while they are occupied enjoying their snack, you do the job. A little distraction always helps in getting things smoother, especially the first time as it might take a little longer as compared to when you get used to it and learn.

  • Sitting posture: A very important aspect of haircut is the height of the head and your hand. You must make your child sit in a high chair with their head stable and straight. You must not need to bend and hence the chair must be high enough. You do not want to clumsily bend while trying to cut them evenly.
  • Hygiene: You have to take care of the kid’s hygiene too as you do not want to leave any traces of the prickly hair on their clothes. It is always good to ask the kids to change their clothes and take a shower post the haircut, however, you can as well wrap a towel around their shoulder such that the hair does not get under. They get very itchy. Cleaning the towel is simpler and a safe process to go about the haircut too. You can as well use a blow drier to blow off the excess hair on their dress and body.
  • keep looking for videos online and learn: Reading surely can help but having to see a professional do it online or for real would be a different learning experience too. You must see what are the best haircuts for kids. Look for few more techniques and better tools online. Watch as many videos as you like to get comfortable that this is indeed an easy process and that you can start chopping your kid’s hair directly and very importantly, confidently!

Let us know if the tips on how to cut your kid’s hair were of use to you. Share your experience and let us know more about it by writing to us on the comment’s section. Keep reading with us and share ahead.