10 Tips On How To Tame Your Child

10 Tips On How To Tame Your Child

Do you sometimes lose your patience and regrettably scream at your kids? You must know that you are not alone in this parenting journey. Here are some tips on how to tame your kids.

Toddlers are dynamite of emotions on their best of the days but the parents of a big baby who can walk, scream and talk until they turn their cheeks blue must empathize with you. Tell you what, you are not alone in this war! When your child is in the middle of a tantrum, it could be tough for you to stay away from having your own meltdown.

It is very common for our younger ones to express themselves so quickly as they do not have enough sense of words on things to say what they need or want a feel. There are ways in which you can help your child to ease their aggression. Although there would not be any Anger Management classes for toddlers and preschoolers you will find that not a single day go dealing with their rage and frustration. Half of the time this aggression is not deliberate, it is Austin the way your child is hurting themselves for struggling to find the right way to express.

We have many parents asking us how to tame a wild child. Although no child is perfect, you could see a drastic improvement in the child’s behavior by trying the following. You will have to guide the child to manage their emotions and express the anger in words.

1. Positive attention:

As a parent, you must give enough attention to your kid. This is the most vital thing for your child while they are growing as they need their parents with them. Be it smaller things that might need your support from art projects, cooking together or even playing; you should be there for them. Especially, thank you is 100% attention towards your child instead of looking at your mobile phone or computer or doing laundry and cooking dinner. You must remind how much your child means to you and is important in your life.

2. Help the child to work out what they are feelings:

Once your child comes down from the tantrums, you must talk to them through it gently. Check with them what was bothering and why. Kids must be taught to manage their feelings, especially their anger. Help them with the vocabulary in this such that they know what is being angry, sad, irritated, upset, furious, frightened etc.

3. Make a chart:

This is the oldest trick and one of the highly effective ways to tame your kids. There are numerous ways to make the charts. You can also get your child involved in decorating at, and hanging get on their room walls. Kids are usually excited about this. A simple chart which has the things that you want the trial to do across the days in a week. It helps the kids to remind good manners over and over again until they get to put a star or a sticker on the chart for doing it right. Consistency is highly important in this case. You must review this chart every single day at the same time and put the sticker or star on. You will see the improvement in your kids even before you ask them in a few days.

4. Teach kids to empathize:

Young children might not mind enough to behave. Or do not even understand that their behavior might affect others. If your child kicks, bites or hits calm them down and ask them how they would feel if somebody else would do the same with them. Have time to think about it saying everybody has feelings and you cannot hurt them.

5. Have patience and stay calm:

Yes it is disturbing but you know that the little ones can feed off your emotions. When the kids see us as a calm and study parents, regardless of their behavior, they relax and are happy knowing that they can rely on you to help them through the challenging moments in life. This will be an eye-opener for most of the parents because dealing with kid’s tantrums is challenging for even them.

Have patience and stay calm

6. Seek help:

As a parent, you too. Sometimes it is good to spend time taking care of your kids. However, most of us forget that we need to take care of ourselves to. Kids gel up well with the grandparents, and it offers a great break for you. Parenting could be as hard as you make it, relax and take a step at a time.

7. Practice what to say:

Offers kids verbal alternators to their anger actions. If one of their friends is trying to snatch their toy, ask them to use words like “Do you mind if I play with it right now and you can try it the next time?” Ask your child to use words and as a parent set your child for every good thing they say or do.

8. Teach the child how to come down:

Empathize with your child saying you understand they are upset but they must also calm down by taking in two deep breaths. Ask them to place the hand on the chest as it serves a handy visual cue that can be used as a reminder for your child to take a step back from what is bothering them. Do it is when you see them getting frustrated.

9. Zero tolerance policy:

Do not tolerate your child’s aggressive behavior at all. It should not be accepted in any shape or form or at any condition. The only way to stop your choice from being aggressive or wild is to make rules at home for aggression which is not acceptable. This must be the first rule for the parents asking how you tame a wild child.

10. Do not snap back at your child:

There are many ways to stay in baby and toddlers, but you cannot smack your child in the heat of the moment. As an elder and a role model for your child, you must know to control your frustration and express it in a way which is more constructive. Smacking a child only need them to learn how it’s done. When the child sees you exercise self-control and deal with such situation, they learn. It is important that you manage your anger as the child is watching you every single second. Even if while you are upset with your partner you must not lose your calm in front of your child. There are many secret ways to tame your children but remember that your behavior will have the maximum impact on your child.

If your child’s aggressive behavior is disturbing, and even after you have tried your ways to help the kid controlling and disciplining, you must speak to a health visitor. There are counselors and child psychologist, who can teach you many other ways to interact with your child to help them manage the anger in a more effective way.

Parenting as hard however it is just a passing phase even for your little one. Every level of your child would have some other things that you might have difficulties in facing. Once a baby is out of the toddlerhood, they are soon going to enter the teenage – even more difficult to manage the teenage tantrums.

Keep sharing your tips and advice as well as your experiences while raising your child. Use the comment section to express your opinion and help others struggling mothers.