Parenting comes up with lots of responsibility and roles. One of the major role is to keep on a check list upon the behaviour of your kids in his/her day to day life. On the more serious end you just has to stop disrespectful behaviour in kids.
As parents, it is necessary to teach the children how to treat others with kindness, and how to communicate big feelings without being disrespectful in front of the eyes of others.
Well in this article we will focus on the way to deal with disrespectful children with giving the importance on the other side of coin of disrespectful that will help the parents to find ways to teach a child respect.
What Is Respect For Kids?

Respect is lot of things of a kids, it also true for adults. It is an action,an attitude,and a way of life. Respect is all about showing appreciation of what is good in yourself and a positive response to living with ourselves and others.
It is not anything hurtful, mean, cruel, or destructive in any of the way down the line. It is more of building up rather than tearing it down. Respect for kids is all about a positive feeling of self esteem or deference about a person or other other entity and also a specific action and conduct of representative of that esteem.
Why Are Some Kids Are So Disrespectful?

Not all kids are rude or disrespectful, it just a normal part of their growth and development. Well it is difficult to figure out to find out the real cause or reasons for why the kids are so disrespectful. (R)
One of the reason for disrespectful child behaviour is due to learning to express and test out their own Independence idea. In this case they try to get into an disagree sistution.
It also depends up on a child’s mood as the child is not able to handle the changing feelings and reaction to everyday unexpected things as a result it leads to over sensitivity. This may be probably leads to rudeness or grumpiness in the disrespectful children.
Certain disrespectful behaviour might also comes from the child when they are stress or worried is may due to disturbed family environment, low academic performance, socio economic status, etc.
How To Deal With A Disrespectful Child?

For everything there is a way out of it to fight it. So in order to dealing with disrespectful child there are certain ways to handle it, such as-
1. Ignore Attention Seeking Behaviour:
This works as a principle of reverse psychology of the kids as to handle with a disrespectful child. The selective ignoring is one of the most effective ways to deal with negative consequences. Make sure you give them a warning about what will happen if they don’t obey you. Talk about the potential consequences of disrespectful behaviour and how people feel when they witness rude behaviour.
2. Grandma’s Rule Of Discipline:
It is mostly followed as way to handle a disrespectful children. Teaching the kids to be polite and kind is very much important. In this case you have to keep a positive point with the negative consequences for disrespectful child. You can say something like If you don’t pick up right now, you won’t be able to play outside,” say, “You can play outside as soon as you finished picking up your toys.”
3. Use Restitution:
This works in a great way as stopping disrespectful behaviour in child.Restitution is all about doing some kind for the victim or doing something to make reparations for the damage that has been done by the kids. Where as the reparation helps a kid to take responsibility and keeps on a check list on his/her disrespectful behaviour. Make sure you teach your kids to say sorry when they do things wrong as this will help them to repair the relationship.
4. Provide A negative Consequences:
As I mention in above as you have to keep a positive point with the negative consequences for disrespectful child. One of the main reasons of disrespectful child is due to negative consequences. This providing a negative consequences all depends upon the appropriate as per the age of your child. You can try something like You can say something like If you don’t pick up right now, you won’t be able to play outside,” say, “You can play outside as soon as you finished picking up your toys.
5. Provide A Single Warning:
In some case giving a single warning to kids itself works great to figure out for them between what to do and what not to do with respect of behaviour. When ever the kids are showing any rude behaviour just try to improve it by providing a single warning to them. As this gives the child the opportunity to change the behaviour of his around.
6. Stay Calm:
Staying calm is also one of the way to deal with disrespectful children. Whenever the child show some rude behaviour or attitude. Make sure you stay calm and take deep breath and then talk or discuss with them regarding the disrespectful behaviour. Don’t scream or shout as you see them with any sort of rude behaviour as it may affect them emotionally and mentally.
7. Teach Empathy:
Teaching empathy is also a way to dealing with disrespectful child. It is always import to teach positive behaviour and not just discouraging the negative ones.when the child shows some rude or disrespectful behaviour it is important to discuss and talk about what the behaviour is hurting others.If you can, try to help them relate to another person; this is the groundwork for empathy.
8. Provide An Example of Appropriate Behaviour:
Modeling or imitating is one of the way that can teach the children about how to behave and in this respect you can reduce there chance of disrespectful behaviour. Certain things you can work on it as I said above also Stay calm during such situations works great. Make sure you talk about your emotions openly and show your child how to deal with things like sadness, anger, and other negative feelings.
9. Avoid The Power Struggle:
The power struggle normally exists as the parents has power over controlling the kids or other. In respect to when you teach your child the authority and need to be respected then you have to avoid raising your voice at them, yelling at children or talking to them in the same way they are talking to you when they show rude or any disrespectful behaviour. If your child is throwing a tantrum then try to assess and address the child’s needs rather than forcing him or her to obey your rules and regulation.
10. Point Out The Behaviour Right Way:
Pointing out the behaviour right way is a straight way of keeping a check mark on disrespectful child behaviour. If the child is being disrespectful, then you should acknowledge the behavior right away as at in the sistution and environment itself. Ignoring the behavior will encourage them to continue until they get your attention and they will able to figure out what to do and what not to do.
11. Stay Positive:
Disrespectful child behaviour can be handle by staying calm and positive. Simply you try to use positive statements and avoid negatives. Studies have shown that children may be disrespectful if they feel they’re being disrespected by the people around themselves. Don’t use hard and harsh statements This will make the child feel he’s done something wrong by struggling and it keeps affect the child mentally and emotionally. Always try to use positive reinforcement.
12. Prevent Bad Behaviour Before It Appears:
The best means of discipline is simple prevention as the proverbs says prevention is better than cure. Always try to trigger bad behavior and find the ways to modify such situations to make the child more comfortable and easy going. Is there anything you can do in the future to avoid such an outburst as it affects the child in long run.
13. Give The Child Reasons:
Make sure your child stop with no explanation or giving excuses. Once you have identified what your child is doing, and keeps on explaining to them why their behavior is wrong or disrespectful then the child may not repeat it. This will help your child understand the necessity of good manners.
14. Discipline Appropriately:
In order to keep your child discipline make sure you do so appropriately that it will learn them to deal with disrespectful children. Not all forms of punishment work same as for all children. It all depends on the age of the child and the severity of his or her behavior. This helps a lot in parenting disrespectful child.
15. Be Clear About Your Role:
This is also one of the way to fight back disrespectful child behaviour. It is very important as a parent, you need to teach and model respectful behavior and effective problem solving in children. This as a results helps the child function appropriately and successfully as per the sistution. This means setting reasonable rules and limits, and being prepared to enforce them.
16. Time-Out:
Here comes with smart and successful way to take time-offs to teach the kid discipline when they do wrong. Send the child to a corner or a seat secluded and remember not to their room. If you end up sending your kid to his own room during the time-out, he evidently will have toys and distractions right next to him letting himself out of the grief of having done something wrong. This strategy gives them time to re-thin what just happened and why is he being punished.
17. Never Hit Your Kid:
Don’t try to hit your kids for any wrong action or words as it will also teach the kid to be aggressive when there are situations out of your such sistution the kids may go into a state of shock or depression also. So in order to fight such things you can resort to discussions which could lead into a productive learning rather than arrogance and ignorance.
The above information on How to deal with disrespectful children helps the parents specially mothers in order to have a better parenting style. As this phase of time is very crucial for the children as well as the parents. So be careful in your actions and words as whatever you say or do gets registered in their mind of the child. So do follow the above tips properly.