How Big Is Your Baby? Week By Week Comparison with Fruits And Veggie


Pregnancy is a long and fun way to pass for the nine months. Each week has its own way of development in a mother womb. The size of the baby during pregnancy increase week by week.

In this article you will get to know about the pregnancy baby size by week which is compare to some fruits and veggie. So just go through the article.

How Big Is Your Baby?

As we know the baby doesn’t stay in one size for long. It is really fun to compare your fetus to fruits. Right from poppy seeds to watermelon the baby size (R) in womb increase week by week. At every stage and week the fetus size during pregnancy matters a lot in figure outing whether the pregnancy is progressing normally and the baby is growing as they ought to be as per week by week.

The sizes of baby during pregnancy right from a poppy seeds it increase to 3.5 kilos of baby weight when they are born.

Check Out These: How Big Is Your Baby? Week By Week Comparison with Fruits And Veggie.

  • 1-3 Weeks Baby Sizes:

This is the first phase of your pregnancy. It is a stage when conception occurs. The conception occurs two week after the first day of your last menstrual periods. At this stage the baby is just formed and begins growing from a two cell.

The fertilized egg is called a zygote at this stage. The size of the baby is not measurable at this period of time. By week three, the baby is a blastocyst (a ball of multiple cells) that get to the uterine lining which confirm your pregnancy.

  • Week 4:

At this stage the baby literally forms to an embryo.It is a ball of 32 cells which are about the size of a poppy seeds. At this stage the cells get separate into three district layers at which the baby internal organs and cells get develop.

Length: 0.1cm (0.04in)

Weight: Less than 1g (0.035oz)

How You Will Feel:

At this period of time the pregnant mother don’t experience much of symptoms as they can get confused with missed periods. They get to feel bleeding and mild cramping.

  • Week 5:

At this period of week the pregnant women will experience the early sign and symptoms of pregnancy. The ball of the cell is now resembles as big as a peppercorn. The baby size in womb starts to grow.

Length: 0.1cm (0.04in)

Weight: Less than 1g (0.035oz)

How You Will Feel:

At this as I mention above you will be experiencing certain sign and symptoms of pregnancy such as morning sickness, frequent urination.

  • Week 6:

At this week the size of baby during pregnancy get tippled and is being protected by amniotic fluid. Heart beat of your baby you can get to hear at this phase of week. The kidney and liver also start developing at this week. The baby size by week is compare to as an pomegranate seeds.

Length: Around 1cm (0.4in)

Weight: Less than 1g (0.035oz)

How You Will Feel:

The pregnant women can experience mood swings, fatigue, aversion to food and smells .

  • Week 7:

There is much difference in the size of a baby at this week of pregnancy. The baby is now about a size of as a blueberry. By this week the arms buts get developed of the baby. This is an important week too as the brain of a baby grows at least about 3rd of its full size.

Length: Around 1cm (0.4in)

Weight: Less than 1g (0.035oz)

How You Will Feel:

At this week of pregnancy the pregnant women experience nausea, stomach upset persist, sore breasts and frequent urination.

  • Week 8:

The baby size in wombs get slight increase in size as it looks like kidney bean. This a stage in which the baby shaped into a form of human. The hand and feet have webbed fingers and toes. The baby constantly move inside the womb at this phase of time.

Length: 1.6cm (measured from crown to rump) (0.62in)

Weight: 1g (0.035oz)

How You Will Feel:

The pregnant women feel bit lethargic.

  • Week 9:

The baby get developed from embryo to fetus at this stage of week. The baby look more of like a cherry. At this time frame of period the digestive tracts and reproductive organs are formed. The genitals are in place but that does not mean that you would able to determine sex at this point of time.

Length: 2.3cm (0.9in)

Weight: 2g (0.07oz)

How You Will Feel:

The mothers often experience morning sickness, mood swings and laziness.

  • Week 10:

The baby is about the size of a kumquat. The baby can stretch his spine. Their eyes and eyelids are more developed and their eyebrows are beginning to grow at period of this week.

Length: 3.1cm (1.22in)

Weight: 4g (0.14oz)

How You Will Feel:

Generally at this stage the appetite increases for the pregnant mother at this stage. They may also experience pain in the abdomen as your uterus grows larger to accommodate the foetus.

  • Week 11:

During week 11 of your pregnancy the baby is starting to look more like a baby an actual human baby. The baby size is compare to figs fruits. At this week the length and weight of a baby are in the head.

Length: 4.1cm (1.61in)

Weight: 7g (0.25oz)

How You Will Feel:

By this week the nausea could begin to reduce. The mother experience breast tenderness,excessive saliva,faintness or dizziness.

  • Week 12:

At this week the sizes of baby during pregnancy is almost three inches long. It looks like a sizes of plum. At this stage of the week the fingernails, toenails,and bones are formed and a fine layer of hair is cover over the body of the baby,

Length: 2.13 in.

Weight: 0.49 oz

How You Will Feel:

The mother feel or experience low level of energy due to lot of hormonal imbalance. The pregnancy mother will likely to get headache due to changes in blood pressure.

  • Week 13:

The baby is almost a size of pea pod around the week 13. Now youcan clearly see the baby structure from head to toe. At this stage the baby is quite active and do a lot of movements.The riskiest part of your pregnancy is over, and your chance of miscarriage has dropped to only 1 to 5 percent.

Length: 7.4cm (2.91in)

Weight: 23g (0.81oz)

How You Will Feel:

In this stage the pregnant mother need to drink plenty water in order to keep her hydrated. The energy level increases along with a spike in libido of the mother.

  • Week 14:

This is the stage when the pregnant mother enters to the second trimester. The baby look as big as lemon at this week. All the internal organs formed during this stage and continue to mature from this point till they come out.

Length: 8.7cm (3.42in)

Weight: 43g (1.15oz)

How You Will Feel:

Towards this time of your pregnancy the baby bump is visible. The mother won’t feel lethargic anymore.

  • Week 15:

Here comes to an interesting phase where the baby is compare to an apple as the baby size grows up to this fruit. At this stage the baby sense of hearing gets develop. The brain controls all the muscles in her body and they are able to move. If this is your first baby, you probably won’t feel him moving for several more weeks.

Length: 10.1cm (3.98in)

Weight: 70g (2.47oz)

How You Will Feel:

The mom experience appetite increase and heart palpitations.

  • Week 16:

The baby is about the size of an avocado.At this week the baby start making sucking motion with their mouth. You can feel the baby movement. The baby get a fully functional circulatory system in place.

Length: 11.6cm (4.57in)

Weight: 100g (3.53oz)

How You Will Feel:

By this week the naval lines become visible.This is a stage of mix bag of symptoms. The mother would experience backaches and constipation, as well as also have glowing and radiant skin.

  • Week 17:

Around this week the size of the baby is as big as a turnip. The baby may develop hiccups in the mother womb first time. The reproductive system such as the uterus and vagina in girls and the penis in boys begins to take shape at this week.

Length: 13cm (5.11in)

Weight: 140g (4.93oz)

How You Will Feel:

The mother may have excessive sweating, increased vaginal discharge, and constipation.You also experience weight gain, and strange dreams.

  • Week 18:

At this point of time the baby grows as a size of a bell pepper. The gender of the baby gets clear at this week. Large intestine and digestive gland also develops at this stage of week.

Length: 14.2cm (5.59in)

Weight: 190g (6.70oz)

How You Will Feel:

You feel the baby move more often and frequently.

  • Week 19:

Your baby is about the size of an heirloom tomato. This week, vernix caseosa is coating their body. This waxy material serves as a protective barrier against wrinkling and scratching. (R)

Length: 15.3cm (6.02in)

Weight: 240g (8.47oz)

How You Will Feel:

At this stage the ligament pains are usually experience by the mothers. The mother may feel dizziness and less light headed.

  • Week 20:

This week the baby is more like a small banana. The baby can be measured from heads to heel from this week. You can talk to your baby. The baby can hear to you.

Length: 25.6cm (measured from head to heel) (10.08in)

Weight: 300g (10.58oz)

How You Will Feel:

By this the baby could able to kick inside your womb. Moreover the baby movements become more prominent.

  • Week 21:

The baby is as long as a carrot by now of the week. The baby’s subtle movements can be felt by the mother. The baby can now swallow and has fine hair called lanugo covering most of the body.

Length: 26.7cm (10.51in)

Weight: 360g (12.69oz)

How You Will Feel:

The mothers have substantial weigh gain around this week .You may experience vaginal discharge which is normal.

  • Week 22:

By this week by week pregnant baby size is compared as a papaya. At this stage the ultrasound photos will start looking more like what you might imagine a baby to look like. They will begin in making a protein called surfactant, which helps in breathing them independently once they are born.

Length: 27.8cm (10.94in)

Weight: 430g (15.17oz)

How You Will Feel:

At this point of time you begin to develop mood swing. The skin may show sign of itching and heartburn.

  • Week 23:

The baby is about a size of a large mango. The babies who are born at 23 weeks can survive with months of intensive care, but may have some disabilities. The baby is able to recognize voice as the hearing ability get developed at this week.

Length: 28.9cm (11.38in)

Weight: 501g (1.1lb)

How You Will Feel:

The pregnant mother may continue to experience frequent urination and fatigue. You feels lots of kicks and jabs at this stage as the baby experiments with movement in their extremities.

  • Week 24:

The baby is as long as an ear of corn. The baby nostrils gets open now for “practice breathing”; They go through the same motions of real breathing but inhale amniotic fluid instead of air.

Length: 30cm (11.8in)

Weight: 600g (1.32lb)

How You Will Feel:

Around this week you will experience Sleep disturbance and feeling low in energy are the common symptoms. You may also see stretch marks as the baby pushes your uterus out and your skin expands to accommodate it.

  • Week 25:

The baby is compare to an size of an rutabaga. At this stage the baby startle reflex starts developing.

Length: 34.6cm (13.62in)

Weight: 660g (1.46lb)

How You Will Feel:

At this point of week you develop bit of discomfort. As the uterus starts stretching out. You have the urge to frequent urinate too.

  • Week 26:

The baby is about the size of a cabbage. The baby has a fairly developed spinal cord at this point of the week. The Eyelids begin to open and the brain starts functioning actively.

Length: 35.6cm (14.01in)

Weight: 760g (1.68lb)

How You Will Feel:

In this week of pregnancy joint pains and back pains you often experience. Your belly may be much bigger than before.

  • Week 27:

The baby size is as big as cauliflower. This is a time to track the baby movement.Their ears have developed and can distinguish as sound at this stage of the week.

Length: 36.6cm (14.41in)

Weight: 875g (1.93lb)

How You Will Feel:

Feeling tired and an increased urge to pee are the pregnancy symptoms vat this week. You experience fetal moments and even belly expands.

  • Week 28:

At this week the baby is about the size of an eggplant. The baby brain start functioning at this week. The Lungs start developing with more complex structures and this will helps to circulate oxygen throughout the baby’s blood vessels of the baby.

Length: 37.6cm (14.80in)

Weight: 1kg (2.21lb)

How You Will Feel:

At this stage the uterus get stretch further. The baby’s movements will also be stronger, and probably keep you up at night.

  • Week 29:

By this week, your baby is around the size of a butternut squash. The brain starts regulating the body temperature of the baby. The baby begins to gain weight with fat deposition under the skin.

Length: 38.6cm (15.19in)

Weight: 1.15kg (2.54lb)

How You Will Feel:

In this stage it difficult to get a good sleep at night. The pregnant mother experience haemorrhoids, itchy skin, constipation.

  • Week 30:

The baby is about a size of a cucumber by this week. The baby eyes are now open during their waking hours and their bone marrow is collecting red blood cells at this point of week.

Length: 39.9cm (15.71in)

Weight: 1.32kg (2.91lb)

How You Will Feel:

The mother feels shortness of breath and exhaustion at this stage of pregnancy.

  • Week 31:

The baby could be comparable to a large coconut and do have a sense of taste that is developed enough to taste the amniotic fluid at this period of the week.

Length: 41.1cm (16.18in)

Weight: 1.5kg (3.31lb)

How Will You Feel:

At this periods of time you may sweat excessively.Achy back, heartburn, swelling are the common symptoms of this week of pregnancy.

  • Week 32:

The baby is now the size of a Chinese cabbage and has a complete set of toes and fingernails at this point of time. Their nervous system has developed enough to regulate their body temperature. (R)

Length: 42.4cm (16.69in)

Weight: 1.7kg (3.75lb)

How You Will Feel:

The hands, face and legs might begin to swell at this week of pregnancy. They will likely to experience vaginal discharge, dark nipples and leaky breasts.

  • Week 33:

The baby is almost a size of a pineapple. At this stage the baby sleep a lot. Their lungs also get matured at this point of time.The baby’s skills and reflexes are developing at this week.

Length: 43.7cm (17.20in)

Weight: 1.9kg (4.23lb)

How You Will Feel:

The mothers gain more weight at this point of pregnancy.

  • Week 34:

The baby is the size of a cantaloupe. Their bones are fully developed by now, and they can turn their head, pirouetting, and moving her body from side to side.

Length: 45cm (17.71in)

Weight: 2.1kg (4.73lb)

How You Will Feel:

The mother feel their stomach lower than it was before. This is because the baby would have descended to the pelvis for final delivery.

  • Week 35:

The baby is about a honey dew melon size at this week. This is the stage of rapid weight gain of the baby. The babies are in vertex position at this week.

Length: 46.2cm (18.19in)

Weight: 2.3kg (5.25lb)

How You Will Feel:

The mothers will be have painful swelling of feet and hands. The mother often will go to bathroom more often at this stage.

  • Week 36:

The baby at this week is close to the size of a romaine lettuce. The baby starts gaining around 1oz per day from around this week. The skull is not fused as it overlaps while the baby and makes its way through the birthing canal.

Length: 47.4cm (18.66in)

Weight: 2.6kg (5.78lb)

How You Will Feel:

The position of the baby can be felt down in the abdomen at this week. The ability to breath also increase at this week.

  • Week 37:

The baby is now as long as a stalk of Swiss chard. At this week the fetal movements of the baby get reduced due to insufficient space inside the womb. Fat starts depositing under the skin to regulate the body temperature and maintain the blood sugar level of the baby around this phase of pregnancy.

Length: 48.6cm (19.13in)

Weight: 2.9kg (6.30lb)

How You Will Feel:

The pregnant women may have colostrum leak often by this week.

  • Week 38:

This week is compared to a size of a stalk of rhubarb.Connections are forming in her brain that it helps in swallow and even sleep better once they are born.

Length: 49.8cm (19.61in)

Weight: 3kg (6.80lb)

How you will feel:

The contradiction get closer together at this point of week. You may experience anxiety too as you are too close to delivery.

  • Week 39:

The baby is now comes up to the size of a small watermelon and develops a new layer of skin which is much tougher than its older skin.

The lungs continue to develop several air sacs to help the baby take its first breath after birth.

Length: 50.7cm (19.96in)

Weight: 3.3kg (7.25lb)

How You Will Feel:

At this point of week frequency of contractions increase and the cervix becomes smoother and softer for the delivery mother.

  • Week 40:

By the time the baby born they are compare to an are around the end of the pregnancy cycle.

Length: 51.2cm (20.16in)

Weight: 3.4kg (7.63lb)

How Will You Feel:

You can experience labor pain at any movement of time.

Hope this article has give you a clear picture of baby size compassion to fruits from week by week. Every time you see these fruits and vegetables, you will be reminded of the life inside you and feel proud of being a mother.