Did you ever think of the ingredient in the store-bought baby wipes? Do you know what is in there? Well, this is the main reason why we are going to help you with the homemade baby wipes today to take care of your little sensitive darling and keep them off the diaper rashes and broken skin and use of unknown harmful products.
There are many brands which endorse the non-toxic and baby safe material etc. in their super expensive products. A lot of baby wipes that we buy online or in the stores, do clean well but leave the skin dry. And the raw skin really hurts. But who would want to take a risk with their newborn being the most sensitive and vulnerable of us all? Natural baby wipes are one of the most important things that you can really use to take care of the newborn and with ease and lesser money. You can make all-natural baby wipes at home without much effort by following the very basic simple steps below.
Best Homemade Baby Wipes:
You do not have to run to the store now if your baby wipes are all used up! We have got for you the recipe for the best organic baby wipes. The basics of making the all-natural baby wipes would follow the same process but with different ingredients:
DIY BABY WIPES Basic Requirements:
- Organic cotton reusable wipes (or 2 ply paper towels if you want disposable wipes)
- Air-tight container for your wipes
Coconut oil, Tea Tree Oil baby Wipe:

Coconut oil is rendered the best for the skin for all ages. Thus a simple way of making natural organic baby wipes with coconut oil, follow the below:
- 2 teaspoon of a baby wash of your choice
- 2 teaspoon of Coconut oil
- 4-5 drops of tea tree oil/ any essential oil
- 2 cups of hot water
- Roll paper towels and airtight container
How to Make:
- Take a container and mix coconut oil, baby wash and tea tree oil together in hot water – whisk well.
- Place the paper towels in the container and pour this mixture over the towels and let it sit for 4-5 minutes.
- You can also add avocado oil to this content as it helps to repair baby’s skin and provides a natural barrier against wetness.
- Adding 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel acts as a good moisturizer too.
- Sweet almond oil could be added instead of the olive oil in the content.
This makes it the best organic baby wipes.
What are the Options for the Wipes?

For the reusable wipes, you can have a tea towel that works great. Homemade cloth baby wipes also do well. Using cloth diapers, you will be able to wipe more. Do not use towels as they are too bulky and also soak up too much of the solution. Your baby does not need as much either.
Why Should You Use Homemade Baby Wipes for Sensitive Skin?
The homemade baby wipes are absolutely the best formula to care for the skin naturally. The best skin care products are organic and hence having a natural baby wipe fits the best for your little one.
1. You know what it is made up of: You absolutely have control over the ingredient and these are simple organic ways to have natural resources put into use. The natural ingredients have been proven to be the best and effective one for ages. You very well know where have they come from and how they are grown. Gives you a sense of satisfaction of knowing that all the natural ingredients are going into your baby’s care and body.
2. It is cost-effective: Yes, can you believe it that going all natural is cost-effective? This is the best part about using homemade baby wipes for sensitive skin. Coconut oil is readily available and so is Tea tree oil or avocado oil. They also last for a while and you can make them over again very simply. Trust us, you save a bundle by making your own baby wipes.
Something about this noteworthy is that there is no exact amount or ratio of the ingredients that must go in. However, the most important bit is the wipes that you use and how much it soaks the content. You surely want your wipes to be nice and soft owing to which you will have to variate the mixture as per your requirement. The cotton wipes absorb the mixture differently as compared to the disposable ones. When you are using reusable towels or wipes, just pour the solution into a container and then dip these towels for a while until they are saturated. Remove and store it in an airtight container.
You can also add in other essential oil which is natural like lavender or frankincense as they give a beautiful odor and keeps the skin well too. You can use whichever is available to you easily. Do not use stronger or harsher ones like peppermint and oregano.
Also fairly depends on your container how you would like to place your wipes if you would like to do an accordion folding or leave the towel with the roll in a tall container or cut it into half to make it fit a smaller one. Homemade organic baby wipes are the best formula to care for your sensitive little one.