15 Home Remedies To Treat Acne In Toddlers


Baby’s skin is naturally smoother and softer without any external creams. The biggest challenge for the new mom is to protect the newborn skin from the rashes, chemicals, fragrances, clothing, and baby products. Moms will always pay attention while choosing these. Skin problems will find their own way to reach the baby in many forms.

Frustration is common in teenagers while trying to cope with the pimples that are painful and uncomfortable. But parents are surmised to see this acne even with their little one. Why this occur to babies? How to treat it? Go through this article to find out more about the acne in toddlers.

Acne in Toddlers and Types:

Acne is a common skin inflammatory condition which occur due to the oil generating sebaceous glands. These glands are located at the base of the hair follicles. Opening of the hair follicles may be blocked due to the excess skin cells and the oil block. It plugs the oil glands and enables the growth of bacteria. This condition eventually leads to the formation of the pimples.

It is usually associated with the teens and in rare cases with the toddlers. As this condition occurs in the toddlers, you need to know more about the causes, symptoms, and the treatment for the acne in toddlers.

There are different types of acne in the newborns, infants, younger children, and adults.

● Pustule: Inflammation of the hair follicles results from the bacteria. Pustules are closer to the skin surface.
● Papule: under this condition the wall of the hair follicle gets irritated. Papules appear deeper in the skin.
● Nodule: they appear deeper, larger, and more solid.
● Cyst: This is usually a cyst filled with the pus.

Symptoms of Acne in Toddlers:


The symptoms of the acne may vary from child. The symptoms of the acne occur in the areas of face, shoulders, upper neck, chest, or back. It is good to consult the dermatologist for the proper treatment, if you notice the following symptoms in your child:

● Small and skin colored bumps or the whiteheads
● Small and dark colored bumps or the blackheads.
● Pimples which appear red, inflamed or filled with the pus
● Solid nodules that appear like the raised bumps
● Darkening of the skin in the affected area
● Scarring of the skin

Causes of Acne in Toddlers:

The circulation of the adrenal and gonadal androgen hormones in the blood cause the acne. Children between the ages of one to seven have the low androgenesis secretion levels. The secretion of the androgen may also get stimulated under certain conditions and some substances.

Here are a few reasons for acne in toddlers:

1. Dairy intake:

Dairy intake has the potential of increasing the acne in the people in the age groups of 7 and 30. Dairy intake is believed to cause acne in the toddlers too.

2. Irritants:

Irritants present in the soap, detergents, and other cleansers may cause acne in the toddlers with the sensitive skin. Skin irritations may stem out when the air perfumes are heavily expressed in the air.

3. Medicines:

Consumption of certain medicines including antidepressants, birth control pills, and the steroids by the breastfeeding mothers may cause the acne in the toddlers.

4. Dietary changes:

Mother’s food may have impact on the physical, and skin conditions of the toddlers. Dietary changes of the breastfeeding mom may result in the acnes in their toddler.

5. Hormonal disturbances:

Some studies have suggested that the hormonal change in the mother may be passed to the baby through the breastmilk. In some toddlers, the acne may happen due to the hormonal changes in themselves. Blood test is recommended if any kind of the hormonal change is suspected.

How to Diagnose childhood Acne?

The best way to diagnose is to consult the dermatologist. He could be able to diagnose the symptoms of the acne and able to tell that whether it is acne or not.

Home Remedies for Acne in Children:

Home remedies are the handy treatments that can cure and alleviate the symptoms of the mild and moderate acne.

1. Extra virgin coconut oil:


This is one of the best remedies to get rid of toddler acne. Coconut oil has the soothing and the anti-inflammatory effects. It is well known to treat the conditions throughout the body.

Unrefined organic coconut oil can soothe and offer moisture to your baby’s skin. Apply and massage few drops of the coconut oil over the affected area for few days can help your child alleviate the symptoms of the acne.

2. Sunflower seed oil:


Sunflower seed oil is something that you can find in your pantry. Studies have showed that sunflower seed oil is effective in the treatment of the baby Eczema and well know aid to heal the skin. It will provide protection to the child’s skin against the bacterial infection.

Apply few drops of the sunflower seed oil to the affected area gently and levae it for about 20 minutes before washing.

3. Oatmeal bath:


This is one of the best ways to prevent toddler acne. Oatmeal can help to remove the excess oil in the skin. It has antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties that help to treat the dry skin and remove the dead cells. Saponins in the oatmeal act as the natural cleansers. They help in eliminating the dirt and oil that is clogged to the pores.

Fill the small mesh bag with the ground oatmeal and add it to the bathtub of your baby. Then the water will give the milky appearance. Give your child regular baths with the oatmeal for the relief. It balances the pH levels of the skin that help in reducing the inflammation.

4. Cornstarch:


Cornstarch is readily available in the pantry and it can create wonders. It is mostly used by the people with the oily or shiny skin. It can be used as the natural facial cleanser to remove the dead cells. Mix it with water and just apply it over the affected area and notice the difference. It can dry on its own and can eliminate the shades of the acne.

5. Honey and Lemon:


This is one of the best toddler acne natural remedies. Both honey and lemon can clean and offer the nourishment to the skin. These can work well with all kinds of the skin including the delicate skin.

Mix lemon and honey in the equal proportions and leave it for about 25 minutes and then wash it off with the warm water.

6. Breastmilk:

For the babies and the toddlers breastmilk can create wonders. Because of the properties that it holds, it is believed to be the best remedy to fight against the skin conditions.

Express a few drops of the breast milk and dip the cotton ball in the breast milk and apply it over the affected area. Rinse it off with the warm water after 15 minutes. This treatment needs to be done on the regular basis for the effective results.

7. Vitamin B12:

B12 is known to perform many important functions including helping the body to produce the red blood cells, creating DNA, and protecting from one type of anemia.

A tropical version of the vitamin B12 could be beneficial in treating the acne in toddlers. It relieves the symptoms of the acne by lowering the levels of the nitric oxide.

8. Vinegar:

Vinegar is effective in killing the skin bacterium and washing off the unwanted dirt and the oils from the skin.

It is not safe to use the concentrated vinegar on your baby’s skin as it may burn off their sensitive skin. Dilute 1 part of the vinegar with 10 parts of water. dip the cotton ball in the solution and dab it gently on the affected area.

It is not sure that all the baby skin’s respond to the vinegar in a positive way. So never apply it directly over the face, apply it over the another part of the body and see whether the skin turns red or inflamed. If that happens avoid using it.

9. Talcum powder:

Due to the cooling effect the talcum powder is popular for treating the baby acne and the diaper rashes. Look at the label to know the dry ingredients in the powder.

Sprinkle some quantity of talcum powder in your palms and rub it gently in your baby’s acne affected areas and use the finger tips for the best results. Care should be taken to make sure that your baby should not inhale this as this is harmful.

10. Sandalwood Paste:

Sandalwood is well known for cooling and anti-inflammatory properties.

Sandalwood paste is effective in treating the tiny spots of the acne on the skin. Mix one part of the sandalwood powder with two parts of the mustard oil to make out the paste.

11. Humidifier:

There is no absolute treatment for the Acne. The best treatment is to help your child alleviate the symptoms.

Sleeping with the humidifier will help your baby combat with the dryness in the air. Adding moisture to the room will help your little one feel comfortable.

12. Magnesium:

Magnesium helps to increase the overall appearance of the skin by lowering cortisol levels. It stabilizes the hormonal imbalances and improves the cellular processes. It is one of the nature’s best anti stress element.

Magnesium lotion can help to soothe the baby’s skin condition.

13. Calendula oil:

This oil is derived from the marigold flower and is well known for its antifungal, anti inflammatory, and anti bacterial properties. This is very beneficial as the main goal of the parents is not only to soothe but also to prevent the infection that its antibacterial properties will help to achieve this.

Pat your baby’s skin dry after bathing and massage with calendula oil. It is a perfect choice for the acne prone skin of the baby.

14. Make some changes in your diet:

Food alone does not cause or prevent the acne. Genes, lifestyle, and what we eat will play an important role in this skin condition.

If you are a breastfeeding mom and aiming to cure the acne in your baby the foremost step to follow is to avoid some foods including sweet, sour foods, and dairy products because, these foods make the condition worse.

15. Avoid hard water:

Since hard water is rich in minerals, it can form the build up of soap residues on the skin which in turn blocks the pores of the skin. Most of the skin conditions result from the blocked skin pores.

On frequent use of hard water, skin becomes dry, flaky, and itchy. Hard water can also affect the skin by giving the dull appearance and can contribute to the itchy scalp.

Here is a simple test to find the hardness of the water:

Take a clear and transparent bottle with at least 350 ml of water. Add 10-12 drops of liquid soap to the water and shake the bottle. If the bubbles do not increase or the water gives the cloudy appearance, you can conclude that it is hard water.

If you have the hard water, use to water softener that can rinse off the soap easily.

How to treat acne in Toddlers?

Acne does not require treatment in toddlers. Few cases demand the treatment. Identifying the cause of acne plays a prominent role in planning the treatment which is done by the doctors.

The following is the recommended treatment plan for the acne in the toddlers.

● Tropical retinoids are recommended for the application on the acne
● Benzoyl peroxide is another ointment used for the tropical application.
● Tropical antibiotic antibiotic ointments such as erythromycin are effective to treat the acne in toddlers.
● If the tropical applications are not effective in treating the acne, antibiotics like erythromycin, trimethoprim etc are prescribed.

Acne treatment will be planned by the doctor basing on the underlying pathology. A treatment will be planned by the endocrinologist in case of any hormonal issues.

Tips to Reduce and Prevent the Acne in Toddlers:

Here are a few tips and precautions that help to reduce the acne in toddlers:

● Ensure that your toddler do not scrub the area near the acne.
● Do not allow them to pop the pimples as they foster the spread of condition
● Do not use over the counter acne medication as they work harsh on your toddler’s skin.
● Use the soaps with very little fragrance to bathe your toddler
● Gentle and mild detergents are recommended to wash your toddler’s clothes.
● Avoid using chemical based oily soaps and creams for your baby’s skin. Use the prescription-based skin products that are specifically designed for the babies.
● Keep the bath time brief and avoid using the extreme cold or hot water.

In conclusion, taking care of your baby’s skin and protecting them from any irritants can help you to reduce the skin infections. Any mild case of skin infection can be treated at home visit the doctor in severe cases for the proper treatment. Be patient, skin acne is typically harmless condition and mild conditions can resolve on its own without being itchy or painful for your baby.