8 Best Sunburn Home Remedies


Sunburn, is generally, a skin damage caused by overexposure to ultraviolet rays. It causes the skin, to become red, sore, warm, tender and have an itchy sensation for about a week. Treating with the best sunburn home remedies, can be a great boon.

Best 8 Sunburn Home Remedies Are

1. Potato paste

Potato-pasteThis is one of the natural remedies for sunburn. Potatoes are well known as pain relievers, and works particularly well on, minor skin irritations and soothing scratches, bites, and burns. It also helps to reduce the inflammation. You can try it out by making a juice, or use as just slices for sunburns.

To use this as the best remedy for sunburn, you will need: 2 potatoes, a grater, blender, or knife and cotton balls, cotton pads, facial tissue, or gauze.

First, wash and scrub the potatoes thoroughly. Then, in a bowl either grate them or cut them up, and put them in a blender. It is not necessary to remove the peels. Give the potatoes, a whirl, until they become in a liquid form, in the blender. You can add, small amount of water, if it is too hard to run. Apply to the sunburn affected areas, by pouring the mixture out in a bowl, and soak cotton balls thoroughly in it.

Another easy method, which you can try is, just soak a gauze, and place it over the burn. Grate the potatoes in a bowl, with a grater, and apply the pulp. Try to remove as much juice as possible, or you can simply slice the potatoes, and apply directly on the burn.

2.Baking Soda

Baking-SodaOne of the best remedy for sunburn. As baking soda, contains alkaline properties, it can provide a soothing nature on sunburn skin. Additionally, it also contains, antiseptic properties, that will help relieve the itchy sensation caused due to sunburn.

In your bath tub, fill it up with cold water, and add one cup of baking soda and mix well. Soak your body in the water, for about 15 minutes. Pat dry or allow your body to dry. You can do this natural home remedy, to get effective results.

Another option, is you can mix, four tablespoons of baking soda with enough water to make a paste. Using a cotton ball, apply the paste directly, on the affected skin. Let it dry for 10 minutes, then wash it off with lukewarm water. Depending on the severity of the sunburn, you can follow this remedy, once or twice a day, or for several days.

3. Coriander oil

Coriander-oilThis could be one of the best sunburn home remedies. Using coriander oil, as an essential oil, by lightly rubbing it onto your sunburn, can provide a soothing effect on your skin.


MilkThe most readily item, in every household, which provides immediate relief from sunburn. Make sure not to use it, if you have any allergies, to dairy products.

Using skimmed milk (R), may be the best option, as full-fat milk, may have an oily effect on the skin.

Before applying milk, wash your face, hands, and all other affected sunburn areas of the body, with plain water. Pat or air dry the affected area. In a bowl, take a cup of cold milk, and leave for about 5 minutes. You can add 3-5 drops of essential oils, like lavender or peppermint oil, only for the extra fragrance.

Dip a cotton pad in the milk and apply gently on the inflamed areas. Allow the milk to dry on the skin, as it will form a thin layer, that locks the moisture in the skin. After a few hours, wash off the milk film on the skin, and again repeat the process.

5.Aloe vera

Aloe-veraOne of the best sunburn home remedies to help repair your skin. The cool, soothing affect of aloe vera, reduces the redness, caused due to the sunburn. Take an aloe vera plant and squeeze some of the gel, from the leaves onto your burn. Rub the gel in gently. Allow it to dry on its own. Repeat this for about five or six times daily, or for several days. The gel, causes the blood vessels to constrict, soothing a painful burn.

6.Black Tea

Black-TeaBlack tea can be beneficial in treating irritated and sunburned skin, due to its antioxidants properties. The tannins (R), in the black tea, helps draw heat from sunburned skin, and helps protect the skin from UV damage. It also restores the pH balance of the skin, and reduces inflammation. For a more cooling effect, you can add mint to the tea.

7.Cool Compress

Cool-CompressApply cold compresses on the affected area, to reduce the inflammation and pain associated with sunburn. The cold compresses, will reduce inflammation, by constricting the tiny blood vessels.

You can apply the cold compress, by wrapping a handful of ice cubes in a damp cloth. Hold the compress over the affected area, as long as you feel the cooling sensation. To relieve discomfort, apply several times a day. Make sure not to apply the ice directly on the skin, as it may cause damage.


CornstarchThis is one of a traditional remedy for all types of skin rashes, including diaper rash in babies. Use this as a cure for sunburn, as a paste or a solution.

Make a paste of about 2 tbsp of cornstarch, with water to form a paste. Apply it directly with fingers, for small areas such as a burnt nose or earlobes. For affected areas such as face, hands and chest, with a cup of cup of cornstarch in 2 cups of water, make a thin solution. Shake well to get a uniform mixture. With a wet cloth, apply on the skin, and allow it to dry. If you experience a sunburn or a burnt back, just sprinkle corn starch on damp skin, and spread it gently with a soft sponge or powder puff. Another good idea, is to sprinkle the cornstarch, on the bed covers to prevent skin irritation when you sleep.

By Supraja