How to Treat Hives Permanently Naturally at Home


Hives are a skin rash or irritation which results due to an allergen in the environment. These are due to the body’s response of releasing histamines to counter the allergic effects due to food, climate, temperature, sunlight, medicines and more extraneous factors. Hives are medically known as urticaria. Swollen red bumps break on the skin and they continue to pain, itch and burning sensations too. These may stay for hours or even days before fading away.

How to Treat Hives Naturally at Home:

treat-hives-naturallyHives are temporary and generally not very severe, though they must be immediately treated before they spread or become painful. There are several home remedies which can be done to treat hives at home naturally. For anything severe se your health care provider immediately. Some ways on how to cure hives fast at home:

1- Cold compress:

Cold compress is the most easy and quick way of reducing any inflammations and swelling caused by hives. This also helps in soothing the itch and pain or sting sensations if any. As cool temperature helps in shrinking the blood vessels and block further release of histamines. This further alleviates itch and swelling too. Just wrap ice cubes in a cloth or take a cold shower, do not put ice directly on the skin infection

2- Vitamin C diet:


Fruits which are rich in Vitamin C can help in reducing the allergic reactions and hives from our body. Vitamin C is good for skin and acts on histamines to reduce its effects. This also reduces the pain and discomfort also a great deal. And heals the system fast to cure hives from skin. In addition to comsuming apply Fruit pulp mixed with zinc on the site of hives.

3- Baking soda:


Baking soda is helpful for treating hives effectively. The rich anti-inflammatory properties of baking soda help in subsiding the effects of histamines. Also reducing the itch and swelling. Just take a bath in baking soda infused water or sit in a bathrub with small amount of baking soda mixed in water for a few minutes twice a day for benefits

4- Oatmeal scrub:


Uncooked oatmeal can help in getting rid of itch and pain around hives. Just mix oatmeal and baking soda and add some water to make a thick paste. Apply on the area of hives and leave for 10 minutes now rub it gently a sa scrub. This also cures hives after a few applications

5- Apple cider vinegar:


ACV is a magic potion for all skin and health ailments. A naturally occuring alkaline solvent with rich anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and healing properties it is a great cure for hives. The anti-histamine properties in ACV helps in curing inflammation and also body’s immune system gets strengthened. It helps in strengthening and enriching our skin health. You can drink ACv and also take a bath of ACV mixed in water, in addition apply ACV on hive site at least twice a day for relief

6- Ginger:


Ginger is a magical herb with great anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine properties. This helps in reducing inflammation and itch, also improving sirculation around the skin to keep it clean and away from allergens. Just dab ginger peel on the affected area and leave for half an hour. Additionally you can mic ginger juice and sugar and use this as a scrub at the affected site.

7- Aloe vera:


Aloe vera is rich anti-inflammatory properties in addition to anti-microbial properties. It reduces inflammation, reddness and itching from the skin site when applied on the area. Thus by stimulating the area it helps in eliminating inflammatory toxins from the site. Just apply fresh aloe vera gel on the affected site and leave for 15 minutes, then wash it with lukewarm water. Additionally you can drink aloe vera gel juice and boost your body’s immune system too

8- Turmeric:


Turmeric is a rich herb with great anti-inflammatory properties and thus helps in stimulating corticosoids in body which are the anti-inflammatories in our system. Turmeric is also considered a very improtant anti-histamine and antioxidant thus working great in treating hives on our skin. Also curing other skin deformities. Drink turmeric in warm milk or warm water and also add more turmeric in your meals.

9- Basil:


Basil is a great herb with anti-histamine properties. It treats hives and combats itch, sting and inflammation at the site of infection. Boil basil leave in water and allow it to cool down, now apply this at the hives site. Additionally you can crush basil leaves and apply directly at the hives site too

10- Mint:


Mint is a soothinga nd cooling herb with amazing anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory properties. The antioxidant properties also help in alleviating the swelling and burning itch. Boil mint leaves in water and cool it down. Wash the affected hive site using this water at least 5-6 times a day. Additionally drink mint leaves water 2-3 times a day for keeping the body cool and relaxed

11- Witch hazel:


Witch hazel helps in healing skin abnormalities due to its astringent and antioxidant properties. Just dab it a few times on the hivs site during the day.

12- Green tea:


Green tea is rich in catechins thus gives ample benefits for skina nd health. It is a natural antihistamine for hive. Just drink green tea mixed with honey at least 3-4 times a day to see amazing benefits in curing the hives

13- Licorice root tea:


Licorice root tea has rich anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidant properties. Taking this tea at least 2 times a day helps in alleviating the itch, swelling and pain in the skin and also reduces the histamine effects by subsiding teh allergic reactions

The above compilation on How to treat hives permanently naturally at home is to help you in using these home remedies and preventing the itch or sting to cause uneasy and discomfort. These are very common in toddlers and preschoolers, and using natural home remedies can be a great way of reliving and curing. Be sure to see your health care provider if the hives do go away in a few days.

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