Find Out The Best Six Eczema Home Remedies In Children

Find Out The Best Six Eczema Home Remedies In Children

Eczema, also known as Dermatitis, can be a painful skin condition for adults and children. By knowing the symptoms, and triggers, you can manage eczema, and help to keep it under control. Below are few of the best eczema home remedies for children.

What Is Eczema?

Eczema, the most common inflammatory skin disorder affects infants and children. This skin disease causes the skin, to become inflamed, dry, itchy, cracked, rough and swollen. It mainly affects the face, elbows, knees, hands and feet. Sometimes blisters can also occur.

Causes Of Eczema

Some of the most common causes of the condition are-

  • Food Allergies
  • Allergies from certain cosmetic products
  • Excessive Sweating
  • Stress
  • Imbalance with the Immune System
  • Hereditary (Genetics)

Types Of Eczema/ Dermatitis

  • Allergic contact eczema ( dermatitis)
  • Contact dermatitis (Allergic and Irritant)
  • Dyshidrotic eczema
  • Neurodermatitis
  • Nummular eczema
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Stasis Dermatitis

Best Eczema Home remedies

1. Apply Coconut Oil

Apply Coconut Oil

Using coconut oil, is one of the best eczema home remedies. You can apply two to three tablespoons of coconut oil daily, especially on the eczema affected patches. Rinse it off, after about half an hour or you can leave it on the skin for some time. Ensure to have pure or virgin coconut oil for the application.

As coconut oil, is known to contain anti-fungal, antimicrobial coconut oil. Additionally, the antioxidant and antibacterial properties in the oil, can reduce inflammation caused by eczema to a great extent, and can yield good results.

2. Salt and Magnesium Spray

Salt and Magnesium Spray

People who suffer from eczema, the best way to retain moisture to enter the skin, is to use, the salt and magnesium spray as one of the best eczema home remedies. Generally, people with eczema, even go to the beaches, because of the mixture of salt and magnesium, that is present in the water.

You can prepare your own salt and magnesium spray. Mix salt and magnesium, in water, and place it on the atomizer, which will emit the liquid as a fine spray. Now, you can Spray on the affected area whenever needed.

3. Magnesium Salts

Magnesium Salts

The red and itchy skin, caused by eczema, can be treated with Magnesium salts, as one of the best eczema home remedies. You can add this magnesium in your bath, and seal the moisture in the skin. According to experts, people who suffer from eczema, should not soak in water and avoid hot baths or showers, instead opt for lukewarm water.

To prepare this magnesium bath recipe, you will need:
1-2 cups of Epsom salts or magnesium pieces, a 1/2 cup of Sea Salt, natural vanilla extract of about 1/2 tsp and 10-15 drops of essential oil of your choice.

4. Tea Tree Oil for Eczema

Tea Tree Oil for Eczema

The terpenes(R), present in the tea tree oil, makes it a fine antibacterial agent. The tea tree oil, is also known to have excellent disinfectant and soothing properties for any inflamed skin. People with sensitive skin, should not use this alone, instead mix with some other carrier oils, as it is a very strong oil.

To prepare this oil, you will need, 8-10 drops of tea tree oil, along with 1/4 cup of any carrier oil, such as olive oil, coconut oil or sweet almond oil. Take this tea tree oil and mix it with any of the carrier oil, of your choice. Apply this oil, to the affected skin areas by eczema. You can repeat this procedure, for about 2-3 times a day.

You can also add this tea tree oil, in your bathing water, to get relief from the symptoms of eczema.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the best eczema home remedies, is to use apple cider vinegar(R). This vinegar, is known to contain inflammatory properties, that can help relieve the skin from itching, and can be extremely helpful for the skin.

How to use this remedy:

Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with two cups of water. Wash the eczema affected area, with the solution mixture. Allow the area to dry, or you may pat dry the area after some time. You can do this procedure, for two to three times a day, for relief from eczema.

6. Olive Oil for Eczema

Olive Oil for Eczema

Like coconut oil, olive oil, is also known to treat the symptoms of eczema. Olive oil, helps in soothing flare-ups and also provides relief from inflammation. The anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties present in the components of olive oil, helps you get relief from flaky, dry, itchy skin caused by eczema.

Additionally, the moisture and damage caused to the skin, can be recovered fast, by the vitamin E in olive oil. You can prepare an olive oil skin exfoliant to get rid of Eczema.

To prepare this mixture, you will need:

  • Extra virgin olive oil- 10-12 drops
  • Sugar or honey- 1-2 tsp
  • Water- 1/4 cup

To use this mixture, you need to add olive oil and sugar or honey and mix it well with water. Apply this mixture, on your eczema affected skin. Leave it for about 3-4 hours. You can repeat this procedure, once or twice in a day.

By Supraja