Top Home Remedies For An Ear Infection In Children

Top Home Remedies For An Ear Infection In Children

Ear infection is most common in children. An ear infection, also called otitis media, mainly occurs when, a bacterial or viral infection affects the middle ear. Below are few home remedies for an ear infection in children.

What Causes Ear Infection?

When one of your Eustachian tubes, in the ear, becomes swollen or blocked and fluid builds up in your middle ear, ear infection is likely to occur. This ear infection in children, occurs due to:

  • A cold
  • Throat infection or an allergic reaction
  • Sinus infections
  • Excess mucus
  • Tobacco smoking

A child who has an ear infection, may show symptoms such as: earaches and thick, yellow fluid coming from the ears. Ear infections could be painful, due to the inflammation caused in the middle ear.

The severity of the infection can be acute to chronic. An acute ear infection, may be for a short duration of time and are painful, whereas, chronic ear infections recur many times and do not clear up easily. A permanent damage can be caused to the middle and inner ear by the chronic ear infections.

Home remedies for an Ear infection:

Ear infections causes pain. And with few of the best home remedies for an ear infection, you can take measures in alleviating the pain.

1. Warm Compress:

Warm Compress

Using heat, can give you quick pain relief. Try to place a warm, moist compress over your child’s ear. You can make a warm compress from a wash cloth dipped in hot water, or can use a hot water bottle or a heat pack. Make sure, it is not too hot, as it may cause a burn to the skin. Place this warm compress on for about 10 to 15 minutes.

You can also place a ice bag first on the area for about 15 minutes, and then place a warm compress on for another 15 minutes. Do this activity alliteratively, and repeat for two to three times. This may help reduce pain.

2. Clear The Nose:

Clear The Nose

Having a cold, is also one of the cause for a child to have an ear infection. Clearing the nose, can help in relieving the pressure on the ear drum. You can gently squirt a little bit of salt water in the child’s nostril, followed by suctioning. A bulb section device may help to keep the nasal secretions flowing.

3. Wiggle The Ear Gently:

Wiggle The Ear Gently

Ear pain can be relieved by gentle popping, which allows the fluids trapped in the canal to drain. To do this home remedy, you have to hold the outer ear using your thumb and forefinger close to the head, and gently tug and rotate the ear as much as possible without causing discomfort.

Additionally, having a fake yawn, can also have a similar effect of popping the Eustachian tubes.

4. Inhale Soothing Steam:

Inhale Soothing Steam

Using hot steam, can help the fluids in the Eustachian tubes to drain, which may in turn reduce pressure in the inner ear. Adding certain oils to the steam, may also provide an additional benefit for the ear pain.

Add several drops of eucalyptus essential oil or a teaspoon of Vicks, to nearly boiling water in a bowl, and inhale. This may help to open the Eustachian tubes, in relieving pressure and help to drain the fluids from the ear.

For young kids, you can apply a small amount of Vicks to the baby’s chest or back. Allow them to either stand in a very warm shower holding the baby, or let the baby play in a bathroom while a hot shower runs. The steam coming from the vapors will create a soothing effect for the children. Make sure not to place a small child’s head under a towel, over a very hot bowl of water, as the child may get burned. This home remedy may have a positive outcome on a kid’s health.

5. Warm And Essential Oils:

Warm And Essential Oils

To alleviate pain, you can place a few drops of olive oil or sesame oil, which is at room temperature or slightly warmed, in the affected ear.

You can also use, garlic and mullein flower oil in the ear, as garlic has been considered to have antibiotic properties, by the experts. Massaging with lavender oil externally, on outside of the ear, may improve circulation and lead to better inner-ear drainage. Other essential oils which may benefit pain and circulation include eucalyptus(R), rosemary, oregano, chamomile, tea tree, and thyme.

6. Elevate Your Baby’s Head:

Elevate Your Baby’s Head

Another method to use as, remedies of an ear infection in children is, to slightly elevate the crib at the head to improve your baby’s sinus drainage. Make sure, you do not place pillows under your baby’s head. Instead, placing a pillow or two under the mattress, will help in improving his/her health.

Prevention Of Ear Infection:

You can prevent ear infections in children, by avoiding getting cold in the first place. Get a regular test or check up for any allergies, which can range from environmental to food-based allergies. You can even prevent, ear infections in babies, by using particular feeding strategies.

By Supraja