Best 14 home remedies for cough in Kids


Cough in kids is a very common ailment, that occurs as a result of a viral infection. Coughing also occurs, when the lining of the windpipe becomes irritated. Below are a few best home remedies for cough in kids.

Check Out These Best Home Remedies For Cough In Kids.

Common Causes of Cough are

  • Infections
  • Acid Reflux
  • Asthma
  • Allergies/Sinusitis
  • Inhalation of foreign bodies

Home Remedies For Cough in Kids

1. Honey

HoneyAs honey, is known to contain therapeutic properties, this is one of the best home remedies for cough in kids. Honey, soothes inflammation of the throat, and suppresses cough in children. The dosage of honey, depends on your child’s age.

It is, generally, not recommended to give honey, for children under one year of age, as it may cause botulism (R).

If your child, is 2-5 years old, you can give him/her, a half teaspoon of honey, and if he/she is older than 12 years old, it is advisable to give 2 teaspoons of honey, before bedtime.

Make sure, you do not buy honey syrups, as they may contain chemical preservatives, which may change the natural flavor of the honey.

2. Lemon Juice

Lemon-JuiceMix a solution of 1 teaspoon, each of fresh lemon juice and honey, in a cup of warm water. Give this solution, twice or thrice a day, for effective relief from cough.

3. Ginger

GingerThis home remedy is one of the best way to get rid of a cough. Prepare a mixture, of ¼ teaspoon each of cayenne pepper (R) and crushed ginger. To this,add one tablespoon each of apple cider vinegar and honey. Then add, two tablespoons of water to this mixture. Give two tablespoons of this mixture to your child.

4.Organic Poached Pears with Cinnamon

Organic-Poached-PearsThis is an excellent home remedy for dry and tickly cough in kids. Before going to bed, eat a 1/2 to 1 pear, and it feels great on a dry, scratchy throat.

5. Essential Oil Steam Bath

Essential-Oil-Steam-BathA warm steamy bath can also help a nighttime cough. Start a hot bath using the shower, close the bathroom door and let the room get steamy. You can even add a few drops of essential oils into the tub, to soothe a cough. Repeat the same procedure, in the morning for 15 minutes.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple-Cider-VinegarOne of the best remedies for quick relief from cough for kids. In a glass of water, add one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Stir the solution well.

7. Keep her head in an upright position

Keep-her-head-in-uprightKeeping your child’s head in an upright position, facilitates easy breathing. If your child is older than one year, keep a few pillows underneath his/her head, back and shoulders so as to keep the head elevated.

8. Chicken Soup

Chicken-SoupAccording to research, chicken soup, is known to contain anti-inflammatory properties. These properties temporarily thin mucus, relieves congestion, soothes the throat and reduces coughing. Additionally, it also effectively reduces the symptoms associated with cold. Serve warm chicken soup to your child.

9. Keep them hydrated

Keep-them-hydratedLet your child drink lots of water and other fluids such as warm or cold juice, and decaffeinated tea. The advantage of having fluids, is it minimizes the secretions of the body and make it easy to blow the nose and cough.

10. Suck on Popsicle

Suck-on-PopsicleGive your child, sugar-free hard candies, popsicle, frozen berries, cough lozenges or crushed ice to suck on, if he/she is four years or older than that. These will help him/her to relieve from scratchy throat.

11. Homemade Herbal Cough Syrup

You can even give your child herbal home remedies for the treatment of cough. Add one tablespoon cinnamon, ¼ cup chamomile flowers, ¼ cup marshmallow root, and ¼ cup dried or freshly grated ginger root, to one quart of filtered water. Boil this solution, until it reduces to half. Strain the solution. Add honey and lemon juice, when the solution is warm. You can store this solution for about two months, in an airtight container and place it in the refrigerator. Give your child, a teaspoon of the solution, whenever needed.

12. Allium Cepa

Allium-CepaMix one teaspoon of Allium cepa juice with1½ teaspoon of honey. Leave it for 3-4 hours and then give it to your child. Drinking this, will give immense relief from cough and cold.

13. Herbal Tea

Herbal-TeaYou can prepare a herbal tea, as one of the best home remedies for cough in kids. You will need a tablespoon, each of dried thyme leaves, mullein and white horehound. Store this mixture in a jar. In a cup of boiling water, steep 1-2 teaspoons of this herbal mixture, for about 8-10 minutes. Use ½ cup for 25 lbs. Children, and twice the measurement for kids, for thrice a day. This is a good remedy for whooping cough.

14. Herbal Cough Syrup

Prepare a herbal cough syrup, by adding a teaspoon each of lemon balm leaves, horehound leaves, mullein leaves, thyme leaves, marshmallow root, rose hips, and licorice root, to 1½ cups of water. Steep the mixture for about 30 minutes. Strain the solution. To it, add one cup organic fruit syrup or brown rice syrup, ¼ cup vegetable glycerin, and one cup of honey. Allow the mixture to cool it down. Store it in a jar, and place it in the refrigerator. Give this mixture, to your child whenever needed.

By Supraja