6 Type of Healthy Beverage for Your Kids

6 Type of Healthy Beverage

Do healthy drinks gives nutritional value to your kids? Are you stuck with the benefits of healthy drinks for your kids and the best healthy drinks that you can give to your kids? What would be better for kids health? Are such types of question arise in your mind? Just breath in I will help you in figure outing it and will give basic beverage guidance that you need to follow for your kids.

It is important for kids to eat healthy food with health drinks. The amount of kids drink can greatly affect their intake of calories they consume and the calcium needed to build their bones strong.

In this article we will focus on the6 different beverages the kids need to focus on which gives a healthy and nutritional value to kids diets (R) and health.

Why Healthy Drinks for Kids?

Why Healthy Drinks for Kids
ImageSource: thehealthymeals.com

It is the water which gives abundant, refreshing, provide everything to what body needs to replenish the fluids it loses in kids and adult too. Humans relied on it as their only beverage for millions of years.  Then milk came the next, with the advent of agriculture and the domestication of animals. Then came coffee and tea, all such drunk is for taste and pleasure as much as for the fluids they provide. The newcomers in the lists are soft drinks, and energy drinks, and many more. The kids need to drink health drink with healthy food as it greatly affects their intake of calories they consume and the calcium they needed to build their bone strong. The healthy drinks keep the kids from hydration and protect from a hefty dose of unnecessary calories that the kid’s body has a hard time to regulate.

With so many drinks with different choices parents get confuse of what drinks to give to their kids. The drinks that does not effects on health of your kids. it’s easy to be confused about the “best” beverages for health. This prompted a group of nutrition experts from across the U.S. to form the independent Beverage Guidance Panel. These six researchers, including Dr. Walter (R) C. Willett of the Harvard School of Public Health’s Department of Nutrition, reviewed the evidence on beverages and health and ranked categories of beverages into six levels, based on calories delivered, contribution to intake of energy and essential nutrients, and evidence for positive and negative effects on health.

The Beverage Guidance for Kids

The Beverage Guidance Panel distilled its advice into a six-level pitcher much as food experts have done with the food pyramid. The group published its recommendations in the March 2006 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Here is a description of each level:

Level 1: Water

WaterWater provides everything what the body needs (pure H2O)to restore fluids lost through metabolism, breathing, sweating, and the removal of waste. It’s the perfect beverage for quenching thirst and rehydrating the digestive system of kids. Water is a no sugar thirst quencher. Drinking plenty of water can also help the kids to avoid with constipation issues. When it comes from the tap, it costs a fraction of a penny glass. Water should be the beverage that kids turn to most of the time.

How Much do Your Kids Need Water?

It’s impossible to set a single requirement for how much water the hypothetical average the kids need each day. The amount of water need depends on how much your kids eat, what the weather is, and how active your kids are. So instead of setting an estimated average requirement for water, as it has done for other nutrients, the Institute of Medicine has set an adequate intake of water (R) such as-

  • Kids ages 2 to 3 should drink 2 glass (480 milliliters) every day.
  • Kids 4 through 8 should have 2½ glass (600 milliliters) per day.
  • Kids 9 and older should have 3 glass or more (720 milliliters) per day.

Level 2: Tea and Coffee

Tea and CoffeeAfter water, tea and coffee are the two most commonly consumed beverages on the list of beverage. This beverage is given to kids after 2 years of age of your kids. This beverage act a superb home remedies for a lot of health problems of your kids.  Drinking plain tea or coffee especial the herbal ones are calorie-free beverages brimming with antioxidants, flavonoid, and other biologically active substances that are good for health. Green tea, especially has the strong variety that served in Japan which has received attention for its potential and important role in protecting against any heart disease issue in kids, while coffee has its too advantage in health. More research on the health benefits of tea and coffeeJournal of the American Medical Association. 2006; 296:1255-1265 is carried out, but one thing is for certainly true- the addition of cream, sugar, whipped cream, and flavorings can turn the coffee or tea from a healthful beverage to a not-so-healthful beverage. The amount of tea and coffee should not expose every day to kids and even if they have tea or coffee it should be limited to one cup in a day.

Level 3: Low-Fat and Skim Milk and Soy Beverages

Low-Fat and Skim Milk and Soy BeveragesFor kids, milk is a key source of calcium and vitamin D. Milks works wonder for the health and nutritional value to kids. Fortified soy milk is a good alternative source of calcium and vitamin D for those kids who prefer not to drink’s cow’s milk. Both are regard as good sources of protein and other essential micronutrients.  The Low-fat milk and skim milk, sold as 1% or 1.5% milk, in the market which is fat-free which are the best choices for kids because they contain much less amount of saturated fat than reduced-fat milk or whole milk, which it contain 2% and 4% milk fat, as per respectively. Even low-fat milk is high in calories and high levels of consumption which may increase the risk of health-related issues. The calcium and Milk (R): What’s best for your bones and health?. So it’s best for kids to limit milk and the other dairy products to a glass or two in a day or less is fine as long as your kids get enough calcium from the other sources. For growing kids, the ideal amount of milk and calcium is quite less clear, but not pushing beyond two glasses of milk per day which can appear to be providing sufficient nutrition without being excessive.

Level 4: Noncalorically Sweetened Beverages

It often called diet sodas and other diet drinks which are sweetened with calorie-free and artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, saccharin, or sucralose which is a new addition to the market for the drinks sweetened with stevia.  A calorie-free sweetener made from the leaves of a South and Central American shrub. These diet drinks are a better choice than sugar-sweetened soft drinks for kids because they contain lower in calories (R). The possibility that may contribute to their weight gain suggests that they aren’t an innocuous alternative any to water and it should be drunk as the occasional treat rather than as a daily beverage for the kids as well as adult to follow it. For those kids who find it difficult to give up the full-calorie soda, these may be useful in making the transition to healthier beverages for kids like a nicotine patch can do as for smokers in adults.

Level 5: Caloric Beverages with Some Nutrients

Caloric Beverages with Some Nutrients
ImageSource: applestory.biz

This category of beverage drinks for kids includes fruit juice, vegetable juice, whole milk, sports drinks,  and vitamin-enhanced waters beverages. Each has its own pluses and minuses point in it. You must agree 100% of fruit juice has most of the nutrients of the fruit itself in it, but it usually delivers more energy to kids. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends no more than one serving 4 ounces of 100% fruit juice is as part of the daily fruit intake that the kids used to. Fruit smoothies are usually with very high in calories, so they aren’t recommended as daily beverages for kids. The Vegetable juice is a lower calorie alternative to fruit juice but may contain a lot of sodium and protein in it. Whole milk is quite a good source of calcium and vitamin D, which has nearly twice the calories as skim milk. Whole milk is also a significant source of saturated fat, with 4.5 grams per glass. Sports drinks have fewer calories than soft drinks and offer small amounts of sodium, chloride, and potassium. The only adults who really need are endurance athletes who exercise for more than an hour at a stretch and who sweat a lot.

Level 6: Calorically Sweetened Beverages

Calorically Sweetened Beverages
ImageSource: conscienhealth.org

The Beverage Guidance Panel gave its “least recommended” designation to list of beverages that are sweetened with sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, and other high-calorie sweeteners and that have few other nutrients for kids. These include carbonated and non carbonated soft drinks, fruit drinks, lemonade, and other “ades.” in the kids diets. They get the thumbs down as a daily beverage because they provide so many calories and virtually no other nutrients to kids. daily drinking these  kind of beverages can lead to weight gain and increase the risk of any health-related issue in kids. Fruit smoothies, with many flavored like coffee and tea drinks, and many some more so-called energy drinks which also fall into this category.

A Sample Beverage Plan:

A Sample Beverage Plan
ImageSource: quora.com

Your kid’s body would be perfectly content if they drank nothing but water. They would get all the fluid your kids do need and would get all of the nutrients from food itself. But if so many choices are available in the market, then most kids like to drink a variety of beverages. To give some perspective in choosing the category of beverages for your kids, the Beverage Guidance Panel poured its recommendations into a pitcher as shown above. The exact number of ounces isn’t what’s important, these are given as per a typical person taking in 2,200 calories a day. What matters is that the proportions the kids take. Here is one way the Panel suggests getting less than 10 percent of daily calories from these beverages for kids

  • At least half of your kids daily fluid should come from water. For a kid who needs 12 cups of fluid a day, that would mean six cups of water. More is fine up to 100% of your daily beverage your kids needs in a day.
  • About one-third  can come from unsweetened coffee or tea. If your kids flavor your coffee or tea with a lot of sugar, cream, or whole milk, then drinking less would help to manage weight gain in kids. If your kids take a pass on coffee or tea then choose water instead of any other beverage.
  • Low-fat milk can make up another 20 percent, or about two 8-ounce glasses. Less is fine but just make sure your kids get your calcium from another source.
  • A small glass about 4 ounces of 100% fruit juice, is an ideal number of beverage the kids can take.
  • Ideally, zero “diet” drinks are made with artificial sweeteners, but up to 1 to 2 glasses on average of 8 to 16 ounces a day can be given to the kids.
  • An Ideally, zero drinks sweetened with sugar or high-fructose corn syrup, can be given up to a maximum of 8 ounces to kids in a day.

The healthy drink is as important as healthy food for a kids.both matter a lot in the kid healthy living. The above information about the categories of healthy drinks will do help you in providing a better nutrition diet to your kids, for more information on healthy drink receipts you can check on.