10 Habits To Follow For Healthy Family


Ever wondered how to keep your family healthy, fit and strong always? No special DNA is required. Here’s what you need to know for habits for healthy families. Lifestyle makes a difference altogether.

Having a healthy family lifestyle equals being active and stronger together. The US has seen an increased rate of childhood obesity. And what is to be blamed here? Yes, the burger, the soda, the TV, no outdoor activities and many more. But have you given a thought to the overall lifestyle which is causing this? Making a healthy lifestyle choice together is more important to stay healthy and we are here to help you make them easier.

It would not take a lot, just tiny tweaks in what you do each day might make a huge difference and lead you towards a healthy family lifestyle. These tips and tricks will have you motivated and bring in the change that you are looking for. Take a small step at a time and see it working for you and your family for getting some more enthusiasm.

1. Go Outside More and Play:


The best way to keep healthy and in shape, no matter what the age is, is to get moving. For kids, especially all kinds of physical activities are recommended each day. But for adults, it could get down to a minimum of 4 days a week. The 30-minutes brisk walking daily or signing up for marathons or play indoors or outdoors has a positive effect on your health. There are many cool things parents can do to encourage their kids too. When they see you moving out of the home each day for a walk or run, they are bound to get motivated from you and follow your steps. Also to increase the family activity levels, keep planning trips to the beach, go hiking, trekking or camping and have some physical exercise done in the name of exploring and fun. The key to overall good health is only to get moving. The family also gets time to be together and spend some quality time.

2. Enjoy Regular Meals As a Family:

Don’t you think the food tastes better when you have it with your family? A family that eats together is said to be together. Regular family mealtime must be considered as one of the healthiest habits for healthy families. The activity must be a weekly affair, but as the kids keep growing, you must try to bring it in as a daily activity. It is not only a great get-together time for the family but also the homemade meal has lesser calories as compared to outside food, making you feed on healthy food. The family together at the dining table can share their stories and increase a loving bond. You connect to each other while having a meal together. The most challenging part of today’s lifestyle is time for others. And spending quality time with family being the top priorities in the list.

3. Turn off TVs, Phone and Other Gadgets:

The usage of gadgets especially phone has caused a menace among the children. Too much indulgence in all sorts of electronic gadgets has a huge effect on the family’s overall health. Most of the issues like sleep disorders, obesity, and other such problems have developed due to the same. You must consider limiting your family’s interaction with the electronic world and other entertainment to 2 hours a day. Turn off your cellphones during the meal time, especially TV. Encourage family to spend time together talking about their day and experiences that they would love to share. Get into healthy discussions with the family supporting each other to accomplish their goals.

4. Exercise Daily:


Get outdoors and have 20 minutes of exercise daily. It lets your mind free and helps your energy to flow throughout the body. Encourage your family to take up a sport and keeping the hours convenient for all. The daily targets must be made to meet them and help have an organized day. One must enjoy what they do, and hence do not force your kids to run or play. When they see you doing it, they would want to do it themselves. Just walking in the neighborhood for 20 minutes each day makes a difference.

5. Make Healthy Food:

The toughest things for parents are to make the family eat healthily. Picky eaters are everywhere. You have to take ownership to lead your family into a healthy path by making them eat natural food. Do not restrict them from what they like, as that makes them crave for it even more. But keeping good healthy snacks for kids are the best option as it does not let them ask for outside foods. There are plenty of amazing snacks kids love to eat.

6. Communication:

The most quality time with family is the time when you are discussing and sharing. An opportunity for families to sit together and discuss their day is important. What is going on in each other’s daily life and how they can solve the troubles within the family talking? Check if there are things troubling your child or their overall wellbeing. If something is bothering them and might be scared to share with you. You have to create a healthy environment for the kids to grow up strong. On a daily basis sit down and talk or make it weekly if things are smoother. Try giving possible solutions to your kids and assure them that you are there for their support always.

7. Tell Bedtime Stories:


The very common and old routine still holds good in this modern world. While your kid is trying to go to their bed and rejuvenate, it is important that they are relaxed and unwind before sleeping. They are open for great inspiring stories and it becomes a good time to impart knowledge to them. Keep the room cozy for your baby to sleep peacefully.

8. Bond in Bed:

Having regular sex helps to have a healthier life both emotionally and physically. Aim for at least twice a week to have the blissful moment of being together and relaxing in each other’s arms. Work on strengthening your bond and relationship with your partner and the health as well.

9. Praise Each Other and Set a Good Example:


Praise your kids whenever you get time or occasion. Your child will learn from your praising and want to do it more often to hear your praises and see you happy. Educate your little ones on the many benefits of healthy eating habits. And when they do so, by making a healthy food choice, appreciate them. Let them pick their food themselves; ask them to extend a helping hand to you in the kitchen too. A parent who eats unhealthy cannot expect their child to make healthy choices either or promote it. Thus to promote similar habits in kids, you will have to do what you expect first. You must practice what you preach so that kids trust you and follow you. Be the leader of the family and lead them towards a healthier lifestyle each day.

10. Be Patient:

Be patient and true to yourself. Things cannot happen with a wave of a wand. This is no magic, do not expect instant results. Although the best way to go about it is by breaking this huge goal into mini goals and celebrate on achieving each. You are aiming for the bigger one, but having succeeded with the smaller goal only leads you a step towards the bigger thing. Do not let any downfalls dampen your enthusiasm or missing on your exercise routine. Do not make unhealthy choices just because no one is around, be true to you and believe in it first. Empower your kids with making healthy choices too. This helps to make and to believe a stronger bond for the family as a whole.

Let us know if you have any further suggestions or ideas here to make, write to us in the comment’s section.