Gas Pain In Babies; 11 Best Home Remedies For Gas Pain In Babies


What is gas pain in babies? What causes gas pain in babies? How to relieve gas pain in babies? How long does gas pain last in babies? If you are searching the answers for all these questions, then read on further in this article.

Gas pain in babies is too common at least at the initial stage of life. This does happen due to indigestion of the food. The gas pain makes the baby fussy and cranky. It leads to discomfort in the baby.

Well, in this article, you will have a fair share of information about gas pain in babies and the causes behind it. We will also discuss about the various natural remedies that help to get rid of gas pain in babies. So scroll down the article and read on.

What Causes Gas Pain In Babies?


The chances of getting the gas pain in a new born can be due to several reasons. As per the research, it is said that the breastfed baby experience the effects due to gas inducing vegetables that the mother takes during their meals.

It can be also due to acidic foods and excess dairy products in their diet. This happens to anyone and it does not insinuate that anything is wrong. Some of the causes behind the gas pain in babies are as follows-

1. Swallowing Air:

It is observed that the new born baby can swallow the air if they latch on to the breast in correctly. This is one of the major reasons behind gas pain in babies. It also does happen when the baby nurses or drinks from the feeding bottle in a static position.

2. Excessive Crying:

As per the experts, it is said that the baby swallow air when they cry excessively. When the baby cries a lot it is due to a lot of air that being accumulated within the stomach that causes flatulence.

3. Minor Digestive Problem:

It is a normal case that the baby gets gassy when they are constipated Gas is regard as an signal for a gastrointestinal condition, such as reflux. There are certain food items that may contain compounds that can get into breast milk and cause gas pain in babies.

4. An Immature Digestive Tract:

There are lots of studies that have proven that the immature digestive tract can leads to gas pain in babies. As the baby’s body is in a stage of learning how to digest food, they tend to get gas problem more than adults.

5. Drinking Formula Milk:

The gas pain in babies occurs due to them drinking the formula very fast and quick. This as a result leads to improper digestion and can also cause bloating.

6. Gastrointestinal Virus

There are certain viruses that cause stomach problems, such as gas, vomiting, and diarrhea in babies.

7. New Food:

When the infant is exposed to solid food, then it does lead to gas problem in babies. This is because they feel difficult to digest the food at the initial stage of development. It can also occur because of food sensitivity in the babies as well.

As per the experts, it is said that bacteria within the gut can produce excess gas when digesting specific food items in babies. Try to give those solid foods which are easier to digest for the baby at least after few days of their start.

8. Poor Latch to The Nipple:

The babies who do not latch properly to the breast or bottle nipple tend to leave a considerable gap between their mouth and the nipple and this is regarded as one of the major causes behind the gas pain in babies . The gap can permeate the surrounding air, which the baby swallows along with the milk.

9. Too Much Lactose:

This is one of the major causes behind the baby having gas pain as the breast milk contain the fore milk and hind milk. The fore milk contain more of sugar-lactose where as the hind milk is richer in fats.

As per the experts, too much foremilk results in a relative lactose overload so this may contribute to gas or fussiness in babies in most cases.

10. Over Feeding:

Over feeding is also one of the causes behind gas pain in babies. This can also make the baby’s tummy not be able to cope with too much of food at once. As per the Bill Sears M.D., a renowned pediatrician, professor of pediatrics at the University of Irvine, and author of The Baby Book says that “Feeding too fast may produce lactose overload and increased intestinal gas from the breakdown of excessive lactose”.

11. Transient Lactase Deficiency (TLD)

This is regarded as the temporary inability to produce sufficient quantity of the enzyme “lactase”, essential for digestion of “lactose”. This does play a significantly important role in inducing gas pain in babies.

As per the studies and research, the babies are not lactose intolerant and lactose intolerance does not develop until around age 2.

Sign & Symptoms of Baby Gas Pain:

There are certain sign and symptoms of gas pain, such as-

  • Bad breath
  • Flatulence
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Lack of appetite
  • Belching and coating on the tongue
  • Nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea
  • crying while passing gas or soon after
  • arching the back
  • lifting the legs
  • a swollen-looking stomach
  • passing gas or belching

Home Remedies For Gas Pain In Babies:

Here are some of the natural remedies for gas pain in babies. Such as-

1. Apple Cider Vinegar For Gas Pain:


Apple cider vinegar is considered one of the simple and easiest home remedies for gas pain in babies.

It is too good for digestion and digestive disorder problems. It is rich in anti fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti microbial properties as it restores the acid balance in the stomach and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria further more.

All You Need:

  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • A glass of warm water

What To Do

  • Take 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar
  • Mix it well in the glass of water
  • Drink this to soothe.

How Often:

  • Drink it 1-2 times in a day.

2. Fennel Seeds For Gas Pain:


Fennel seed is one of the best home remedies for the making the digestive system in right tract. It also acts as a breath freshener. You can give the fennel seeds in form of tea in order to relieve the gas pain in babies.

All You Need:

  • 1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds
  • 1 cup boiling water

What To Do

  • Boil the water for 10 mins.
  • Then steep the fennel seeds in hot water
  • Strain the water and drink it Or
  • You can also simply chew on a handful of fennel seeds in order to get instant relief from a bloated and heavy sensation of in digested food.

How Often:

  • Do this 2-3 times in a day.

3. Lemon For Gas Pain:


Lemon is rich in acidic properties and it is a natural remedy that works great for the improvement of digestion.

It provides with instant relief from the bloated stomach. It is also rich in antioxidant properties which aid the metabolism in the body as well.

All You Need:

  • 1 lemon
  • A glass of hot water

What To Do:

  • Squeeze the lemon juice to one glass of warm water.
  • Mix it well
  • Drink this water

How Often:

  • Drink 3-4 times in a day.

4. Cumin Seeds For Gas Pain:


Cumin seeds are one of the best Indian spices that helps to get rid of gas pain in babies.

It helps a lot to secrete saliva and relieves gas pain in babies. It improves the digestion power as well.

It has a soothing effect on the stomach and heals ulcers formed due to the secretion of stomach acids. (R)

All You Need:

  • 1-2 teaspoons of cumin seeds
  • Hot water

What To Do

  • Boil the water for about 10 mins
  • Then steep the cumin seeds in hot water
  • Then strain the water
  • Drink the cumin water Or
  • You can chew a handful of cumin seeds after a meal to aid digestion.

How Often:

  • Take it once in a day.

5. Garlic For Gas Pain:


Garlic is rich in allicin. This makes them a unique natural remedy for gas pain in babies as well adults. The fresh garlic helps in curing bloating and improves the digestion.

All You Need:

  • A few cloves of garlic
  • Vegetable or chicken broth

What To Do

  • Chopped the garlic cloves and add them to the broth.
  • Boil for a few minutes at about 10-15 mins.
  • Drink this soup Or
  • You can have raw garlic directly.

How Often:

  • Take it once in a day.

6. Yogurt For Gas Pain:


Yogurt is loaded with good bacteria as it is a probiotic. It has a significant role that helps in fighting the growth of infection.

It maintains a healthy balance between good and bad bacteria. It boosts the immunity system and improves the digestion as well.

All You Need:

  • Plain Greek Yogurt

What To Do:

  • Include in your diet or
  • Make recipe using yogurt

How Often:

  • Take it every day.

7. Coconut Water For Gas Pain:


Coconut water has numerous benefits for the baby health. It improves digestion and also removes harmful toxins from the body. It relieves the gas present in the gastrointestinal tract and gives instant relief and relaxation from pain.

All You Need:

  • Coconut Water

What To Do:

  • Drink coconut water directly

How Often:

  • Drink it daily.

8. Baking Soda For Gas Pain:


Baking soda is an effective natural remedy and helps in getting rid of gas pain in babies. It gives instant relief from gas. Baking soda is rich in antibacterial properties and helps prevent the advent of infection that could be causing the pain and the discomfort in the baby.

All You Need:

  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • A glass of water

What To Do

  • Take 1tsp of baking soda
  • Mix it well in the water.
  • Drink this on an empty stomach, or
  • One to two hours after meals.

How Often:

  • Drink this two or three time in a day.

9. Water:


Drinking water is the simplest and easiest way to get rid of gas pain in babies. Water keeps the body hydrated and promotes better digestion. Water acts as a precaution that helps to prevent occurring of gas pain in babies as well as adults. Each and every individual has to drink about 8-10 glasses of water in a day.

10. Ginger For Gas Pain


Ginger works as an excellent remedy for the treatment of gas pain in babies. Ginger is rich in carminative effect, which provides quick and effective relief from gas. Ginger is too good for cold cough, fever etc. for the babies.

All You Need:

  • 1 tablespoon freshly ground ginger
  • 1 cup water

What To Do

  • Boil 1 glass of water for at least 10-15mins.
  • In it add the ginger and boil it for a few minutes.
  • Then Strain the water and drink it.
  • You can chew on a small piece of fresh ginger after your meals.

How Often:

  • Take it once in a day.

11. Tea

a. Peppermint Tea For Gas Pain:


Peppermint tea is known for its medicinal properties. It really works amazing in case of children and adults.

It gives you instant relief from pain and uncomfortable feeling. It is rich in flavonoids and has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties and boosts better digestion.

All You Need:

  • A handful of peppermint leaves
  • A cup of boiling water
  • 1 teaspoon honey

What To Do

  • Boil some water for at least 10-15 mins
  • Add the peppermint leaves to the hot water.
  • Then steep for a few minutes and
  • Strain the water
  • If you wish you can add a tsp of honey
  • Drink this tea.

How Often:

  • Have multiple times in the day.

b. Chamomile Tea For Gas Pain


This is regarded as one of the best home remedies for the gas pain. Chamomile tea has an sedative and relaxing properties in it. It has amazing benefits that helps in getting rid of intestinal gas, diarrhea, chronic heartburn, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and motion sickness in babies.

All You Need:

  • Chamomile tea bag
  • 1 cup hot water

What To Do

  • Boil 1 glass of water for 10 mins
  • Add the chamomile tea bag in it.
  • Then sip on tea.

How Often;

  • Drink two to three cups in a day.

c. Green Tea:


This is an amazing way to get rid of gas pain instantly. It has antimicrobial properties, and the catechins present in it relieve all gastric issues that can lead to gas pain in babies.

All You Need:

  • Green tea leaves or tea bag
  • A cup of hot water

What To Do

  • Boil the water for 10 -15 mins
  • Then steep the leaves or tea bag in water for a few minutes.
  • After that strain the decoction and
  • Drink it.

If you want then you can add a few drops of lemon juice and some bit of honey.

How Often:

  • Drink it multiple times in a day.

How Long Does Gas Pain Last In Babies?


Gas pain in babies is too common at least at the initial stage of life. This does happen due to indigestion of the food. The gas pain makes the baby fussy and cranky.

A little care can help to relax the baby from the pain. Experts suggest that the condition can last for a few hours in the babies. It is all on the remedies and treatment that help promote better recovery for them.

Gas pain in babies is too common at least at the initial stage of life. This does happen due to indigestion of the food. The gas pain makes the baby fussy and cranky. It leads to discomfort in the baby. I hope this article has given you a good number of natural remedies that will help you guide on how to get rid of gas pain in babies.