Best 10 Fun Brain Games For Adults


Games for the brain are a fun way of challenging your mental and cognitive abilities. Fun brain games for adults keep your mind active and potentially improve your memory, concentration, and other brain skills.

Games are enjoyable, socially engaging, and intellectually stimulating. Practicing these fun brain games repeatedly can keep your brain sharp, over a period of time.

Listed below are a few of the best fun brain games for adults, for memory improvement.

Best 10 Fun Brain Games For Adults


Generally, found in daily newspapers, and in the puzzle section of any books, this is one of the excellent number-replacement fun brain games for adults. The benefit of crossword puzzles lies in constantly stimulating your mind. Switch up the games you play to include word searches, and other newspaper puzzles.

Research experts say, this game, Sudoku, increases active brain cells and promotes a healthy mind. These fun brain games, improve memory and lowers the chances for dementia in older adults.

Featuring a 9×9 grid comprising nine 3×3 sub-grids, this game comes with some pre filled numbers.

Fill in the grids, so that each sub-grid contains the digits 1-9, without repeating a number in the same column, row or a 3×3 grid.

2. Boggle

This is one of the best board games for adults to 2-4 players to play. Have a tray of letter-imprinted dice, and shake it. Let them settle into a 4×4 grid. Each player has to find as many words as possible, by setting the timer for 3-minutes time period. Every player gets points for each word. Make sure you find a word that is not repeated by another player.

3. Bananagrams

This game is ideally suited for 2-4 players, where every player draws about 21 lettered tiles. Then, the players race against each other to form sets of intersecting and connecting words.

The first player, to use all their tiles, shouts ‘Bananas’, and wins the game.

4. Lumosity

Lumosity, an online game, that consist of games, that improve cognitive abilities of the adults by stimulating different areas of the brain, including parts responsible for problem solving, attention span and memory.

As adults grow up with their age, memory can be impaired in the brain. Lumosity, helps to keep your mind sharp, with hundreds of games and puzzles proven to benefit information recollection.

Research experts say, this fun brain game, has also shown to battle dementia and improve memory loss, and improve memory retention as you age up.

5.Brain Game: Set

The SET Puzzle involves learning a rule of logic. Players must invoke their thinking skills of the ‘left brain’. Usually, left brain thinking skills, such as logical thinking, are the ones predominantly taught in modern western society.

However, To find the ‘SETs’, players must examine the array of things that have space between them. Locate, in the overall pattern, the cards that satisfy the rule. And to do this, the right brain thinking skills are needed, which are generally linked with intuitive and spatial thinking. As these skills, are usually under development, use both left and right sides of your brain, to effectively employ creative thinking

You use your whole brain and increase your potential to be creative, whenever you find a ‘SET’.

To play this game, every player has to locate a “set” of 3 features such as, color, shading, shape or number, that is either all the same on each card or different, using 9 cards.

6.Simon Brain Game

The electronic hand held game, has an electronic disc of four colored buttons. Each button, plays a different tone when pressed. The game plays you a random sequence, which you then have to reproduce by quickly pressing the buttons in the correct order.

7.Chess, Checkers, and Backgammon

Playing chess, generally increases your intelligence quotient levels. According to the study, in older adults, it can actually help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

These games encourage your brain to create responsive patterns that lead to victory and ultimately improve memory growth. It also increases creativity, and provide exercise for both sides of the brain. The chess game, requires the brain to make quick decisions on chess positions and your competitor’s close moves.

Planning your moves in these games, increases your problem-solving skills and requires your complete concentration to win, over time.

8.Kenken Brain Game

This game is, generally, found in daily newspapers, and in the puzzle section of any books. Also available as an electronic handheld game, this is one of the math puzzle fun brain games for adults.

Place the numbers in a grid, so that they are not repeated in any row or in any column. When the numbers are assigned into a mathematical equation, the boxes in the grid are highlighted, with a signal, as to what the result should be.

For example, 2X means that the numbers, when multiplied, must produce an answer of 2. Increase the difficulty level of the game, by trying to complete the puzzle in a set amount of time.


Another one of the fun brain game for adults. Scrabble, a game in which players build up words on a board from small lettered squares or tiles.

In the classic game, you choose 8 tiles and take turns to create intersecting words on a board. Another variation of this game you can try, is the Scrabble Flash Game, which automatically times your turns, and Scrabble Nab-It allows you to steal words from your opponents.


This game, Tetris is available for almost every computer, phone, and game system. The idea of this game is, to manipulate a series of tumbling shapes. When they fall into place, they fit together and the completed lines disappear from the board.

Set the game on a timer, on a phone or other device, so that you can play easily for short periods of time.

By Supraja