What do pregnancy and frequent urination do have connection with each other? How to deal with frequent urination during pregnancy? The answer to all this question is lot more you can think of. Don’t get freq out!! I will answer all your answer and confusion about the equation regarding frequent urination during pregnancy.
During pregnancy you often experience frequent urination during this nine month phase of giving birth to a baby as there are lot of hormones that are related to pregnancy go through major changes.
In this article we will briefly focus on how to deal frequent urination during pregnancy and what is all bout frequent urination during pregnancy.
What Is Frequent Urination During Pregnancy Like?

The frequent urination is one of the earliest sign and symptoms of pregnancy which occur around six months of pregnancy till the last alarming as the pregnancy progress. During this phase of pregnancy the the pregnancy hormones stimulates the kidney to expand and produce frequent urination.
That in general helps the body to get rid of extra waste as more quickly as it can. The weight of the baby may get press on your bladder as the baby grow bigger and bigger at the mother womb. So you go frequent urination during pregnancy. It can be definitely can be avoided as there is nothing to get worried about.
Is Frequent Urination Is a Sign of Pregnancy?

This is also one of the sign and symptoms of pregnancy with taking account as morning sickness and fatigue. It is of of the common sign of pregnancy has studies have proved by obstetrics and maternity care at Women’s College Hospital in Toronto. It is about 99% of women experience frequent urination in the beginning phase of pregnancy.
Studies have shown that the need to urinate frequently tends to increase as pregnancy progresses, as particularly for women who have been pregnant before. The frequent urination occurs during the first trimester and ends around the third trimester.
What Causes Frequent Urination During Pregnancy?
There are some of the few causes that leads to frequent urination during pregnancy but it all depends on the pregnancy hormones.they are as follows-
1. Hormonal Changes:
Hormonal change is one of the major cause of frequent urination during pregnancy.The pregnancy hormones hCG that increase the blood flow to your pelvic area and kidney that in turns is more effective in making such change to happen. As the flow of blood is so quickly that tries to get rid of waste from your body.
2. Blood Volume:
The level of blood increases during the whole span of pregnancy.you have almost 50% of increase of blood volume than before you get conceived. During this period of time a lot of extra fluid is getting processed through your kidneys and ending up in your bladder.and resulted in frequent urination.
3. Pressure Exerted On The Bladder:
One of the another cause of frequent urination during pregnancy is pressure exerted on the bladder as the uterus grow with each passing stage of pregnancy. As the uterus expand and move over the bladder it compress the space to store the urine.
When Does Frequent Urination During Pregnancy Start?

Frequent urination is one of the earliest sign and symptoms of pregnancy. It starts around the first trimester that to about 4 week the time when you won’t be getting period. It continue till the end of second trimester too. In most of the case in women they have to pee even more frequency late in pregnancy that may be about 35 week around.
As per G. Thomas Ruiz, MD, an ob-gyn at Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California proved that most women experience frequent urination at about 10 to 13 weeks along, when the uterus begins pushing on your bladder.
The urge will likely to calm down during the second trimester, as at this point the uterus pushes out past towards your pelvis and relieving pressure on your bladder to occur the frequent urination during pregnancy.
Frequent Urination During Pregnancy In Each Trimester:

There are three phase of trimester in that passes during the during the journey of pregnancy in delivery a baby. You can read more tips on delivery an baby at
Let us Go in Details Regarding Each of Trimester During Pregnancy
1. First Trimester:
This is the first phase of pregnancy.This happens around two weeks after conception or right around the time of your first missed period. Frequent urination is one of the first sign of pregnancy at this stage. This happen due to the hormonal change that lead to increase the urine frequency . The reason behind this is the uterus get expand and produce more urine.
2. Second Trimester:
It is time when you get some relief around this trimester. The reason behind is that the uterus rises around higher in the abdomen cavity which put less pressure on the bladder and decrease the frequency of urination during pregnancy. But this is generally a temporary relief.
3. Third Trimester:
This is the last trimester in pregnancy where you experience frequent urination once again. The level of frequent urination is high in third trimester.During this phase the baby goes down of the pelvis area and the uterus gives a lot of pressure on bladder that in result leads to frequency of answering the nature call.
This trimester in pregnancy happens around the 8-9 months of pregnancy. It is almost end of delivery a baby. You may go several times to urinate at night. It disturb your sleep too.
How To Stop Frequent Urination During Pregnancy?

Here are few way that can help you to stop frequent urination during the pregnancy, they are as follows
1. Cut Down Fluid Before Night:
Cut down fluid before you go to sleep that really works great in stopping the frequent urination during period. Make sure you drink more water in day itself before night. This doesn’t mean that you will compromise the amount of intake of water you should . Drink at least of 7-8 glasses of water in day time so that you have a lot more time to consume it.
2. Stay Away from Caffeine:
Caffeine is a diuretic as it increase the urine production. It removes water from your body. You’re more likely to need to use to pee after you drink caffeinated beverages. So, it is better to skip the coffee, tea, and soda. You can opt for caffeine-free drinks instead of caffeinated beverages.
3. Empty Your Bladder:
Try to clear out the bladder before you go out or sleep. It is better to get out the urine of your system before you go to sleep.
4. Kegel Exercise:
The kegel exercise helps you to control over the frequent urination during pregnancy. You can do about 10-15contraction for about 10 second.Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles of the urethra and gain control over the organ. This will, in turn, help you to better control over your urination.
5. Lean Forward While Urinating:
Try to lean forward whenever you pee.leaning the body forward will help to empty your bladder completely more in a better way. It also makes it to the last urine drop by double-voiding.That will help the frequency of going to bathroom will reduce.
6. Avoid Constipation:
This is another major think that you can take care of in order to stop frequent urination during pregnancy. When stool sits in your bowels, it takes up space in your abdomen. That adds more pressure by pushing on your bladder. It is not possible to avoid constipation at a once. It will take time but you can eat right, drink enough fluids, do a little exercise, and get enough fiber food in order to stop frequent urination during pregnancy.
Frequent urination is just a part of pregnancy and it is totally fair in the phase of delivery of baby. For frequent urination during pregnancy you don’t need any medication you just have to deal with few techniques in order to stop frequent urination during pregnancy.