14 Surprising Foods To Relieve Constipation In Kids


Constipation in kids is very common. Usually, there is nothing much to worry, however, all it needs is the right food for constipation in kids and enough water. A diet change works well in most of the cases and knowing the cause of it makes it easier to look for solutions. Looking for natural ways for curing constipation?

In fact, a child is considered constipated when they have fewer than three bowel movements in a week or has trouble having a bowel movement or when the stool/ poop are hard and unusually large. Some common culprits of constipation in kids are “withholding or resisting their urge to go” and not getting enough physical activities. However, diet plays a major role too here. The high processed food and fast food which is the stereotypical American diet could be blamed enough too. The lowering in the number of fruits and vegetable intake makes it worse.

Fiber is a great friend of constipation in kids. Indeed we use food to relieve constipation in kids. That is because the stool is made of fiber making it softer and bulkier to pass. Along with plenty of water which naturally softens the stool too. Also, a point to remember here would be to not increase the content of fiber in the kid’s diet suddenly as it might cause gas and bloat. Instead, gradually increase the intake of fiber in the diet. Constipation happens in babies when they move from the mother’s milk to formula milk or from a liquid diet to solid food. Kids who are pushed to toilet training can also undergo constipation as they are not ready for it.

Stress is another major factor for constipation in kids. Kids suffering from constipation could be anxious about something or facing problems at home. Starting a new school can get them anxious. Emotional changes could have an effect on their bowel movements too. An emotionally upset child could be undergoing constipation and other conditions like diarrhea.

Few kids have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) which could be due to the stress or certain good that they eat triggers it. Foods which are fatty or spicy can trigger IBS and might lead to constipation and diarrhea or even discomfort like stomach pain and gas.

Image Source: top10homeremedies.com

Symptoms of Constipation in Kids

Kid’s constipation could have few common signs of symptoms. However, you must know that different kids follow different bathroom habits.

  • Having lesser than usual turns to the bathroom
  • Have pain or trouble when going to the bathroom
  • Feel bloated or full most of the time
  • Straining in the bathroom to poop
  • Blood stains while pooping

It is also common to stain their underwear with bits of stool sometimes due to constipation in kids.

How much fiber should Children intake?

Below is some detailed information for the kids of different age groups, about the nutritional requirement of fibers for:

  • Toddlers (1-3 years old)– 19 grams of fiber each day
  • Kids (4-8 years old)- 25 grams of fiber each day
  • Older girls (9-13 years old) & teen girls (14-18 years old)- 26 grams of fiber each day
  • Older boys (9-13 years old) & teen boys (14-18 years old)- 38 grams of fiber each day

How to Treat Constipation in Kids:

  • Give more liquid: Water is the best medicine for constipation as they help to move the stool in intestines easily. Most of the school going kids need 3-4 glasses of water each day. When the baby shifts from mother’s milk to solid food or formula milk, try serving prune juice every day to the baby. An adequate amount of water and liquid keeps away constipation.
  • Fiber Rich Foods for kids Constipation: High-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables or whole-grain food items like bread etc. can help prevent constipation in kids. Since fiber can’t be digested, it helps clean out the intestines by moving the bowels. High Fiber foods for toddler’s constipation are the best solution to bring comfort. The diet which is full of fats and sugar or starchy food will eventually slow the bowel movements making it difficult for the body to clean out waste. When the fiber is added to the diet, it slowly over the weeks helps to keep the movement normal in the bowel and along with more fluid; a kid is relieved from constipation. Can you believe foods for constipation in kids is the solution?

Check Out Surprising Foods To Relieve Constipation In Kids

List of Foods for Constipation in kids

1. Raspberries:

ImageSource: cookingclassy.com

This fruit ranks top on the foods high in fiber list for constipation. With 8 grams of fiber per cup, this berry is one of the fruits of highest-fiber content. Whether the raspberries are fresh or frozen, they’ll still have the benefits.

2. Edamame:

ImageSource: homemadehooplah.com

A ¼ cup of shelled edamame has 3 grams of fiber in them, and children love to pop the nutty-tasting beans into their mouths.

3. Prunes:

ImageSource: naturalon.com

A highly rich in fiber, potassium and vitamin A is best baby food for constipation. Prunes have sorbitol which is a natural source of laxative effect in the body.

4. Potatoes:

ImageSource: healthyyouwithdiabetes

This is the best foods for toddler constipation, which is the easiest one too. Potato helps in child constipation remedies. You must skip fries in favor of baked, steamed or boiled potatoes. One medium-sized spud has nearly 4 grams of fiber in it. (You can have the skin for some small fiber boost).

5. Oatmeal:

ImageSource: anutritionisteats.com

Single pack of plain, instant oatmeal has 4 grams of fiber in it. When you top it with sliced fruits, it gives you an extra dose of fiber and a little honey for sweetness.

6. Whole-wheat Pasta:

ImageSource: thecozyapron.com

There is a massive 6 grams of fiber in a single serving of whole wheat pasta. If your kids love white pasta, a smart way to deal with it would be to mix half white and half whole wheat.

7. Refried Beans:

ImageSource: sacredmommyhood.com

Almost all beans are a good source of fiber, protein, and iron. Spread refried beans on the quesadillas or use them as your burrito filling. A ¼ cup has about 3 grams of fiber.

8. Flaxseed:

ImageSource: universityhealthnews.com

These tiny nutrition powerhouses are not only rich in fiber but also Omega-3s which is very important for the body especially for the kids. Flax boasts healthy fats due to the omega-3s content and about 3 grams of fiber in each tablespoon. You can add flaxseed to your smoothies for a boost of fiber.

9. Avocado:

ImageSource: cachtrangdiem.com

A ¼ cup of squashed avocado has 3 grams of fiber, along with the heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. Add a few drops of fresh lime juice and some salt for a simple and easy guacamole recipe to serve with chips or nachos, or spread some on whole-grain bread sandwich.

10. Popcorn:

ImageSource: thebrewerandthebaker.com

Serve this crunchy, kid’s favorite snack between the meals. Popcorn is actually a whole grain which makes not only the snack tasty but a healthy food.

11. Pears:

ImageSource: jacquelinegnott

1 medium-size pear with the skin has 5 grams of fiber which is a quarter of the requirement for the kids each day.

12. Pomegranate Seeds:


These sweet little seeds of pomegranate have 3 grams of fiber per ½ cup. Eat them as is, or put them in smoothies or yogurt to enjoy.

13. Broccoli:


Broccoli is full of fiber and helps the bowel movement. 1 cup of boiled broccoli has about 5.1 grams of fiber.

14. Carrots:


Carrots are full of fiber and can help improve the stool movement. Having carrot juice or eating them raw serves the best as cooking them would lose the fiber content.

  • Make kids exercise: By exercise, we do not mean to send them to the gym each day. The physical activity is important in kids to nudge the bowel into action. A simple running around or playing catch, riding, biking or shooting a few hoops could trigger the bowel movement keeping constipation kids away.
  • Develop a regular schedule: Often when there is a break in a routine schedule for the day, there are chances of constipation. Since the natural stimulant for bowel is eating, if the kid is irregular with the eating habits, they might be a victim of constipation.