15 Best Foods To Give Toddlers With Diarrhea


Your little toddler might come across the abnormal loose or runny stools sometimes. You should be aware of the food to give your toddler during diarrhea.

The foods that you choose during the diarrhea in your child plays a prominent role in their recovery. Your child’s sensible digestive system becomes more responsive during this phase and makes your child feel tired and irritable. In most of the mild cases of diarrhea, it can be treated with proper diet and home care.

This article discusses the best foods to feed your toddler with diarrhea and vomiting.

What to Feed Toddler with Diarrhea:

With diarrhea, your child is likely to loose lot of water and electrolytes such as sodium and potassium from the body which leads to dehydration. Your child require proper food and fluids to combat this situation.

Here are a foods to be included in your child’s diet during diarrhea.

1. Breastmilk (0-6 months):

BreastmilkBreastmilk is more effective and works well than any other over the counter medicine during diarrhea for the babies till the age of 6 months.

Any other supplements are not recommended for the babies below 6 months. Studies suggest that any other supplements under prevailing conditions in the children may lead to the increased risk of diarrhea in children in the developing countries.

2. Rice Water (Above 8 months):


Rice water is a rejuvenating health drink. Research conducted by NCBI suggested that rice water is effective in treating the diarrhea in children. Rice water helps in the rehydration process after the episodes of dehydration during the phase of diarrhea. Rice water can be used for the dairrhea ranging from mild to moderate.

Rice water should be accompanied by other solid foods and it can not be used alone.

How to Prepare:

It is the starch water that is left in the water after boiling the rice.

  1. Rinse 2 tablespoons of rice in a bowl of water for about half an hour and filter it remove any impurities.
  2. Add the rice to a saucepan and add a bowl of water to it. Allow it to boil for more than 15 to 20 minutes until the rice becomes soft and tender.
  3. Separate the rice and water by straining.
  4. Dilute the rice water before feeding to the baby. Add a pinch of salt for the taste while feeding for the babies above 1 year.

Note: Consult your doctor before introducing rice water in your baby’s diet as rice may pose certain allergies in some babies.

3. Buttermilk:


During diarrhea, your child may lose lot of water, sodium and other minerals from the body. The acid in the buttermilk helps to aid the digestion and clear the stomach. Buttermilk can help to reduce the various stomach related problems including bowel syndrome, stomach infections, and irregular bowel movements.

How to Prepare:

1. Take 2 tablespoons of yogurt and add a cup of water to it.
2. Stir it well to make the solution that is free from any clots.
3. Give this solution to your child above 8 months for 2 to 3 times day. It preserves the good gut bacteria and aids in the digestion and healthier bowel movements.

4. Moong Dal Rice:


This is one of the best foods to help toddler with diarrhea. As your child enters into the stage of weakness after rigorous loose and watery stools, Your child needs certain foods at this phase to boost up their strength and energy. Moong dal is one among the light foods that offers ample energy. It is the fiber rich food and makes the stools more solid.

How to Prepare:

1. Take 3-4 tablespoons of rice and add 1 tablespoon of moong dal to it.
2. Allow it to soak in water for about half an hour and strain the excess water.
3. Add this rice to the saucepan and boil it with a cup of water for 20 minutes.
4. Add a pinch of salt and serve it to the baby.

5. Nutmeg:

NutmegNutmeg is a great remedy for stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, and intestinal gas. It is the source of powerful anti inflammatory plant compounds that acts as antioxidants. Studies  suggest that nutmeg is the ayurvedic plant with antidiarrheal activity. This aromatic nutmeg is fine to introduce in babies above 1 year.

How to Use:

Rub the nutmeg against the stone to obtain the powder and mix it with the water.

6. Vegetable Soup:


Changes in diet and life style can reduce chronic diarrhea to some extent. The amounts of solids and fluids consumed during diarrhea play a prominent role in the management of diarrhea. Vegetable soup is the best diet for toddler with diarrhea.

A vegetable soup excluding the spices like pepper, gassy vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, sprouts, and spinach may be beneficial as these foods further worse the situation.

7. Chicken Soup:


It is a high nutritious food that helps to boost the immune system. It contains many vitamins and minerals that boosts immunity and helps digestion.

The ingredients in the chicken soup provide the body selenium, Vitamin A& C and various antioxidants that helps the body to fight against the diseases. Its high protein content helps to facilitate tissue formation and recovery.

Prefer the clear chicken soup which is a great nutritious food option for the children with diarrhea. It is recommended for the babies above 1 year.

8. Boiled Potatoes:


This is the best food to feed toddler with diarrhea. Studies suggest that a potato a day keeps the diarrhea away. Fiber rich foods like potato, and carrot will help to make the stools firmer.

Boil the peeled potatoes and mash them before feeding to the baby that help to work on diarrhea. Starch present in the boiled potato improves the absorption of electrolytes and water that prevents the diarrhea.

Fruits and vegetables like apple, pear, guava, citrus fruits, and carrots are rich source of pectin. It is a great soluble dietary fiber that is rich in vitamins.

9. BRAT Diet:


BRAT diet is recommended for diarrhea in children. It stands for Banana, Rice, Apple, and Toast.

Studies suggest that green banana has therapeutic effects to deal with diarrhea. Banana is a great source of energy, potassium, and pectin when it is not over ripe.

Steamed rice, being rich in carbohydrates help in binding the intestinal fluids together to form solid stools. Applesauce is a rich source of pectin. Toast is the roasted white bread that should be consumed without any supplements like jam. This binds the water and helps to promote the better stools.

10. Sago:


It is a rich source of starch. It can be digested very easily. It is a good semi liquid food that helps to bind the water in the intestine, thereby reduces the frequency and consistency of the stools.

How to Prepare:

  1. Soak the sago in the water overnight.
  2. Boil it in the morning till the seeds of sago become transparent and the liquid becomes viscous.
  3. This liquid gives instant energy for your child.

11. Tender Coconut Water:


Coconut water is a great source of natural salts, minerals, and natural glucose. It helps in recharging the natural salts that are lost by the body during dehydration.

Studies suggest that coconut is regarded as the natural home electrolyte and that helps to nourish the children with mild diarrhea.

12. Zinc Supplements:


Studies Suggest that zinc is the effective remedy for the treatment of diarrhea. It decreases the severity and the duration of the diarrhea.

Some of the zinc rich foods include yogurt, rice, spinach, garlic, and fruits. Some other conditions require the zinc supplements that are prescribed by the doctor.

13. Cumin Powder:


It is a rich source of iron and promotes the digestion. It has many beneficial plant compounds. It improves blood cholesterol and helps to reduce the weight.

Mix the cumin seeds with fennel seeds and roast them on a pan. Add this powder to the boiled water and allow your child to take small amounts of this soup.

14. Ginger:


It helps to reduce the gas thereby improves the digestion. It helps to get relief from the symptoms of cold and flu. It is an effective remedy to get relief from the symptoms of diarrhea.

Mix the ginger with rock salt and jaggery that helps to reduce indigestion.

15. Lemon Water:


Lemon helps in boosting the immune system and helps to increase the iron absorption. It helps to treat the cancer. It prevents from the risk of asthma.

Lemon helps to fill the body with the fluids that are lost during the diarrhea. Add lemon to the hot water and add pinch of salt for the taste.

Foods to Avoid During Diarrhea:


Here are a few foods that you should avoid during diarrhea:

• Avoid milk, paneer, sweetened milk products and other sweets that are made from the milk. They are the rich source of energy so that it is difficult for the intestine to digest and absorb. It leads to a condition called osmotic diarrhea.
• Chewing gums can protect the teeth and reduce the bad breath. But, they contain sorbitol and artificial sweeteners. Sorbitol can cause chronic diarrhea.
• Try with the small quantity of fruit juices and increase the quantity as per the body tolerance.
• Avoid tea, coffee, and other sweetened beverages that may lead to diarrhea.

When To Call a Doctor For Diarrhea In Children?


Consult your doctor immediately if you notice the following changes in your child.

• If your baby is below 3 months of age.
• Diarrhea accompanied by vomiting, and fever
• If you notice blood in the stools
• Signs of dehydration
• If you notice mucus or pus in the stools
• The stools are too watery
• If your child is irresponsive to touch or sounds
• Abnormal breathing

In conclusion, diarrhea may make your child sick. It should be recognized at the earlier stages. Look for the underlying disease and seek appropriate treatment. Help your child to recover from the symptoms of diarrhea with proper diet and fluids.