For every nursing mother, there may be tons of questions running through their mind. As every mother is too concerned about their little one’s health, growth and hygiene, the mothers just want to do nothing less than the best for their little one. One of the most important questions that nursing moms have is what to eat during the feeding months that will ensure the good formation of breast milk.
The nursing phase or period is one when a mother requires a lot of attention with regards to her food and health. Whatever you eat during this period is crucial to your post-delivery recovery. It will also directly affect the amount of milk that is produced.
Just relax, in this article, we will focus on the various foods that help the mother to increase the production of breast milk. There is no restriction on any food or vegetable but there are certain foods that play a significant role in increasing milk production and such foods are known as a galactagogue.
Check Out These Healthy Food To Increase Breast Milk.
How to Increase Breast Milk with Food?

One of the best ways to increase milk supply in moms is to keep on nursing your little one. Making milk for your baby is better than nothing for a mother. The stimulations of the nerves during breastfeeding helps in producing more milk in the breasts. The emptying of the milk signals your body to increase milk production in mothers. If you feel your milk supply stills and needs improvement, then you should consider adding some foods that promote milk production. Milk stimulating foods are called galactagogues.
Foods that Increase Breast Milk
1. Oatmeal:
Oatmeal is one of the best foods that help to boost the flow of breast milk. Oats have a higher concentration of dietary beta-glucan than any other food. Oatmeal is a great source of iron, calcium, fiber and vitamin B. It is a good and rich source of iron which is essential for mothers who go through post-pregnancy anemia.
Studies have shown that anemia can cause a low level of milk production in the breast. Oatmeal is a good source of iron which helps to increase red blood cell count in the blood which, in return would lead to an increase in the production of breast milk. Oatmeal is also a comfort food which is very easy and simple to make.
How to do:
- Mix together the oats, milk, salt, and some butter into a small saucepan and cook on low medium heat.
- Cook it for 5 mins till you get a thick and creamy mixture.
- Pour the oatmeal in a bowl and serve it.
How often:
- Include oatmeal at your breakfast at least thrice in a week.
2. Garlic:
Garlic always works wonders for the increased formation of breast milk. It not only helps mothers to boost or increase breast milk but also helps the babies who are suffering from colic. Garlic also adds another layer of deliciousness to food. Garlic is composed of a chemical compound that helps in lactation. Garlic milk is a popular traditional post-delivery drink to a nursing mom. In modern moms, the moms who don’t like garlic can go for the garlic pills which are available in the market nowadays.
How to do:
- Toss in a pan with few stir-fried garlic cloves with adding some vegetables of your choice in 1 cup of water and make a soup of it.
- Another option is to stir fry a handful of garlic cloves in ghee and have it with steamed rice.
How often:
- Have it every day in your lunch or every alternative day
3. Green Papaya:
Raw Papaya has a number of health benefits. It is one of the best food that increases breast milk. Raw papaya is rich in vitamins, magnesium, potassium and rich in enzymes and phytonutrients. Papaya is popular in Asia as a great source of galactagogue. That food consumes a lot of raw papayas in there recipe and food. Green raw papaya helps in increasing the production of milk. Try some that food to know and feel the real taste of raw papaya. Another important plus point that papaya has the natural seductive in it which help you to get relax and feed baby better.
How to do:
- Eat raw papaya with curd, cereal, and some fruits.or
- Cook raw papaya as a part of your dishes in your diet.
How often:
- Include raw green papaya in your diet at least 3 trices in a week.
4. Nuts:
Nuts are the best foods that increase breast milk as it is rich in serotonin which is essential for milk production. Nuts are also high in good fats and antioxidants. They are high in calories, vitamins, and minerals providing energy and nutrition in the mothers’ diet which , as a result, help in the formation of breast milk. The presence of omega-3 and vitamin E helps in healing the effects of the post-pregnancy stretch marks. The presence of omega 3 helps in the formation of breast milk.
How to do:
- Have some crushed nuts in milk and have it.
- Add some nuts in cereals and have it in your breakfast
How often:
- Try to have every day in your diet.
5. Fenugreek Seeds:
Another best food that helps in increasing breast milk is fenugreek seeds. It is been used from generation to generation to boost the formation of breast milk. Fenugreek seeds are rich in vitamins and minerals, especially omega-3 fats which help a lot to the nursing moms. It has a significantly important role in the brain development of babies. This food for breast milk is full of phytoestrogens. The very best plus point of fenugreek seed is that it improves the quantity of breast milk.
How to do:
- Fenugreek seeds can be added to many dishes, especially vegetables, and meat dishes
- It can be used while making paranthas, pooris, etc
- it can be drunk as a chai which is given to new mothers.
How often:
- Include it in the diet of mothers every day.
6. Carrot:
Carrots work as great food for breast milk. They are full of beta-carotene which has impacts in increasing of lactating. Carrot is rich in high carbohydrates and potassium. It also contains vitamin A which help a lot in baby growth and development. Carrot is the best food that has a lot of benefits for a nursing mom. It gives all the vitamins and minerals to boost breast milk.
How to do:
- You can have carrot as raw, steamed, or even juice of it.
How often:
- Take it every day in your diet.
7. Spinach:
Spinach is rich in calcium, iron, and folic acid which boost the formation of milk in mothers. Spinach has another positive effect on babies as it makes them strong to grow. Spinach is important for recouping anemic mothers.
It helps to fight with ant breast cancer issue as it contains some plant chemicals in it. Remember of one thing you should not eat too much spinach in a day as it can lead to diarrhea issue in babies.spinach also act as a detoxifying agent.
How to do:
- Include this as a mid-day soup
- Make a dough with spinach mix and make paratha or roti.
- It should be boiled before eating in order to avoid any foodborne illness.
How often:
- Take it every alternate day in your diets.
8. Fennel Seeds:
Fennel seeds are another traditional remedy for increasing breast milk. This is given to new mums to help prevent gas and colic in their baby. The logic behind is that since fennel seeds are used by adults to ease tummy upsets and aid digestion, the benefits of fennel can be passed to a baby through the form of breastmilk. Fennel or fennel seeds help a lot while lactating as it has properties similar to that of Estrogen.
How to do:
- You can drink fennel tea
- Soak some fennel seed in one glass of water overnight
- Strain the water and drink it with an empty stomach.
How often:
- Drink it every day.
9. Bottle Gourd:
Vegetables that comes from the ground has an important value in the list of food that increases the level of quantity of breast milk. Bottle gourd is low in calories and nutritious, it is quite easy to digest. The major role of bottle gourd is that it retains water and helps boost hydration as water is essential for lactation. Bottle gourd helps in normalizing the sugar level post-pregnancy.
How to do:
- Make a juice of bottle gourd and drink it, or
- You can use it as in sweet pudding.
How often:
- Have at least twice a week.
10. Salmon:
Salmon not only promote lactation but also makes the milk more nutritious by adding DHA and omega-3. This both have a great value for the health of mother and baby alike. Salmon is high in essential nutrients. It is also too delicious in taste. Whatever you make with salmon, it is yummy.
How to do:
- You can bake boiled or steamed the salmon and have it
How often:
- Include 3 trices in a week
Lifestyle Tips to Increase Breast Milk:
There are certain lifestyle tips that help to increase breast milk this will generally help you in giving a self-check of whether you are producing enough milk or not. The tips or things that help to produce breast milk are as follows:
1. Nurse Frequently and Efficiently:
Milk production is a demand and supply process for a mother to feed her babies. The more the baby drinks or feed, the higher is the production or formation of breast milk. Nurse once every two hours. Position the baby properly while nursing so that he latches on well and the side of the breast should be changed every alternate hour.
2. Express Milk:
If the baby is unable to empty your breasts then try to express the milk after nursing to maintain the milk formation.
3. Nursing Vacation:
Spend some time just after nursing your baby for two to three days and do nothing else. Of course, in the meanwhile, you have to feed yourself and be relaxed too.
4. Switch Sides:
Make your baby drink from both the breasts equally every alternative hour, as I have mentioned above. Switch sides twice or thrice every time you feed in a day. But make sure the little one finishes one breast and then try to switch to the other. This technique helps in getting the fatty ‘hindmilk’ to the baby. Using breast compression also helps the baby to feed for longer.
5. Avoid Pacifiers and Nipple Shields:
Try to Avoid using pacifiers and nipple shields as long as you can. Avoiding such supplements unless it is medically needed.
6. Avoid Solids:
If the baby is younger than six months, then try to avoid feeding her with any sort of solids, water, and formula food.
7. Stay Away From Alcohol and Nicotine:
Alcohol and nicotine consumption are harmful not only during pregnancy but also after pregnancy when you are nursing your little one. Nicotine and alcohol restrict breast milk supply and formation. These substances can pass into your baby’s body through breast milk and trigger developmental problems and issues.
8. Check Your Medication:
If you are taking any medicines, then find out from your doctor if they are interfering with your milk production or formation. Try to avoid using hormonal contraceptives right after your delivery, as it harms the formation of breast milk.
9. Stay Calm and Relaxed:
Stress does play a major role in reducing milk formation. Well, handling a baby can be a tough job and you may not get enough rest, which can result in stress. Seek help from your family or close ones so that they babysit while you relax. The key is to stay relaxed by practicing healthy habits. The stress reduction techniques like breathing exercises would help ensure a good supply of milk.
10. Use the Right Bra:
Wearing a tight bra that compresses your chest region or one that is rigid around the band can affect milk flow. The wrong bra can lead to clogged ducts, blocking milk production and so on.
These are some of the important tips and foods that will help you to increase breast milk. it helps in maintaining a good parenting style and gives a better lifestyle pattern to your baby.