1st Birthday Party: Themes, Ideas and Games For Your Little One

1st Birthday Party: Themes, Ideas and Games For Your Little One
ImageSource: Pinterest.com

Time just flies; Congratulations, your little one just completed a year and so have you, a year of parenthood! With all efforts I am sure, as a parent, you might be frantically searching for the 1st birthday party ideas for your special little one.

It was just like yesterday when you got the little one home and now you are planning a first year birthday bash! Let’s be honest, the 1st birthday is more of a family and friends and less for the guests of honor! Baby’s first birthday is once in a lifetime experience and event to celebrate and make it memorable. When you kid looks back they must know how much fun it must have been. Oh yes, the day is not too far when your kid starts going to school and spends most of the time outside home.

Believe us, you want to put on your party hat right away and start planning as soon as possible to gather all the unique first birthday party ideas for your special ones that we have got for you here today.

Excellent 1st birthday Party Themes for Baby Boy/ Girl:

Birthday party ideas are in plenty, all depends on what your baby likes and how you can utilize the below ideas for this special day.

1. Frilly Theme for your Baby Girl:

Frilly Theme for your Baby Girl
ImageSource: Pinterest.com

The girls are sugary and spicy hence let’s make it all the way for her by throwing a sweet frilly birthday party. Let everyone know that she is your little princess. Make it a combination of pastel colors with lace, flowers and plenty of sparklers everywhere. Take a look at the special chair for your princess that we have shown on the picture, isn’t that one of the things you could do to surprise her?

2. Balloon Theme:

Balloon Theme
ImageSource: Pinterest.com

One of the cutest and my personal favorites where you could just fill in with the theme color balloons for your baby’s 1st birthday party idea. 1st birthday party ideas on a budget. Have the floor full of balloons for kids to enjoy and just to make some extra efforts, use some gas balloons(R) such that they stick to the ceiling of your house. Now, you have a complete balloon house for your kids and their friends to enjoy and go crazy having fun with it. Make sure you avoid latex balloons to keep away any choking hazards for kids under 8.

3. Let’s Bring the Toys Alive for your Little Boy:

Let’s Bring the Toys Alive for your Little Boy
ImageSource: Pinterest.com

Your little man is probably starting to move around and getting his hands at everything possible. How about we bring his favorite toy alive on his 1st birthday bash? Could be anything like sports, cars or cartoons, your kid will burst with energy looking at his favorite theme. Surprise him and capture every joyous memory this day with vibrant and fun party theme and cake! This makes the 1st birthday ideas for boys just excellent with their favorite distractions around.

4. Take the Animals on Parade:

Take the Animals on Parade
ImageSource: Pinterest.com

The best part is kids start recognizing the animals by this age, although they merely just know the difference. Use a mix of custom printed goods along with plastic animal toys to arrange the theme for the baby’s 1st birthday party. Make it as colorful as possible and have variety of it around. This also makes unique first birthday party ideas for boys and girls to enjoy and have fun.

Quick Tips for Babies 1st Birthday Ideas:

1. Guest List: Make sure to have a guest list before hand for ease. As an opinion, we recommend to have the closest of the family guests to avoid overwhelming your baby and being easy on your pockets by keeping the costs down

2. Watch the clock: Plan the party beforehand such that you could enjoy it equally as much! Do not extend the party too much thinking about your baby especially as they tend to get cranky as the time passes and with so many faces around. They run out of energy and interest! Plan the party for late morning, late afternoon or whenever your baby isn’t tired.

3. Seek help: Do not take it all on yourself, take it easy by asking for help. You do not have to outsource the planning but could have your close family member or neighbor to give a hand. They could be handed with few duties on the day too to ease it for you and make your big day a success.

4. Play place for the kids: Do not fill your house or the party place with a lot of things making it difficult for the kids to wander around freely. Keep a play space separately for all the kids such that they could have age-appropriate toys to play with without having to be entertained separately. Set the chairs or seating around the play zone so that the parents also are happily enjoying while they keep an eye on their kids.

5. Do not stress out too much: We know it is the 1st birthday ideas that you are planning but the whole point is for you to enjoy too! Of course you cannot have a DJ yet in the party because the kids are too young to be bombarded with loud music. As long as the baby is with you enjoying, that’s all should be important for you.

1 year old birthday party ideas:

1st Birthday Ideas for games in the party are plenty, but when it comes to younger kids, it is advised to keep them close and under supervision. First Bdy party games are always fun to see the kids scattered and trying to entertain themselves

1. Tub full of Balls:

Tub full of Balls
ImageSource: Pinterest.com

Have a simple tub with colorful balls for the kids to play and have fun.

2. Zootopia Love:

Zootopia Love
ImageSource: Pinterest.com

Use a paper to print this cartoon with an “x” on the tail marked. Each kid is blindfold and they are given cotton balls to glue it on the tail. It is fun to see when kids actually attach the ball to every bit of the body except the tail!

3. Pin the Nose:

Pin the Nose
ImageSource: Pinterest.com

Similar game, where you blindfold the kids and let them have a circular paper which they need to pin the nose to the monster face.

4. Feed the Hungry Monster:

Feed the Hungry Monster
ImageSource: Pinterest.com

Make a monster face on a cardboard as shown and cut out a big portion of the mouth to see through as shown. Have the kids standing at a distance to feed the monster by throwing the cookies through the mouth.

5. Dig the Dinosaur:

Dig the Dinosaur
ImageSource: Pinterest.com

Have a tub filled with sand and add some plastic or rubber dinosaur with other animals inside the sand hidden. Ask the kids to jump in and find the animals. This game needs adult supervision such that kids do not end up hurting each other with the sand or eating it away!

6. Bring Down the Pigs:

Bring Down the Pigs
ImageSource: Pinterest.com

Paint some plastic bottles pink with oil spray and add the details of a pig’s eye and nose with black. Stack it in order for kids to play with a cotton ball and break the stack.

Ideas for first birthday party are never ending but most importantly what you need is your kid’s happiness and enough of memories to collect and enjoy on the day. They baby is bound to forget anything about the day later when they grow up but you can always reminisce the fun from the past and remember it forever.