General First Aid Treatment Tips for Common Injuries


Minor injuries are very common and occur every day. Some of these injuries are so small, they do not need any attention. But some others need the quick presence of mind and some general first aid tips to cure them at home itself. Injuries can occur anytime anywhere. Many of these injuries get fatal as they are not given immediate first aid. A general first aid at home can also prevent these minor injuries from getting severe.

First Aid for a Different Type of Injuries:

There are several injuries and situations that can occur with or without any external intervention. A cut or a scrape, burn, fracture, a fainting episode seizure or more of such are very common and need immediate care to prevent any of their harmful repercussions. Some common injuries and their first aid include:

1. Cut or Scrapes:

Cuts are pretty common for kids as well as adults. Even cutting vegetables everyday cause a lot of big and small cuts. The most important check on a cut is to see the depth of the wound. For minor to moderate ones you don’t need to visit ER but for bigger and deeper injuries immediate first aid must be given meanwhile the patient must be rushed to an ER.

Immediate first aid for a cut or scrape:

  1. Wash the area with lukewarm water
  2. Gently pat the area dry
  3. Use soap if the cut occurred due to dirt or animal scratch
  4. Now wipe the blood with a clean cotton
  5. Apply over the counter antibiotic like Polysporin and Neosporin or bacitracin
  6. Cover with a bandage or gauze
  7. Apply direct pressure to control bleeding
  8. If the wound is deep and bleeding does not stop, then rush to ER immediately

Follow up care for cut and scrapes:

  1. Use antibiotic cream every day after wiping the area clean
  2. Use new bandages daily if needed, or leave open for quick dry
  3. For swelling, pus or redness see your healthcare provider immediately
  4. Use SPF 30 creams on newly healed skin as they get sunburned easily

2. Painful and red mosquito bite:

Mosquito bites a very common and some skin types are so sensitive they develop swelling and painful red spots. Many severe infectious diseases occur with mosquito bites, so it is advisable and necessary to prevent mosquitos in the first place. But if you develop redness and painful swelling you need immediate first aid to prevent further severity.

Immediate first aid for a mosquito bite:

  1. Clean the area with soap and water at least 3-5 times a day
  2. Do not scratch with your fingernails as your fingernails bacteria may infect the site
  3. Use an antibacterial ointment for redness and swelling
  4. If you see flu-like symptoms visit your healthcare provider immediately

3. Nosebleeds:

Nosebleeds in very common in extremely hot weather. These are benign and self-limiting and generally, go away on their own. These can be caused by injuring the nose through nose picking or accidents. If the person is unstable and passes out call 911 immediately or rush to the nearest ER. But for people who stay stable follow general first aid to relieve

Immediate first aid for a nosebleed:

  1. Sit them down in slightly leaning down pose
  2. Pinch soft and fleshy part of one
  3. Breath through the mouth and also spit out the blood if any
  4. Check their consciousness and blood pressure
  5. Keep the temperature cool and apply ice packs on the neck
  6. Apply a topical antiseptic if the bleeding stops with general first aid else visit accident and emergency center.
  7. For recurrent nosebleeds visit an ear, nose and throat specialist.

4. Burns:

Burns can be minor to severe, and the basic first aid determines their course of recovery. So it is important to give immediate care quickly. For small burns just wash it under normal tap water for some time to avoid big cysts. But for bigger burns, you need some proper care before rushing to ER

Immediate first aid for a burn:

  1. Keep the person in cool temperature but do not over cool
  2. Look for their breathing and other injuries
  3. If the clothes are burning roll over on the ground
  4. Remove clothing and jewelry and leave the parts stuck on the skin
  5. Apply running water for at least half an hour or more to clean and soothe the burn
  6. Use burn cream or spray after patting the area dry
  7. If the burn is thridded degree or looks very bad cover it with burn wrap or a plastic sheet
  8. Rush to ER immediately
  9. You may also use an anti-inflammatory for pain reliefs

5. Seizures:

Seizures are common and may be recurring. First aid here aims to keep the person safe on the ground when they experience a seizure.

  1. Place a pillow under the head and allow the person to lie down
  2. Check for the history by any jewelry or card they may have carried along
  3. Do not feed to hold the person straight
  4. When the seizure stops check the airway and ensure they are breathing properly else call 911 immediately
  5. Monitor the person and if the seizure lasts more than 5 minutes call 911

6. Vasovagal Syncope:

Syncope is a transient loss of consciousness which is common in toddlers and preschoolers as well as adults. Normally it does not suggest anything severe and can be due to momentary heat or pain or crowded places. It is a short duration and within a few minutes ensures full recovery in most cases. Even in kids syncope is very common. Prolonged pain, fear or standing in heat or crowded places exaggerates and causes such episodes.

Immediate first aid for vasovagal syncope:

  1. Lay the patient down, flat on a ground
  2. Check their breathing and open their mouth to help them breath
  3. Do not feed them anything
  4. Raise the legs above ground to ensure blood circulation in the brain
  5. Open and untie their clothes especially around waist and neck
  6. Consciousness is generally regained in less than a few minutes
  7. But in cases when a person is unconscious for more than 5 minutes visit ER immediately

7. Broken Tooth:

Broken or avulsed tooth can be a result of an accident or injury. This cannot be healed but re-implantation can be done.

Immediate first aid for a broken permanent tooth:

  1. Clean your hands and wear gloves
  2. Do not try to pick or move the tooth
  3. Use milk or saline water to rinse the tooth
  4. Just hold the tip on the tooth and try to implant back in place
  5. Ask the person to chew on gauze to fit it well in place
  6. Refer to a dentist on urgent

General first aid tips for all injuries:

It is important to prevent any further damage after an injury so follows the below steps to treat the condition with general first aid:

  1. Protect from further injury in the affected area
  2. Rest at least 48-72 hours post injury
  3. Use ice packs on injury
  4. Drink plenty of fluids
  5. Alleviate the injured area above the level of the heart for the first 48-72 hours
  6. Avoid heat, alcohol, rigorous exercise or massage for the first 48 hours to avoid swelling
  7. Keep a first aid box handy at home all the time

The above compilation on first aid for different types of injuries is to help you attend to the conditions in utmost helpful ways before reaching out to the ER. Most of these common injuries require no additional hospital visit and can be attended at home itself with these general first aid tips. But visiting a healthcare provider for any moderate to severe injury must be a top priority.

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