First Aid Treatment for Eye Injuries


Having a child makes it too frequent instances of incidents and accidents. While most kids grow up without many ER visits but there is a need to have your first aid pointers set. Prepare yourself for situations and never compromise on any health issue. The first and foremost treatment can be given at home or where the injury occurred so it is important to have your first aid kit set up ahead. Especially the first aid treatment for eye injuries calls for a little more thorough learning.

First aid for eye injury must be given as soon as the child informs about the injury. And be sure to check the cause of injury first if possible. Never touch the eye if it’s hurt, and even if you give first aid at home, be sure to visit the health care provider immediately. There are some special cases and causes of eye injuries and all of which need different treatments.

Common conditions of eye injury and their causes symptoms:

Common-conditions-of-eyeAn eye injury can result in more severe infection if proper care is not given. Be sure to keep your kids safe and always put goggles when swimming or in the sun to avoid any infection. There are several causes for an eye injury, sometimes the kids may not even know and inform the parents. So keep looking out for any redness, swelling or burns in kids eyes. Common eye injuries include:

1. Scratched eye:

Getting poked or rubbing eyes too hard can cause scratched eye. These are painful and discomforting also cause redness and swelling of eyes. These scratches make the eye susceptible to eye infections so it is important to render complete eye care. Do not rub a scratched eye or put anything until you see your healthcare provider. Keep the eye closed or taped and visit the ER immediately

2. Foreign objects in the eye:

If a big particle or object enters eye it may cause wound and injury. Do not attempt to remove the object and visit the ER immediately. As taking the object out by yourself can aggravate the eye injury. These objects may also get embedded in eyes surface so they need medical supervision for clearing up.

3. Chemicals in the eye:

Chemicals are severely harsh and harmful, these can also cause permanent blindness if ignored.  These sting and burn and also need immediate attention. Both acids and alkali are a serious threat to vision and if they enter eyes they must be washed first with cold clean water.

4. Eye redness and swelling:

These can be due to an insect bite or hitting of an object can cause eye swelling. Immediate first aid here must be a cold pack. This can also be a simple black eye but needs a visit to your health care provider

Eye-redness-and-swelling5- Eye bleeding:

Eye bleeding is very common and not a serious eye injury. They occur out of injuries to the eye and it is painless. This may not cause vision impairment. No treatment is needed and the blood clot heals itself in a few weeks. This eye injury first aid just means relaxing and keeping the yes at rest for most of the time. If there is an eye injury white part of the ye then it is visible but in a pupil or in other areas you may wish to see your healthcare provider for more details

First aid tips for eye injuries:

1. First aid for eye injury from chemicals:

  •  Do not rub or put anything in your eye to clean the chemical
  • Wash the eye with cold and clean water immediately, most acids can be rendered ineffective with water splashes in eyes
  • Do not put bandage or eye drops
  • See your optometrist quickly

2. Eye injury due to blow or hitting of an object:


  • Wash the eyes with cold and clean water
  • Apply cold compress
  • Over the counter acetaminophen to ease off the pain
  • For any bruise, cut or bleeding see your healthcare provider immediately

3. Particles in the eyes:

  •  Do not rub or try to take the particle out at home
  • Blink quickly and repeatedly for removing the particle from the eyeball
  • Rinse with cold and clean water
  • If the particle still hurts and stays in the eye, keep the eyes taped or put glass and tape it, rush to ER

4. Cuts or wounds on eyes:

  • Do not wash or rub the eye
  • Cover it and if the blood still persists then rush to ER

Eye Care Tips for Kids:


  • Limit screen time
  • Do not let them sit too close to the screen
  • Watch out for coordination related issues of and hand and eye
  • Offering more green leafy vegetables and carrots which are great for eyes
  • Seeing an optometrist regularly

The above compilation on First aid treatment for eye injuries, is to help kids and parents prevent any serious injury in the eye. Also, first aid at home not just eases the pain but also comforts the kids too. Be sure to visit your healthcare provider for we don’t want the eye injury to cause serious problems.

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