Famous Celebrities Raised by Single Mothers

Famous celebrities raised by single mothers

Everyone wishes for a complete home with both the parents and a happy life. But not necessarily all is arranged in this format for everyone. Though its needed to have both the parents but circumstances and situations may make it impossible for some. This is no way affects if the single mother can nourish and groom the child in most enriching ways

Famous Celebrities Raised by Single Mothers:

Many famous celebrities are raised by single mothers and no doubt their kids are so popular and renowned worldwide. Some of these kids have been so popular that thinking of a single mother raising them has worked so well in their favor. Some famous celebrities with single moms are:

1. Barack Obama:

Barack Obama

From birth until 5 years Barack Obama(R) stayed with his mother Stanley Ann Dunham. Who imagined a young boy from Honolulu would become the first man of the US and that too for straight 8 years. His mother was a white woman from KS and father from Kenya.

2. JK Rowling:

JK Rowling

JK Rowling is the most famous author in the world and an iconic woman who despite all odds came out so bright and conquered it all. She was raised by a single mother and even she is a single mother who has written the popular Harry Potter series. Her family lineage shows her grand mother, great grandmother and more above were all single mothers of successful daughters and somehow this seems to have worked well for JK Rowling too.

3. Lance Armstrong:

Lance Armstrong

Famous cyclist and a popular sportsman, Lance was raised by a single mother. And nothing is known yet of his father, who and where he is. His mother raised Lance wonderfully to become a worldwide sensation by his cycling speed and strength. Though his recent confessions about performance enhancing drugs has made him lose it all

4. Angelina Jolie:

Angelina Jolie

A famous actress, producer and humanitarian Angelina Jolie is the highest paid actress in her time. Her father was an actor and her mother gave up her acting dreams to raise her after separating from her dad. It was her fathers successful career and mothers care that led Angelina to opt for acting as her career choice. And look how popular she has become

5. Julia Roberts:

Julia Roberts

One can only say her mother did a brilliant job by raising this super talented, beautiful and wonderful person Julia Roberts. Untimely death of her father led to her mother taking care of entire family. She has admitted that at age 10 when she lost her dad and the toughest time for the family came in. Her mother was a rock and her foundation stone. Who raised her single handed for most of her childhood

6. Tom Cruise:

Tom Cruise

One of the 4 kids raised single handed by his mother, Tom Cruse(R) turned out a brilliant actor. The inspiration and motivation provided by his mother led him to be the most famous actor in this time. Despite the absence of his father his mother did multiple jobs to provide for them and be there for them

7. Barbara Streisand:

Barbara Streisand

A prolific actor and singer with the most beautiful voice, Barbara was raised by a single mother. A very unfortunate death of her father at tender age 2 had forced her mother to raise her single handed. And look how amazing job she did with such mesmerizing screen presence and always patient and cool daughter

8. Halle Berry:

Halle Berry

This amazing American actress with the only black woman to win academy awards, has had a wonderful career. Her parents divorced at age 4 and she has been estranged with her father. Her mother raising her after a tumultuous and violent marriage to her dad. She has had all the support from her mother to become what she is today

9. Jay Z:

Jay Z

American rapper and businessman was raised by his mother in NY after his father abandoned her. It was his mother who inspires and introduced him to music and drums.

10. Pierce Brosnan:

Pierce Brosnan

The famous Bond 007 has been raised by a single mother too. Abandoned by his father at very tender age he was raised by his mother. All his tricks and courage are an attribute enough his mother did a great job

The above compilation on Famous celebrities raised by single mothers is to share how unfavorable circumstances in life are not a reason enough to expect failures. Its more about rising above them and coming out strong.

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