Tell your kid that you are taking them out for exercising; they’ll start a screaming match. But, on the other hand, tell them to run around the fields all day, there’s nothing more fun for them than that. So, findings fun and constructive ways to exercise with toddler is important if you want to keep yourself and your kid healthy and fit.
Exercise with toddler isn’t subjecting them to multiple reps of rows and planks, it is more behind the fun and the bonding time that you get with your kids.
To help you get a better perspective on the same, we have sorted out some of the best exercise ideas with toddler than you can look into.
Why You Need To Workout With Toddler?
When it comes to “working out” with your toddler, it is more about indulging in a fun filled active morning or evening with your kid.
If you are inquisitive as to why the session of exercise with toddler is a much needed part of their development, we are going to help you with a detailed guide for the same. If you are here struggling with the best ways to exercise with toddler, it is important that you focus on the following pointers first.
Better Bonding
Indulging in doing exercise with toddler ensures to enhance the overall bonding between you and your child. If you have the habit of being out because of your work, you can change that by indulging in such workouts for moms with toddlers.
It is very important that you don’t force your child to do something that they aren’t comfortable doing because that is where the problem arises from. It is very important that you do focus on doing the kind of activities that your kid loves doing.
Exercise with a toddler is more about building and enhancing the bond rather than indulging in the “exercise” part of it.
Better Health and Fitness
Indulge in some of the best exercise to do with toddler helps in boosting your kid’s overall fitness and health.
Given that we live in a world where everyone is busy with the technology and the smartphones, you need to get your kids to move their lazy bum and actually get some work done.
This will keep them engaged and their health in the prime state.
Better Exposure to Nature
As I did say before, kids nowadays are more prone towards the world of technology and online games rather than actually stepping out of the house to get some work done.
When you engage with some toddler exercise ideas, it engages the kids to be more excited in getting some of the best inspiration in playing out more.
If there is no company for them to enjoy with, chances are that they will rather choose the video games over the actual games that are out there.
How to Exercise with Toddler?
When it comes to exercising with a toddler, you need to be very careful with how you get it done.
If you tell them that you are doing exercises to stay fit and healthy, chances are that they are going to end up revolting against the idea altogether. The best way to combat that is by ensuring that you make the entire exercise or the workout routine fun and playful.
The entire routine should feel like a round of games for them and that is exactly the only way in which you can get them to do “exercise”.
You need to be creative when it comes to the exercises because otherwise, chances are that you won’t get the kids to doing what you have planned around.
Exercise Ideas with Toddler
When it comes to the exercise ideas with toddler, I have sorted out some of the easy, fun and playful ones that your kid will love indulging in.
It is completely up to you to understand what kind of physical activity that your kid will love doing and will actually indulge in doing. This is where the trick lies.
If required, take a bit of a time out and then decide and implement the same.
1. Race Them
It might seem a bit unorthodox in terms of it being an exercise; it is still considered one of the best physical exercises that you can indulge in.
Racing helps put the entire body into action, thus helping tone down the overall muscles around in the body which come in handy to keep your kit and even you in the best shape.
It is best to always keep a starting and finishing line and both of you can start from one point and race to the other one for the best results. Running along can prove beneficial for the kid to have fun but also keep themselves in the best shape.
If the traditional sprint isn’t something that enticing, there are other types of races too that you can do with your toddler like the three legged race, frog race etc.
2. Jump Rope

Jumping rope is yet another one of the beneficial ways to exercise with toddler. If you have been looking around for the best ideas to imbibe in this, make it a bit fun by including their friends in it too.
It is very important that you get a jumping rope that well balances with the toddler’s height because the last thing you want is to end up making them fall.
It is also essential that you jump along together with your kid because that can prove beneficial for your kid to have fun all the while staying fit through the process as well.
3. Animal Movements

Animal walks can be an amazing way to throw in some exercise with toddler but has also been found to have beneficial impacts in boosting the overall calmness in a child.
It is best suggested to ensure that you indulge in the type of animal movements that you yourself can get a better perspective on.
From the frog jumps to penguin walks, there are a number of animal walks that one can indulge in.
If you have been wondering how to indulge in doing the same, there are several online videos that you can watch around.
It doesn’t have to be perfect, just hopping and jumping around and ensuring that your kid is having fun is enough to get yourself rolling around with this.
4. Sports of any kind

Yet another one of the amazing exercise ideas with toddler is to play any kind of sports with them. For the most part, they don’t need any kind of boring exercise or workout routine, you just grab and ball and make a run for it.
Football is often considered one of the best workouts for moms with toddlers because not only is it fun to kick around a ball on the green grass, it also makes the kid to indulge in some form of physical exercise.
It is very important that you play the kind of sports that will include the maximum movement but at the same time, include the interest of the kid as well.
Don’t force them into doing anything that they aren’t comfortable doing. If they like football, play that with them. If they like basketball, play that with them.
5. Obstacle Course

Obstacle course is yet another one of the best ways to exercise with toddler. It is possible that you won’t readily find parks around your home that come with one and installing a professional one in your home will take out a lot of money.
This is why it is important that you look through the scraps that are lying around in your home and transform your backyard into an obstacle course.
This is a very interactive and playful form of exercise that you can participate in with your kids without much interaction from your end.
If nothing else works, you can simply align all the furniture in your house in the form of an obstacle race and get your kid to finish it through till the end.
6. Music and Hip Shaking
Yet another one of the toddler exercise ideas that they can do with you is to just dance on any kind of music. Much like how one indulges in the zumba when it comes to the workout, this can be one of the types of workouts for moms with toddlers that you can indulge in.
It is best suggested to ensure that you play some upbeat and fun music even if it is just the shark song that your kid loves dancing to.
This will fuel in the excitement in the kid and even help them gauge a better physical health and well being like never before.
7. Take the Dog Out
If you want to indulge in some exercise with toddler, the best way to do so is by taking the dog out for a walk.
This is one of the best and most chill workout sess that you can do with your kid. It is important to ensure that you do indulge in choosing the nearby park for a walk to let your dog run around which will propel your kid to run around in the park as well.
If required, you can even play with your child for the best experience altogether.
This can be an amazing bonding time for everyone in the family as well, if that is something you are lacking.
8. Gardening
Yet another one of the best ways to exercise with toddler is to indulge in some gardening. It might not seem like a lot of work but it will make your kids have a better connection with nature and even find better attachments with the roots.
Additionally, you will also find that gardening with your child can help enhance their learning skills about not just the process but also the trees and the surroundings. This is something that you need to instill more in your child and can definitely come a lot in handy.
Make sure to keep a very close eye on the toddler you are gardening with because you don’t want any sharp objects to hit them or even don’t want any kind of dirt or worms being put inside their mouth.
9. Balloon Ball
Playing around with the balloon ball is yet another one of the ways to exercise with toddler that you personally can do around with your children.
Given that it is such an indulging exercise because of the fact that it includes such vibrant coloured squishy balls that kids love playing on. The bounce further adds to the excitement and fuels them to indulge more of in such kind of exercise.
10. Hula Hooping
Hula hooping is yet another one of the best exercise ideas with toddler that you can look into.
More than the exercise, the lack of getting the hoop to stay around your body is what imbibes in more fun for the kid.
Your kid and you are going to have a fun and complete blast while doing this if you do come to ask me it. It is best suggested that you select hoops that are meant for your body shape and size and that itself will be helpful enough for you to move your hips and arms around.
For the most part, it is going to be a tedious task but the fun it brings along doesn’t match up to all the hard work that you put into it.
11. Household Chores
Who said you can’t indulge in some exercise with toddler and even get your household work done in the meantime?
Household chores are often hated by the kids is because they are forced to do it alone and by them own completely. If you know that you will have to lend them a hand in the process, why not do it now?
Assign them to help you during the household chores that you are doing. This will be a fun filled activity not just for your toddler but for you as well.
Say, if you are cleaning the dishes, you can assign your kid to dry the dishes in the process. This gives them a sense of responsibility as well which is much needed in the kids.
12. Jumping jacks
Jumping jacks is yet another one of the best ways to exercise with toddler.
This is possible the first actual exercise in here that your kids will love doing as well.
For this, all you need to do is stand on erect on the ground and simultaneously, jump and spread your legs and while doing so, bring your hands to the top of your head as well.
This is one of those exercises that helps in keeping the entire body engaged and thus helps in keeping the overall fitness and health of the body in check.
13. Work on the Yard
Apart from the traditional bout of gardening, there are actually a number of other things that one can indulge in as well.
If you want some toddler exercise ideas, indulging them in some type of working on the yard can actually be an amazing idea like no other. For the most part, this kind of activity is something that the kids take up as a challenge, so you are quite good to go on with it.
From mowing the lawn to getting rid of the weeds from around the lawn, the options available around are quite a lot and the same also helps in keeping your child engaged well through the process.
If you don’t want to overburden them, just given them some easy task to do around, like cleaning the dry leaves and such because even that counters as an effective exercise that you can look forward to.
14. Hopscotch
Hopscotch is yet another one of the amazing toddler exercise ideas that you can indulge into. If you don’t find any kind of good exercise to do with your toddler, this can actually be one of the best ones to indulge in.
If you are wondering here to play it, watch this video here (R)
15. Treadmill
Last but not the least under the ways to exercise with toddler definitely has to be the treadmill.
This is something that you can do with your kid without any issues. All you need to do is keep the treadmill at a considerable pace that your toddler will be able to run on and then run on the treadmill together.
This helps enhance the cardio activity of the entire body and is considered as one of the best exercises to do with your kids.
When it comes to the ways to exercise with toddler, these are the top 15 ways to do so. If you find something else that works for you, go for it. The only thing that you need to keep in mind is to ensure that you keep the activity fun and interactive. Don’t make it boring because then the same won’t attract the attention of the toddlers.