Challenges Of Single Parenthood: 5 Positive And Negative Effects Of Single Parenting


Rasing a child as a single parenting is a greater challenge and stressful in today’s world. You have to take up a lot of responsibility in your shoulders. Well don’t stress out

In this article we will help you out in guiding both positive and negative effects of single parenting with the tips to cope with single parenting.

What Is Single Parenting?


Single parenting (R) parenting is more describe as an absence of any one parent. In this particular situation the kids have to live in the environment of the conflict which is being created by their parents. The parents doesn’t have any ideal environment to raise the children. It is an onerous task.

In single parenting the burden of responsibility is in one individual shoulder.The main challenge of single parenthood is that the respective parent has to undergo a ample number of ups and down to raise the children.

The entire responsibility of ensuring a sound and robust childhood falls upon one parent in single parenting.  In today’s world the parent has to give their best to their child and you have to strong individual to your child.

Statistics Of Single Parenting:

As per studies One out of every two children in the United States will live in a single-parent family at some time before they reach age 18. According the United States Census Bureau, (R) in 2002 about 20 million children lived in a household with only their mother or their father. This is more than one fourth of all children in the United States.

Since 1950, the number of one-parent families has increased substantially. In 1970, about 11 percent of children lived in single-parent families.

By 1996, 31 percent of children lived in single-parent families. In 2002, the number was 28 percent. Many other children have lived in single-parent families for a time before their biological parent remarried, when they moved into a two-parent family with one biological parent and one step parent.

What Are The Causes Of Single Parenting?


It is bit difficult to figure out the cause of single parenting (R) as it varies from one to other, but some of the common cause of single parenting are as follows-

1. Death Of Partner:

Death of a partner is a common cause of single parenting. The improvements in sanitation and maternal care have decreased mortality for those of reproductive age, making death a less common cause of single parenting. The death in a widower or widow is responsible for a single parenting.

2. Divorce:

This is a major cause of single parenting. Due to the separation of parents the children suffer a lot as they didn’t get a appropriate environment around them. In divorce the parent is allowed to make important decisions about the children involve in their respective lives. The physical custody decide to which parent the child will lives with.Children are affected by divorce in many different ways, varying by the circumstances and age of the child.

3. Unintended Pregnancy:

Wedlock birth are one of the cause of single parenting. Few wedlock are intended and many are unintentional. For the unintended birth there may be many reasons such as partner may leave as he or she may want to shirk responsibility of bringing up the child or forced marriage.

In the United States, the studies has shown that the rate of unintended pregnancy is higher among unmarried couples than among married ones. In 1990, at about 75% of births to unmarried women were unintended at the time of conception, compared to about 45% of births overall.

4. Single Parenting Adoption:

This is a very common cause of single parenting in today’s society. Now the ratio of single parenting between woman and men are quite or more same. The men too adopts to be single parent now a days.Today, many countries allow women and men to adopt as a single parent.

In mid 19th century the state welfare officials made it impossible for single persons to adopt, as agencies searched for “normal” families with married men and women in order to adopt a child.

In 1965, the Los Angeles Bureau of Adoptions sought “single African-Americans for African-American orphans for whom married families could not be found”. In 1968, the Child Welfare League of America stated that “married couples were preferred, but there were “exceptional circumstances” where single parent adoptions were permissible”.

Negative Effects Of Single Parenting:


1. Loneliness or Depression:

One of the negative effects of single parenting is it leads to loneliness or depression in kids. This majorly happens due to divorce or the loss of one parent. The children go trough this tough situation as they get emotionally disturbed and don’t find a appropriate environment around them.

Not only the child but also the single parent do face a phase of loneliness or depression as they take to take a the full role and responsibility on their shoulder.

2. Financial Issue:

Being a single parent. This is a greater challenge that one has to face as the one has to take all the responsibility in respect to financial. You are the only earning member in the family. It you who have to give the best of all to your kids. Some times it may arise to situation where you can’t afford to give certain things to your child due to financial concerns.

3. Low Parenting Quality:

The style of parenting affects a lot from single parenting issue. In such ambience you spend less bonding time with your kids as you do have many responsibility in your every day life. You may be forced to work extra hours to earn that additional income that would help you meet your child’s desires which as a results leads to have a low parenting quality time with your child.

4. Emotional Problems:

In single parenting the child undergoes with a lot of phase of emotional imbalance and disturbance in their life. They don’t have a peaceful environment than the children with both parenting. This affect the child’s self esteem and they start doubting his abilities. They tend to draw comparisons with other kids and lose expectations from relationships later in his life.

5. Adjustment Difficulties:

One of the single parenting problem that leads to an negative effect as in adjustment difficulties. The children with single parenting have a feeling of ashamed. They do tend to face academic difficulties too. The child may start showing tantrums and resort to getting involved in wrong company for sake of feeling associated and connected to someone.

Positive Effects Of Single Parenting:


There are some good about single parenting, they are as follows-

1. Strong Bond:

In single parenting you develop a strong bond between you and your child as your full dedication and time are to your child only. You do spend a good amount of quality time with child. You really do play an important role in shaping the future of your child. this is true for many custodial parents, but it’s also true for a number of non-custodial parents who have the opportunity to play a unique role in their kids’ lives.

2. Experience Your Community:

Children by single parents have a strong sense of association with their extended family members. As with the phrase “It takes a village to raise a child.” Kids raised in single parent families are often surrounded by a village of supporters. This phrase says that extended family plays a great role in a child lives as a strong support system during their initial growing years and that influence their behaviour.

3. Share Responsibility:

The children of single parenting are prone to share and take responsibility than normal children. The kids understand the value of their contribution and take pleasure in their work. Mostly the children do things by themselves. They develop a good work ethic, and improve self-esteem and self-worth.

4. Sense Of Maturity:

The children with single parenting earn a sense of maturity fast than children under double parenting.They learns to deal with disappointments and failures early in life which as a result makes them to act more maturely towards unforeseen situations.

5.Parental Conflict:

One of the best positive effects of single parenting is that you stay away from argument and fight (R) with your spouse.This helps a lot in giving less stressful environment to kids. They do feel secure as there is less stress or tension at home. The child grows up to be a caring and free spirited individual.

Hope this article helps you in giving you the information about both the positive and negative effects with single parenting . This information will makes you a better parent than you are. Just accepts the up and down of single parenting as a pride and smile.