6 Major Effects Of Overeating During Pregnancy

Overeating During Pregnancy
Src: momjunction.com

Pregnancy comes up with a lot of challenges for each single women. The phase of pregnancy is just as a ride in a roller coaster, it comes up with high and low phase of the trimester. Each trimester has its own challenges. Mostly women gain weight with each passing stage.

During pregnancy, a mother should eat for two, but that doesn’t mean that a mother needs to eat twice as much as she normally do. During pregnancy is very much important to give extra support that will help the pregnant women and baby to stay healthy.

Well in this article you will come to know the effects of overeating during pregnancy
and the ways how to avoid overeating during pregnancy.

[Read: Lossing Weight During Pregnancy]

Effects Of Overeating During Pregnancy:

Overeating During Pregnancy
Src: theconversation.com

1. Excess Weight Gain:

Excess Weight Gain
Src: emilyprogram.com

This is the first and major effects as it leads in respect to eating too much during pregnancy. Normally in pregnancy, the weight gains up but overeating in plus over gives more effect of weight gain during pregnancy. (R)

The weight women need to gain during pregnancy depends on the weight before getting pregnant. Gaining too much weight during pregnancy can affect you physically, increasing back pain and leg pain. It also increases your risk of developing hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

2. Gestational Diabetes:

Gestational Diabetes
Src: hindustantimes.com

Overeating while pregnancy also leads to gestational diabetes. Overeating and weight gain has a direct relation to developing the risk of gestational diabetes. This can directly affect the health of the baby during pregnancy.

The increase in sugar level can raise the baby insulin levels and blood sugar level, which results may lead to diabetes in baby and store as fat. The excess fat and elevated insulin levels increase his risk of obesity and the development of type 2 diabetes.

3. High Birth Weight:

Yes, it is very much true that overeating affects the weight of yours as well as the baby. It is obvious that you will give birth to a big and overweight baby than usual baby weight. This may lead to damage of your birth canal.

The baby with high birth weight is more likely to experience low blood sugar, respiratory distress, jaundice, etc. A bigger and large baby may injury his shoulder. They may also develop heart diseases after birth too.

4. Heartburn:

Src: skinnymom.com

One of the common concerns during pregnancy is heartburn. Heartburn normally occurs because the hormone progesterone which relaxes the valve and separates over the stomach from the esophagus, which causes reflux of the stomach contents.

During each passing day of pregnancy, the growing uterus crowds out the digestive tract and puts more pressure on the stomach and intestine which as a results leads to heartburn and indigestion.

5. Caesarean Section:

Caesarean Sections
Src: firstcrycdn.com

This is one of the dangers of overeating during pregnancy as it can lead to a Cesarean delivery than normal delivery. Eating too much in pregnancy will lead an overweight or bigger baby so the chance of Caesarean baby is more.

6. Pre-eclampsia:

Src: drweil.com

Here comes with another effect of overeating during pregnancy is that it leads to pre-eclampsia. Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication that is characterized by high blood pressure and signs of damage to another organ system. It mostly affects the liver and kidneys. Preeclampsia usually begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy in women whose blood pressure had been normal.

Pre-eclampsia affects both the health of the mother and baby. It becomes a reason for preterm delivery. If early in pregnancy you are diagnosed with pre-eclampsia and you have to delivery a baby then your baby needs more time to mature.

[Read: How To Do Squats To Induce Labor]

How To Stop Overeating During Pregnancy?

There are few ways where you can have control over your overeating while pregnancy. Some of the ways are as follows-

  • Make some light exercise moments while you are pregnant it may be walking, yoga or some bit of stretch.
  • Drink enough water as that will keep you hydrated and full. The dehydrated body may crave for eating too much during pregnancy.
  • Give much more attention to the iron level of your diet. Foods such as eggs, kale, lentils, beans, red meat, and poultry are iron-rich and help support healthy iron levels during pregnancy.
  • Stop limiting to junk food during pregnancy and stick more to a balanced healthily diet of vitamins and minerals.
  • Keep yourself the stress and anxiety free as due to anxiety and depression pregnant women eat a lot sometimes than normally they have to.

Well, all above the point with respects to the effects of overeating during pregnancy and the ways to control overeating during pregnancy will help you out in keeping a checkmark on your weight management during pregnancy.