Drooling In Toddlers; Signs & Symptoms, Causes, And How To Prevent


What is drooling in babies? What causes drooling in babies? How to stop toddler drooling? How long does drooling last? How to manage the baby drooling at home? Are you stuck with all this question in your mind? If yes!! read on this article.

Drooling (R) is too common in babies. It is referred to as excessive production of saliva unintentionally. Drooling is also encountered in healthy children, it is commonly observed in neurologically impaired children and carries considerable social stigma.

Well at the end of the article will have fair share information about what is all about drooling and the factor that leads to drooling in babies. You will also know the ways to stop baby drooling.

What is Excessive Drooling In Toddler?

As I said above that refers to excessive production of saliva unintentionally. Drooling is also encountered in healthy children, it is commonly observed in neurologically impaired children and carries considerable social stigma.

The baby starts drooling at a baby and stops at the stage of a toddler. It starts at 3 to 6 months of age of the baby. It is quite normal in the first two years of baby life.

This happens due to the baby doesn’t develop that often with regard to the swallowing and the muscles of the mouth until they are up to 18 to 24 months old. Drooling do also appears to see when the baby is sleeping.

Excessive drooling may result in causing pneumonia in which there are more chances for the saliva to get into the lungs through inhaling. As per the expert, it is said that excessive and out of time drooling requires more attention with respect to medical attention.

While teething there is a chance of developing Cerebral palsy. In this case, you have to talk to your doctor and find out what to do and what not to do in case of your child’s medical condition.

As per the American Academy of Pediatrics, (R) drooling helps in as follows-

  • It works great as it helps in keeping the baby’s mouth moist.
  • It helps in washing away food residue from the mouth of the baby.
  • At the time when the baby starts eating solid food, it helps to make the food softens which as a result make the baby swallow the food easily.
  • It also works amazingly in protecting the baby’s gums.
  • It converts starch into sugar.
  • It helps in preventing the hyperacidity in the stomach.

Sign of Excessive Drooling In Toddler:


Here are some of the sign of excessive drooling in toddler such as-

  • Difficulty in chewing
  • Unclear speech
  • Saliva coming out of mouth unintentionally.
  • Mouth infection
  • Unpleasant odor
  • Saliva dribbling down under the chin
  • Sore skin around the mouth area

What Causes Excessive Drooling In Toddler?


Some of the factors that lead to drooling in toddlers are as follows-

1. Teething:

This is a main and direct cause that leads to drooling in babies. As the baby often drools for the reason of irritation of gums at the time of teething. It goes very well with the true fact. It leads to catalyzes the production of drool, as a result, it implies the infant begins to dribble. This normally starts after 6 to 8 months of age and continues up to 3 years.

2. Orofacial Abnormalities:

The orofacial abnormalities refer to the anomalies of the facial bone, lip, mouth these all have a significant relationship that leads to drooling in babies. These abnormalities in babies have shown that they have a problem in swallowing of food etc. As per the research, it is founded that the abnormality or the dental misalignment in the older toddler is one of the main causes of drooling in toddlers.

3. Development:

Here are other causes that leads to drooling in a toddler. It occurs when the toddler has overdeveloped the swallowing capacity that is the reason that drooling does occur in babies. Due to the lack of developmental path, it comes in the way due to premature birth also.

If the developmental phase is not occurring as per the given particular age then do refer to the doctor and take the medication help with respect to neurological damage or delay.

4. Illness:

It is founded from the research that illness can be one of the reasons behind causing drooling in a toddler. A certain form of illness like sore throat, tonsils, etc cause the drooling as the throat gets hurts while swallowing.

When this case does come please refer to the doctor for the medical advice and take care. Some times it can cause serious health conditions.

5. Upper Respiratory Illness:

There are certain upper respiratory illness that leads to drooling in toddler such as epiglottis. This is moreover flap of tissue right above the vocal cord. Some times it can be a serious case of drooling in toddler and founded as a symptom of it by the expert and research.

6. Mental Disorder:

As per the studies it is founded that there is a close relationship between mental disorder and drooling in toddlers. Drooling is one of the very important symptoms of child suffering from Autism. (R)

Drooling is one of the symptoms of cerebral palsy and autism.

7. Neurological Disorder:

There is a certain neurological disorder that leads to the drooling of saliva due to muscle weakness and faces the difficulty of swallowing the saliva. The neurological condition includes cerebral palsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS), (R) Parkinson’s diseases, etc.

How To Stop Toddler Drooling


Every time you don’t required to control drooling in toddler until and less it is observed in case of toddler till the age 4 or it appears to do come in or during sleep. If the sign and symptoms are severe then the toddler needs medical assistance and treatment. In this case you can refer to the doctor or pediatrician of your toddler.

The process of treatment can start from the range of medication to corrective surgery. The form of treatment depends upon the severity of drooling in toddler and it varies from individual to individual.

Some of the ways o stop baby from drooling are as follows-

1. Therapy:

There is a certain therapist that helps to stop drooling in toddler by teaching position and posture that helps to improve the lip closing as well as stopping swallowing etc.

They really play a great role in making your stop your child from drooling. It also controls the muscle tone and saliva control of the toddler. The therapist also works with your diet and reduces the amount of acidic food and takes care of it by making the toddler easy in closing their mouth and stopping their saliva.

2. Appliance and Dental Advice:

This is also another supper way to stop baby drooling. This is done by placing a special device in the mouth which as a result helps in closing the mouth and stop in swallowing.

This is a great aspect that works best to control the drooling in toddler than anything else.

3. Medication:

As I said above that there are ways that can be controlled by medication if the drooling is not that serious in the case of a toddler. There is a lot of medication that helps to reduce the production of saliva.

The list of what medicine to be taken is decided by the doctor and it all depends on the individual to individual. Some of the medicine are scopolamine, glycopyrrolate, atropine sulfate, etc.

4. Injection:

Nothing works as better as injection work. The injection which is proscribed to deal with excessive drooling in a toddler is Botulinum toxin injection. (R)

This injection helps in tightening the facial muscles but it works two to eight weeks after it is taken. This is given inappropriate intervals.

5. Surgery:

This is a form of way to stop toddler drooling in case of a server case. This is the way where there is completely removing of salivary gland completely.

These ways are followed if the drooling in toddler continues for a longer phase of time or late in age after 4 years of old.

How Long Does Baby Drooling Last?


Drooling in a toddler is a common phenomenon at least at the initial stage of life. As per the expert and research, it is founded that it get to stop by the age of 2 to 4 years old. If it is continuing after that then you should consult the doctor or pediatrician for further advice.

It is rightly said from the expert that the drooling gets stop when they get permanent teeth.

How To Prevent Excessive Drooling In Toddler?

“Prevention is better than cure”. This is a right proverb said by the expert, here are some of the ways that help to deal with excessive drooling in a toddler. Such as-

1. Put On The Drool Bib:

This is one of the super and amazing ways to prevent excessive drooling in toddlers. For this, you have to get a drool bib and allow him to wear it. The drool bibs help to absorb the saliva and helps in reducing the drooling in toddlers.

What matters here is that you have to change the drool bib every day and keep on washing it. Do maintain a proper hygienic of it.

2. Keep Tissue Handy:

For the children you drool a lot for them you have to maintain a good hygienic way. Do keep tissue ready all the time whether it is home or outside. Don’t forget to keep this in the diaper bag

Make sure of one thing that use to tissue once and throw it in a dustbin. Don’t reuse it as it is not good for the child hygienic and cleanliness.

3. Give A Teething Toy:

I know you must be wondering how can a teething toy works to prevent excessive drooling in a toddler. Yes, it is true it works amazingly in control of the drooling in a toddler. For this, you have to give a teething toy to your baby.

It just works great in giving then a teeth toy to your baby. This simply helps in relieving he sore gums and bring the excessive saliva down.

Drooling in a toddler is a common phenomenon. It also goes with the course of time, it is not that matter of fact of getting worried. If it is serious and continues for a longer period of time then you consult a doctor. I hope this article has given you a clear picture of what is all about drooling in toddlers and the various ways to stop baby drooling.