Quick and easy craft ideas for kids with paper

Quick and easy craft ideas for kids with paper

Are you the crafty parent who immerses more in craft projects than the kids or are you the one who fears being a part of such projects. Worry not! we have ideas and suggestions for both kinds of parents, to make up for quick and easy crafts for kids.

Craft ideas for kids with paper:

Get some really funky craft papers and arrange for most beautiful supplies and adhesive, you are all set for a crafty delight with your little one. More than the craft you are setting the stage for creative stimulations and innovative ideas to bring out the passion within our little ones. Some easy craft ideas include:

1- Origami toy camera:

Origami toy camera

Origami is the best way to enhance your motor skills and imagination. A simple paper folding can bring out so many designs and also enrich the creative minds of little crafters. Bring on a craft paper and a passport sized photo to let your kids learn about the non-digital yet endearing times you have enjoyed.

2- Paper ice cream cone:

Paper ice cream cone

Best way to get summer heat off your minds is to make an ice cream which doesn’t melt away. Just roll a cardboard into a cone and glue it. Now crumble a paper napkin and ask your little one to decorate it with duct tapes of different colors all over the paper ball. This would shape like a scoop of an ice cream. Now put it on top of the cone and make a paper cherry on top for more fun

3- Paper fans to beat the summer heat:

Paper fans to beat the summer heat

Paper fans are truly a creative bliss as they give so many exciting ways to decorate and every child loves to fan with the paper fans. Just get some colored 12 by 12 inch paper and start folding them from one side, around 1 inch folds inside and out. Get some decorative ribbon to tie around at the ends just at the edges. Your fan is ready

4- Animal masks:

Animal masks

Critter inspired masks are always fun and a great way to use repurposed paper bags with your imagination. Cut them in the shape of your favorite animal and stick some elastic on the sides to get it perfectly in shape of a mask

5- Paper crown:

Paper crown

Make a paper crown easily with wonderful crepe paper and construction papers. Cut a 3 inch strip and join the ends, now begin elaborating it to the level of royalty you wish by sticking crown designs on the paper strip.

6- Dinosaur hat:

Just cut tiny triangles (isosceles ones) such that there are two of these connected on a single paper. Now on a string attach them in a way it makes for the green colored dinosaur hat from head to waist

7- Paper glasses:

Silly and glamorous colorful glasses are super easy and fun to make. Just cut the paper in the shape of your favorite glasses and attach the thin sheet of crepe paper to connect with the glasses frame. Decorate with colors and beads

8- Toilet tissue roll flowers:

Softest and most amazing flowers from craft ideas. Just take the one small sheet of toilet paper and cut out a flower from it. Now take another sheet and cut out a bigger flower. Paste the two flowers from centre and add some glitter colors to decorate.

9- Paper houses:

Cut cardboard papers and make house from it. For more inspired crafty moms, make an elaborate kitchen set for your little rover using shipment boxes. Amazingly popular and trending videos for these make it quick work for everyone looking for craft ideas

10- Decorative paper kite:

Bring the awesome colored papers and some glue with decorative picks. Draw and cut out a kite and add some bright shimmers along with a thread ties at its end. Tail embellished with ribbons to make it a delightful craft pick.

11- Hand print fish puppets:

Hand print fish puppets

Just draw and cut out hand prints on paper and decorate. Now on an ice cream stick put in side wise to shape like a fish. Decorate the fish eyes and fins.

12- Cup cake liner flowers:

Cup cake liner flowers

The old cup cake liners can be made out into beautiful flowers with colors and beads. Just stick them on an ice cream stick and put some paper leaves along with these flowers

13- Paper plate minions:

Paper plate minions

Bring a paper plate and color it into your favorite character, like minion and make its eyes also cut out with paper.

14- Paper lanterns:

Paper lanterns

Paper lanterns can be made with paper cylinder. Just cut few lines in the middle part of the paper cylindrical glass and tie them on a thread in line for paper lanterns.

Some developmental benefits of arts and crafts:

Arts and crafts are a rich source of creative outlet for kids. many important skills and developmental milestones. Some of these benefits are:

1- Fine motor skills:

Drawing and cutting along with pasting requires utmost fine motor coordination. This also help in improving their daily activities like eating, dressing up and eating.

2- Bilateral coordination:

Both the hands are needed together to accomplish craft and art works which makes the child benefit in life skills such as writing, tying shoes and more

3- Enhances self esteem:

The more kids accomplish craft projects the better it adds to their self confidence. Their pride and self esteem also rise when they are able to make the most creative and wonderful art pieces.

4- Craft and art activities help in bonding and working together. Children learn to be a part of a team and group to perform their tasks.

5- Self regulation and compassion:

A lot of self regulation and compassion is required when art and craft projects are done. Craft ideas also help in promoting flexibility and patience too.


The above compilation on Quick and easy craft ideas for kids with paper is to help all amateur in craft and pro in art parents to help their kids learn these amazing skill building activities which will enhance creative and innovative reflection.

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