Coloring as an activity is a wholesome one, as much interesting and engrossing it also brings about cognitive, creative, imaginative and psychological skills in kids. Colors make kids happy and healthy also bringing a lot of fun to their daily routine. There are ample coloring pages for kids, and we must ensure age appropriation and skills directed options for each kid. From fine motor skills to creativity and a lot more interesting hobby, coloring makes the best daily activity which must be introduced to kids as early as possible.
Benefits of Coloring Pages for Kids:
Giving coloring pages to kids are fun, interesting and educational. Ample free printable are available and we must introduce as early as a child learns to hold colors and start scribbling. Some benefits of coloring pages include:
1. Coloring pages help in building fine motor skills in kids:
Precision in grasping the color, and being ale to scribble within the parameters gives the kids a lot more control and coordination than any other activity at this time. More so it keeps them inspired and engrossed in it for long too
2. Coloring pages help in building concentration and focus:
At toddler and preschooler age, it is difficult for a child to sit longer periods for one particular toy or activity. But parents would confess, coloring definitely makes them sit at a place for at least 15-20 minutes. Infact most kids become so engrossed they can scribble all over the walls and are gone for hours in their own colorful imaginations.
3. Coloring pages for kids stimulates creativity:
Creativity can be stimulated immensely by coloring. Visual differentiation helps in enriching their own understanding of colors and shapes too. They may not be yet filling the colors within prescribed lines, but thats not required for really young kids. Let them make their own creative masterpieces
4. Brings better hold on colors:
Thus these coloring pages help in improving handwriting and writing speed too. It prepared for a more literate academic life ahead
5. Improvement in color awareness, recognition and more:
The more kids work on coloring activities the better is their awareness about primary, secondary and tertiary colors. Not only does this foster learning but a more hands on and subtle color awareness
6. Improved dexterity:
Hand eye coordination improves a lot more when kids take up coloring activities regularly. The more they experiment with various kinds of colors and coloring sheets the better is their dexterity.
7. More awareness of boundaries and structures:
Spacial awareness in addition to structural awareness builds up in a more enriched way. The kids who practice coloring from early on in life are able to understand shapes, patterns, forms, perspectives and dimensions too
8. Improved self-expression and self-confidence:
More and more confidence is instilled in children when they practice these important coloring skills. Not only kids learn to express themselves better but also become more and more self confident
9. Coloring is therapeutic too:
More and more therapeutic benefits are derived by coloring activities for kids. Their frustrations, and feelings get contained and they are more and more self-regulated by such activities.
Free Coloring Pages for Kids:
There are ample free coloring pages for kids online and most of these are designed in structured levels. Most websites also offer login and register you for the child’s age and appropriate coloring suggestions. These websites then offer step by step in a chronology to help your child get benefitted from these progressive coloring activities. Websites for free coloring pages for kids include:
The coloring pages on this website are divided into regular, holiday, religious themes and puzzles. There are ample on alphabets, animal, cartoon characters, countries and cultures, famous works of art, music, fantasy, habitat, houses, and homes, people, school coloring pages, characters and shapes, sport, transportation and more. Under holidays there is a birthday, holiday season themes like Christmas, new years, Thanksgiving, Easter, Halloween, 4th of July and more
Ample options from beginner to amateur to pro all kinds of coloring printable are there. Miniature to larger shapes kids can enjoy ample options here. The website includes coloring pages like mammals, birds, reptiles, fishes, insects, amphibians, crustaceans, dinosaurs, flowers, trees, fruits, vegetables, religions, cartoons, sports, transport, toys, dolls, activities also present are coloring books and ample more. More thoughtful applications with a gallery to showcase the best art shared by parents on this website which can help your little one make even better art. Major categories include silhouettes, drawing tutorials, dots to dots, paper crafts and coloring pages
Crayola provides everything under coloring and art. Including suggestions, ideas, DIY methods, and art supplies too. Their wonderful pages range from cartoon to princesses, religious and morales to festivals and celebrations. There are adult coloring pages, art techniques, characters celebration, digital coloring pages, Disney, holidays, make and play and many more
Coloring Pages for Toddlers:

Coloring Pages for Preschoolers:

Coloring Pages for Kindergarteners:
The above compilation on Coloring Pages for Toddlers, Preschool and Kindergarten, is to help parents provide this exciting activity to their kids, and enrich their cognitive, language and motor skills in addition to their self esteem and self confidence.
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