Colic In Breastfeed Babies; Causes, Signs & Symptoms And Home Remedies

Colic In Breastfeed Babies

Does colic go away with a course of time? Does it occur in every child? What makes the baby cry for such long hours? I know all these questions must be popping up in your mind. Don’t worry!! You will find all the answers over here.

As we all know that crying is the only means of communication for the babies where they ask for their needs.

It is very common during the initial stages of the life of every baby. Well, you will have a fair share knowledge about what causes colic (R) in breastfeeding babies and what are the sign and symptoms for it.

You will also have various ways to get rid of colic in breastfeeding babies. Scroll down the article and read about it.

What Causes Colic in Breastfeeding Babies?

What Causes Colic

As per the research and study, it is difficult to figure out the cause of colic in babies. As per Sona Sehgal, MD, (R) a pediatric gastroenterologist, she says that this occurs due to neurological immaturity that makes the baby irritable for a shorter time span.

Some of the causes behind colic in breastfeeding babies are as follows-

1. Maternal Diet:

As we all know, material diet plays an important part in the baby’s growth and development when he/she is in the mother’s womb. The mother’s diet is the only source of nutrition for the baby.

There may be certain foods in mother diets that could cause food allergy in babies. This leads to intolerance in the breastfeeding baby.

As per the research, particular foods like cabbage, chocolate, broccoli, milk, onion have a great impact on inducing colic attack in breastfeeding babies.

2. Overstimulated Senses:

Another reason that leads to colic symptoms in breastfeed babies includes over stimulated senses. This happens when the newborn babies are left to experience the stimuli in their surroundings.

Too much of new sensation makes them overwhelmed with the senses at the end of the day. In order to release the level of stress, they cry.

3. An Immature Digestive System:

Colic in breastfeeding babies does happen when the food doesn’t get digested properly. This happens due to immature of the digestive system in babies.

This makes them cry a lot as they feel uncomfortable when food passes quickly in their body but don’t break down completely to relieve the gas.

4. Feeling of Fullness:

The baby reacts in a cranky way when they feel uncomfortable when they are full following their feeding. This painful situation makes them irritable and makes them cry out.

5. Infant Acid Reflex:

As per the expert and studies, it was found that infant GERD is one of the causes behind colic in breastfeeding babies. This happens because of the underdeveloped lower esophageal sphincter.

This leads to keeping the stomach acid flowing back up into the throat and mouth which leads to crying and irritation in babies. This all leads to colic in breastfed babies.

6. Food Allergies and Sensitivity:

Food allergies are one of the most common causes of colic in breastfeeding babies as per the expert and research proved. The babies who have an allergy to milk protein develop more colic than others.

These allergies lead to tummy pain and cause irritability in babies. As I said above, that mother’s diet plays an important role in determining the cause of colic in breastfeeding babies.

7. Tobacco Exposure:

It is a very important factor that leads to developing colic in breastfeeding babies. This happens mostly with the mothers who smoked before or even after pregnancy.

There is very less evidence with regard to how smoking leads to colic in breastfeeding babies, but it is very true. It also leads to many health issues and problems in the case of the baby.

Sign And Symptoms Of Colic In Breastfed Babies:


Here are some of the sign and symptoms of colic in breastfeeding babies, such as-

  • The child cries a lot and very frequently in a day.
  • The babies are very overactive.
  • They go red in their face.
  • The baby brings the knee up towards tummy while crying or arches their back.
  • Crying has no reason
  • The child cries for 3 or more hours each day, for at least 3 weeks and 3 days a week.
  • Cry with high pitch
  • Make sound more intense than normal babies.
  • Difficult to be soothed
  • Bowel movement  may increase
  • Disturb in eating and sleeping patterns.

How To Treat Colic In Breastfeeding Babies?

Treat Colic In Breastfeeding

Here are some of the natural ways that will help you to get rid of colic in breastfed babies, such as-

1. Breastfeed More:


This is one of the easiest and simplest remedies for colic in breastfed babies. If your baby cries for a longer period of time, then do feed her with breast milk, even if they are not hungry.

This will help in diverting their minds and will lower down the colic symptoms. This also makes the baby feel warm and secure.

2. Burping:


Burping helps a lot to soothe a baby. Burping after feeding plays an important role in making them comfortable after eating as well as it helps in proper bowel movements in babies.

It helps to relieve gas and prevent air pockets. Just you need to do it by holding the baby in your arms and then gently tap and rub the baby’s back. Do this until you hear a burp sound and practice this after each feeding.

3. Review Your Diet:

Review Your Diet

If you remove the dairy products from your diet, then it has positive effects on stopping the colic symptoms in breastfed babies.

Apart from the dairy products, try to avoid nuts, eggs, caffeine, etc from your diet as well.

Try this and see the result that leads to stopping colic in breastfed babies.

4. A Warm Bath:

A Warm Bath

Yes, a warm bath helps a lot in getting rid of colic in breastfed babies. It has positive effects on cooling and soothing the stomach of the baby.

As a result of which, it helps to maintain a good digestive track of the baby and ensure proper bowel moments in the baby. This is used from generation to generation.

You can use any form of essential oil if you wish for additional benefits for the baby. You can give a warm bath before bedtime.

5. Use Gentle Movements:

Gentle Movements

Another remedy for colic in breastfeeding babies that works great is by using gentle movements for soothing them. For this, you can try some gentle rocking, swings, walk in a stroller, etc. This really gives a lot of relief to the baby to let their digestive tract do the work.

It helps a lot to soothe a baby. You just need to hold the baby upright on your shoulder and gently rock them from side to side.

6. Apply Pressure To Baby’s Tummy:


Applying pressure to the baby’s tummy or tummy massage helps a lot in relieving the colic in babies. This gives a sound relief to the baby when you put pressure in the abdomen area.

First, you need to place the baby face down on the lap or upright with his tummy and use your hand to apply a little pressure on the abdomen of the baby.

Then gently rub or pat the back of the baby as it will help to ease the tummy area and pass on the gas. Talk to the doctor or therapist to know the method of tummy massage to be given to the baby.

7. Use Pacifier:

Use-PacifierPacifier is also another amazing way to get rid of colic in breastfed babies. It helps a lot to soothe and calm a baby. Make sure you don’t force the baby to use a pacifier as it can lead to choking.

As per the American Academy Of Pediatrics, parents should make the use of pacifiers before the onset of the colic outbreak.

It has significant effects in reducing the chance of reflux which also helps reduce colic in babies.

8. Feed The Baby From One Breast:


Make sure you always feed the baby from one breast at a time. You should switch the opposite side once it is empty. This really works great to stop colic in breastfed babies.

This will allow the baby to have hindmilk (R) which is fat rich milk.

Do also make sure that you feed at least 10-15 minutes longer from each breast then shifting to the other. Longer feeding from each breast helps a lot in stopping colic in babies.

9. Music For Security And Comfort:


Playing soothing music helps a lot in removing the colic symptoms in breastfeeding babies. The new sounds help the baby stay intrigued and keep their mind diverted.

Music helps a lot to distract the baby and relax the baby from the indigestion of food.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar:


Apple cider vinegar has numerous benefits on health. It works great for babies as well as adults. This helps in soothing the baby and reduces the colic in breastfed babies.

It has positive effects on reducing heartburn and fight yeast infection in the body.

You just need to take 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar and mix that in a glass of water and feed it to the baby.

11. Take Your Child Out:

Take Your Child Out

It is very important to keep the child refreshed in order to get rid of colic in breastfed babies. It just creates magic in the baby’s mood. It also helps the baby to keep their mind distracted.

For this, just take the baby out of the home, either for a walk in a stroller or in a sling, etc. The change in air and atmosphere plays an important role in stopping the crying situation.

12. Try Different Bottle Nipple:

Bottle Nipple

Trying different bottle nipples also does play an important role in getting rid of colic in breastfed babies. It helps to soothe the baby.

It directly helps to prevent the formation of gas in babies. The air that enters the feeding bottle changes with the use of different bottle nipples.

It is regarded as the best way to reduce colic in breastfed babies.

13. Basil:


Basil has many benefits for the baby as well as adults. It is regarded best for health.

Basil leaves are rich in eugenol which helps a lot to deal with the gastrointestinal problem in kids. For this, you have to give basil leaves directly in the morning.

You can also take few basil leaves and boil it for about 10-15 minutes and then strain the water and feed this water throughout the day.

14. Gripe Water:


This is one of the best natural remedies for colic in breastfeed babies that works. Make sure you make it 100% natural. Before giving the gripe water, do make sure you consult the doctor.

This is made of ginger, chamomile, fennel, and lemon balm. It soothes the baby and keeps the baby relaxed from pain and gas. It has positive effects on bowel moments as well.

How To Prevent Colic In Breastfed Babies?


Here are some of the ways to prevent the colic in breastfed babies, such as-

  • Sometimes it is completely okay to let down your baby to cry. This helps to self soothe a baby.
  • Take help from your partner, baby sitter, grandparents, friends, etc. to soothe and calm the child
  • The baby cries less when you hold them tight and close to your body. The warmth and closeness help to reduce the colic effects in babies.
  • Reduce the level of stimulation by making the baby environment more calm and stable.
  • You can place a warm water bottle on the baby tummy in order for them to feel better and comfortable from pain.
  • Before giving any short of probiotics, make sure you consult the doctor or pediatrician of your baby.
  • Try to hold the baby in the upright position as often you can.
  • After feeding, make sure you burp your baby often to have proper bowel moments.

Crying in babies is normal as it is a means of communication for their needs. But when it continues for a longer period of time and at the same time of the day, then it is a matter of concern. I hope this article has given you good information about what is colic in breastfed babies and the remedies to get rid of it.