Cluster Feeding: 5 Effective Ways To Stop It!

Cluster Feeding

Have you heard of cluster feeding? What is it all about? Does your baby eat every two to three hours? Is it a matter of worry or concern? Are you puzzled up with all these questions? Well, relax and be stress-free because we do have answers line up for you.

Cluster feeding is nothing but when the baby suddenly starts eating more frequently every two-three hours. It is very common in babies and its not a matter of worry at all.

By the end of this article, you will have a fair share of information about things you are not aware of cluster feeding.

What Is Cluster Feeding?

As I mentioned above, Cluster feeding (R) is nothing but when the baby suddenly starts eating more frequently every two-three hours. It is very common in babies and its not a matter of worry at all.

There is no wrong in it or a matter to consult a doctor. It is mostly seen in the breastfeeding babies than the bottle-feeding babies at least for the first few weeks. Cluster feeding is a change in the feeding habits of the newborn.

The cluster feeding pops up at various times in the first six months of the baby’s life and occurs shortly after birth, says David L.Hill, MD, a fellow of American Academy of Pediatrics and author of Dad to Dad; Parenting Like a Pro.

In cluster feeding, the baby eats before a long nap or during the growth spurt phase. Cluster feeding can be described as one big batch of small feeding.

Why Do Babies Cluster Feed?


It is very difficult to find out the exact reasons for newborn baby cluster feeding. Moreover, as per the experts, we can say that cluster feeding is a way where babies boost breastmilk production.

As the stomach of the baby grows rapidly during the first phase of life, the baby needs a good amount of milk to satisfy their increased demand for food.

As a baby ramps up his evening feedings, it may allow him/her to have a longer stretch of uninterrupted nighttime sleep so that might be a reason for the newborn baby cluster feeding. Normally, the babies also cluster feed when they are irritable and need comfort, etc.

Heather Turgeon, MFT, (R) a psychotherapist and author of The Happy Sleeper, says, “cluster feeding is likely a way for babies, who have maturing nervous systems, to regulate. It could also be a way to store up on food for the night”.

How To Identify Cluster Feeding?

It is hard to identify cluster feeding in babies, but certain traits can help you out, such as-

  • The babies are a few days or weeks old
  • The baby must be showing their usual hunger signs or won’t stop crying until they’re fed
  • The baby wants to eat constantly or they eat very frequently for short sessions each time
  • Nothing else seems wrong and they’re content when eating
  • The baby may still have regular wet and dirty diapers

When Do Babies Cluster Feed?

As per many studies, cluster feeding mostly occurs at night time. This happens because when the baby sleeps, they more look for ways to self soothe. Cluster feedings occur in the evening hours during the baby’s fussy period. During this time, the baby may want to be fed several times over the course of a few hours.

It is also said that cluster feeding is more common for babies around the 3 weeks to 6 weeks age cohort. This is a stage of growth spurts or developmental leap for the babies. The studies have found that babies do more of cluster feeding at night time or evening time in comparison to the whole day.

What Are The Benefits And Risk Of Cluster Feeding?

Everything has its own pros and cons, cluster feeding also does. So just look at it-

Benefits (Pros):

  • Baby sleeps for longer after cluster feeding.
  • It may help to increase your milk supply.
  • It may help regulate babies emotionally and neurologically.
  • It can increase your skin-to-skin time with baby as well as yours

Disadvantages (Cons):

  • It can increase nipple soreness.
  • It’s unpredictable.
  • It can be exhausting, both physically and emotionally.
  • It often takes time away from other family or household needs in the evening.

How Long Does Cluster Feeding Last?

Each and every baby is different. Cluster feeding ranges from 10 to 30 minutes as per studies. The moms are advised to feed their baby an average of at least 8 to 12 times in 24 hours.

Often, these periods of cluster feeding start around four to six weeks of age and start to reduce around 12 weeks of age of your baby. It is common in most of the babies, so it is not a matter of concern as I did mention above.

How To Stop Cluster Feeding?


There are certain strategies that can help to cope with cluster feeding in newborns, such as-

1. Stay Hydrated and Fed:

This is one of the ways to cope with cluster feeding. The body uses energy to create breast milk. Make sure you drink enough water to keep your self hydrated as your body needs it.

Do also make sure you eat small and nutritious meals and snacks throughout the day. Have some apple, nuts, whole wheat crackers, etc. in your diet.

2. Make Sleep A Priority:

The first and foremost priority of yours is to have proper sleep. As the baby needs frequent feeding at night, that does end up disrupting the sleeping patterns. So, it is very much necessary to get a good amount of sleep.

3. Get Support From Other Moms:

Cluster feeding can either be lovely for bonding or entirely exhausting and frustrating for some moms, says Dr. Swanson. Take some techniques and tips from other moms as that will help you to feel less alone and gain valuable support.

4. Don’t Take It Personally:

It is obvious and normal for every child to cluster feed at some point in life. There is nothing wrong with it. This is all about how your baby’s intake of food for his growth and development. So, it is best suggested that you don’t take it personally.

5. Ask For Help:

If you are worried about your milk formation or your baby’s weight, then do refer to the doctor or pediatrician. Always try to be stress-free and ask your doctor for any changes that are happening during the phase of your motherhood.

Cluster feeding is nothing but when the baby suddenly starts eating more frequently in every two-three hours. It is very common in babies and its not a matter of worry at all. I hope this article has given you good information about what is about cluster feeding in babies.