A baby crawls, then those tender legs and hands take support to stand, slowly the baby walks, and finally it’s time for that little one to put on his shoes and go to pre-school!
At some point every baby has to step into the pre-school world and get acquainted with knowledge at his/her level. While there is a certain age limit to put a child in pre-school, you need to be sure if your child is ready for a pre-school yet.
If you think he/she is not prepared, it is alright. You can give it a month or two to train your child and see what best you can do to send him/her into the world.
The idea is not about pressurizing your child to compete with other kids and immediately go to preschool, it is about waiting for the right time and preparing your child to go to pre-school.
Read this article to know clear signs that your child is ready to go to pre-school
How To Know If Your Child Is Ready For Preschool?

Every child cannot think, understand, and, react in the same manner. Especially, when it is about going to school and away from home for a few hours.
Children might be prepared to go to preschool and the rest of them might be scared of going away from their parents. Nevertheless, this phase has to come in every child’s life.
Usually, preschool programs begin for children as they turn 2. Having said, parents have to observe the child, understand the requirements of the school, and then finally gauge the child’s routine to see if he/she should be sent to pre-school at 2 or 2.5 years.
Is there another way of looking at this?
Yes, experts say that this is a golden moment and a wonderful experience for the child.
A child development expert Anna Jane Hays, a child development expert in Santa Fe and author of several books, including Ready, Set, says, “I believe that all three- or four-year-olds should have the opportunity and advantages of attending preschool,”
“It’s just too valuable of a beginning, now that we know children are capable of learning at such an early age. The consensus is ‘the sooner, the better’ in regard to a structured opportunity for learning.”
Whether your baby is grumpy or happy, at some point, he/she has to go to preschool. Therefore, keep your child mentally prepared about stepping out of the home.
10 Signs Your Child Is Ready For Pre-school

In two years or more of your baby’s life, you should know your child completely and understand what he/she is up to.
Even if your child doesn’t know much, he/she is still eligible to go to school and learn.
Giving your child the space to get adapted to the idea of pre-school is good. However, what is equally important is to send your child to preschool before it’s too late.
This is a little confusing scenario for parents. That being said, here are signs that clearly indicate a child is ready to go to preschool
Sign No 1 – The Age Factor Talks

As mentioned earlier, there is no harm in sending your child to school as he/she turns 2.
In other words, the right age for parents to think of putting their children in school is between 2 and 2.5 years. In most cases, once your child turns 2, he/she will be ready to go to school.
Here are the other things you need to know!
- Few schools are strict about following the age limit for admitting children in pre-school.
- By the time a child turns 3, both the child and you, will have to spend time without each other.
- Always look around for a school before its too late because late admissions are not considered.
- Be sure of what are the rules in your country or State about the age limit of sending children to school. If your child needs to get done with admission procedures between 2-2.5 years. Ensure to be prompt on it.
No 2 –The Child Enjoys His/Her Own Company

Right from birth, it is the mother who spends most of her time with the baby. This forms a strong bond between the baby and mother.
What happens when it is time for a baby to go to pre-school? It causes worry and insecurity for the baby that he/she is going away from the mother. The fear makes babies grumpy about being ready to visit pre-school.
At the same time, this situation is not easy for the mother as well. A few mothers too feel lonely without their child being around until they get used to a different routine of the child going to school.
Getting used to your child spending time with everyone else at home, you will be able to teach your child to be prepared and adapt to a new preschool environment.
These are a few ways to recognize that your child is ready
- The child learns to play alone
- Laughs and has fun making different sounds without anyone around
- Runs about everywhere
When you are not around, he or she won’t cry much. But if your baby clings to you too much then parting ways for a few hours will be a big task.
Sign No 3 – The Child Begins ToListen, Memorize And Question

When your baby is growing and ready to go to pre-school, you will automatically understand it in the way he talks and responds.
For example, if you try teaching him names of different things, he will repeat after you and try to remember what he was taught.
This instance will clearly show that his mind is working and he wants to learn now. He will even start to question you along with trying to memorize or understand what you say.
Why wait? Put him in a pre-school and expose your child to the world of learning.
Sign No 4 – The Child Starts Learning More

After a certain age, everything is bound to happen in its due course of time. When a child is around 2 or 2.5 years, nature takes its form and he/she automatically begins to learn.
Further, when you see your child maintaining consistency and improving. It is a positive sign.
Example – if the child learns to say apple. After a few days, the child might learn to say ‘the apple is red’
This sort of improvement shows that the child’s brain has started to work and he/she is ready to learn.
Sign No 5 – The Child Understands Potty Training

Potty training is basic learning. It is the parents duty to teach the child everything about potty training so that he/she follows what is taught.
Most schools want children to be potty trained. When your child lets you know if he/she wants to use the washroom, it feels more than good to see your child learn basic things. Isn’t it?
Another advantage is that your child won’t spoil clothes and save himself/herself from embarrassment.
Sign No 6 – The Child Will Be Able To Focus On A Task

If you want your child to go to pre-school, it is necessary for your little one to be able to focus on a task for at least ten minutes.
Only when you notice that your child is able to sit quiet completing that task for ten minutes, it is a clear sign that he/she can go to pre-school.
A lot more than this will be taught to your child. However, this will help you understand whether or not your child can sit for 3 hours in school.
Sign No 7 – The Child Learns Basic Things

Only when a child knows basic things, he/she would be comfortable and happy in a preschool. Not to forget to mention, even the pre-school will train your child on etiquette and many other things. However, as parents, you must give your child the best training you can.
Those basic things include teaching your child how to hold, a little training on how to eat, and whether he or she is responding back or not.
For example – is your child able to understand signs such as come here, where is she, hold the glass, do you want to eat, etc.
Once your child can manage to understand and respond to little things, it means he or she is ready to manage in a preschool.
Sign No 8 – The Child Becomes Expressive

Although babies cannot communicate effectively, it is an advantage if the child knows how to express what he or she feels.
If kids don’t know how to say what they feel, then giving it a while before putting them in a pre-school is better. However, parents should try communicating more with children who don’t express themselves.
For example – if your child doesn’t want something, he or she must be able to say No. He/she should be able to say the toilet, when he or she wants to use the washroom.
One or two words or expressing the feeling is what matters the most because this will teach the child to communicate with teachers or friends.
Sign No 9 – The Child Mingles With Other Children

Interaction is one of the key subjects your child will get to learn with other children. Before stepping in a preschool, he/she must get an idea of what it is to play, share, and interact.
Be prepared with a long list of complaints your child will get home. There will be fun with conflicts too. It is a part of growing and doesn’t stress yourself too much over it.
Sign No 10 – The Child Is Healthy And Alert

If your child is healthy and has no health hassles, it means he or she is prepared to go to preschool.
Given the activities, changes in routine, and long hours at school, it would make your child tired. To compensate for this tiredness, it is necessary for your child to be healthy enough and take proper rest.
Having said, try and analyze for how long does your child takes a nap, and will he be able to adjust to the nap time in the pre-school?
While that habit can be inculcated and it is not a big deal. It still needs to be thought of. Keeping this situation aside, if your child has a habit of sleeping even in the morning, then it’s necessary that you wait for a while and then put your baby in preschool.
Since you are taking that time, work on getting your child adjusted to a new routine. Prepare your little one for preschool.
Tips To Help Your Child Have Fun In Preschool

If you think your child will smile and happily wave a bye to you after getting into pre-school the first few days of school, you are expecting too much.
Not every child is happy about going to school. That being said, if you are fortunate enough and your child likes mingling with different kids, he/she might wave a happy bye to you.
Thankfully, parents are always there to make their little darlings feel better. So, if your baby is feeling insecure to stay in preschool. Here are ways on how to encourage, motivate, and push your child to have fun in pre-school.
No 1 – Look around the place and keenly observe how are the teachers and facilities in the school. Analyze if your child can blend into the environment and only then make your decision. Look around 3-4 places to gain all clarity.
No 1 – This might seem hard if you are a touchy parent. Having said, don’t shower too much love on your child before he/she is entering school. If you don’t want him/her to feel your absence, stay neutral, and say a friendly bye. This helps.
No 2 – Focus on the brighter points of going to preschool while you are having a conversation with your child. This will boost your child up. Talk about good friends, a lovely teacher, surprise gifts for doing well in activities, etc.
No 3 – Promise your child that you will get back in a few hours. You might find it tough to convince your baby in these phases when he/she doesn’t want to leave you. Don’t lose patience, threaten, or force your child to enter school. Instead, give him or her a warm hug. Tell your child to be strong and wait for momma or dadda.
No 4 – Always feed positive things into your child’s mind. Motivate and push your baby to see beautiful things about school. Ask your child questions about how he/she felt the entire day. Keep track of what’s happening with your child in school. As a parent, responsibly do this duty. It is important to ensure your child’s happiness.
No 5 – Give your child little presents that can keep him/her happy and feel motivated to go to school. For example, colorful stationery or lovely stationery. Anything should work fine. You will be satisfied to see the joy in your kids faces.
Benefits Of A Kindergarten School
See what researchers and doctors say about the benefits of a Kindergarten school.
No 1 – According to Carnegie Foundation, a child who starts going to school early gets most knowledge and learns better at every grade including high school.
No 2 – Kids who go to preschool succeed well later on in life.
No 3 – These kids would have a good command of their language and good social skills.
No 4 – Preschool is the foundation, it teaches a child to enjoy, learn, share, and adjust.
Put your child in a preschool when he or she is ready. If he/she is not ready, make efforts by changing his/her routine and training your baby on basic qualities needed to manage and survive in a preschool. Don’t push your child, take it one at a time.
When your child is prepared to go to preschool, you would know it. The child gets active, expressive, and knows what to do when he wants to use the washroom or is hungry. This is good enough to enter into a preschool.
All said and done, it is important for parents to know that putting a child in preschool early is not the only way of fetching results or helping a child succeed, it is a base but doesn’t decide the future.
What decides the future is how well is your baby able to learn, is he happy in the place he is, and does he have exposure to positivity, it is the quality of learning that counts.