Causes Of Teenage Depression


Depression in teens, is a serious mental and emotional health problem. Teens who are depressed, experience a constant feeling of being sad and loss of interest in daily activities. Below are some of the symptoms and causes of teenage depression.

Symptoms And Causes Of Teenage Depression

Depression causes emotional, functional and physical problems, and has an effect on the thinking capacity, feelings and behavior of teens. This health problem, can occur, at any time in life.

The signs and symptoms, of teen depression includes, any change from the teenager’s previous attitude, thinking and behavior, which can mainly cause, distress and performance problems at school or home, in social activities or other areas of life.

Environmental stress, could also be a reason for teen depression. Causes of depression in teens, may let them to have no motivation and withdraw themselves. They prefer to stay in the room for hours, and close their bedroom doors after coming from school.

In children, depression may lead them to have excess sleep, and have a change in eating habits. They may even show criminal activities, like shoplifting, or may even be under the influence of drugs, while driving.

A teenager may show more signs of depression, with emotional and behavioral changes. Few of the changes, experienced by teens are:

Emotional Changes

Emotional-ChangesThe causes of teenage depression, are more likely linked to emotional problems. They may show feelings of sadness, which may include, crying for no reason; feelings of being hopeless or shallow; have an irritating or annoying mood; may easily be frustrated, even over small matters; may lose interest or pleasure in normal routine activities; they may get into conflicts with family and friends.

Depression in teens, may cause them to have a low self-esteem, a feeling of guilt or worthlessness, self criticism; they may be extremely sensitive to rejection or failures. Teens, may even have a difficulty in concentration, trouble in thinking, and in taking decisions, and memory. They may even experience, frequent thoughts of death, dying or suicide.

Behavioral Changes

Behavioral-ChangesCauses of teenage depression in teens, could also be due to behavioral changes. Some of the changes, which teens, face are: they may be tired, and lose energy; difficulty in sleeping or may have excess sleep; may have a decreased appetite, and weight loss; they may have increased cravings for food, in turn leads them to weight gain; Consumption of alcohol or drugs, can also be the cause of depression in teens.

Teens may feel agitated or may experience restlessness; they have a delayed ability in speaking or body movements, and slow thinking; frequent complaints of unexplained body aches and headaches; they may be isolated from social activities; have a poor performance in school or frequently absent from school.

Depression in teens, may let them have a neglected appearance; have angry outbursts, disruptive or risky behaviors; they may even self-harm themselves like, cutting, burning, or excessive piercing or tattooing. They can even make a suicide plan or a suicide attempts.

Causes of Teenage Depression

A variety of reasons, may be involved, for the cause of teen depression, which includes:

  1. Biological chemistry – A human brain contains chemicals, called neurotransmitters (R), which carries signals to other parts of the brain and body. When any abnormality, or impairment, are caused to these chemicals, the function of the nerve receptors and nerve systems change, leading to depression.
  2. Hormones – Any change in the balance of hormones in the body, can cause or trigger depression in teens.
  3. Inherited traits – Depression, is more common, seen in individuals, who have a family history of such condition.
  4. Early childhood trauma – People who had experienced any traumatic events, during childhood, such as physical or emotional abuse, or loss of a parent, may cause changes in the brain. These changes, make them more liable to depression.
  5. Learned patterns of negative thinking – Depression in teens, may be linked to situations of being helpless, rather than learning to feel capable, of finding a solution to situations, for the new challenges of life.

Diagnosis of Teen Depression

Diagnosis for teen depression is done, based on the symptoms shown by a depressed teen, and also the duration of symptoms. A doctor, who is examining, will generally, consider, how these symptoms affect the behavior and life of a teen.

Risk Factors For Youth Depression Are

Many factors increase the risk of developing or triggering teen depression. Some of the risk factors for youth depression are:

  1. Obesity, peer problems, long-term bullying or academic problems, can have a negative impact on a teen’s self-esteem.
  2. If a teen has/ have been a victim or witness of violence, such as physical or sexual abuse.
  3. Other conditions, such as bipolar disorder, a personality disorder, an anxiety disorder, anorexia or bulimia, can increase the risk for depression in teens.
  4. Those who have a learning disability or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (R) (ADHD).
  5. Suffering from any chronic illness, such as cancer, diabetes or asthma, or any ongoing illness.

By Supraja