Top 10 Brain Teaser Games for Kids

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When kids have time off from their school, parents usually focus on their physical activities. While strengthening their physical abilities through sports and other activities is important, strengthening their mind is just as important. Brain teasers are one of the tricks to keep your kids’ minds active and on-the-run. Brain teasers are undervalued for their mysteriousness but if we dig deeper, we can see that brain teasers are quite important to tune and sharpen your kids’ IQ. So, here are some brain teaser games for kids.

Brain Teaser Games for Kids

1. Rubik’s Cube:

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Rubik’s cube is the first thing that comes into our minds when we think of something that will challenge our logical reasoning and test our intelligence. Kids get easily addicted to this because a. it is colorful and b. the drive to “fix it right” keeps their minds occupied. The result: your child is going to be smarter than before.

2. Jigsaw Puzzles:

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These are my personal favorites. Brainteaser puzzles for kids of any kind bring out the intelligent side of your kids. We all are attracted to puzzles because it’s a basic human instinct to “make something out of nothing” and that’s exactly makes them wiser and smarter. Puzzles are fun in general and can be found at any general stores. Just bring home a new box of jigsaw puzzle and see the creative side of your kid come alive. The best part about these puzzles is that they can be found in any theme that your kid might like. For example, If your kids love Angry Birds, there are plenty of puzzles available in that theme.

3. Lego:

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These hold a special relationship with every child these days. Lego is a brain teaser if you think about it. It’s making your kid think, build and create something just out of their imagination (or with the help of manual) but hey, if your kids are hooked to lego bricks, then the creative genius is slowly forming inside them.  They can build a whole city with them and it makes them feel proud of themselves. Of course, they’re going to break it afterwards but think of it this way, if they’re creating something out of it, they’re using their skills and mind to do it. That is all that counts and that’s why Lego is a great brainteaser puzzle for kids.

4. Brainteasers with answers:

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There are many great riddles out there that provide great insight towards the higher intelligence of ourselves (if we get the answer right). The following are some brainteasers with answers:

  1. I am not alive but I have five fingers. What am I?
    Ans: A Glove
  2. What can be seen once in a minute, twice in a moment but never in a thousand years?
    Ans: The letter “M”
  3. People buy me to eat but never eat me. What am I?
    Ans: A plate.
  4. Imagine that you’re in a boat, in the middle of the sea surrounded by hungry sharks who will feed on you. What are you going to do?
    Ans: Stop imagining.
  5. Is it legal for a man living in London to be buried in Milwaukee?
    Ans: No! Because he is alive.

5. Bedspring Brainteaser:

Bed-springYeah, this is the most simple one of all. This is something kids below the age of five would try and fail and then succeed. This is a good one for starters and once your kids can solve this, they will know the trick like the back f their hands.

6. Online brainteaser games:

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Video-games are biggest peeves for parents and the biggest go-to fun for kids. In a way, Video games are bringing out the creativity in your kids, which is why your kids are addicted to them. Although it is advisable to play these brain-teasing games for a healthy amount of time, too much of this can make your kids hyperactive too. Just two hours of it every day and that should be enough.

7. Mind-bending facts:

Mind bending facts
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Now, not everything has to be about games and toys. Some things can just be read and that itself would tease your brain. Certain “Did You Know” facts and “Mind-Bending Facts” have the same affect on us like brainteaser games. You can always look for such articles on the internet and the material is available in plenty. You do need to make sure that you’re reading such facts from reliable sources. It is important that you double-check these facts and then carry on with your information.

8. Science tricks:

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Certain science tricks are just as mind-bending as brainteasers. You can look up for some cool science tricks on Youtube or any other reliable platform and you’ll be surprised with some mind boggling tricks. Some tricks are so crazy that people online try these tricks at their homes and post the end result online. You need to be extra careful if it involves harmful chemicals.

9. Crossword puzzles:

Crossword puzzles
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Crossword puzzles are great brainteasers for kids. Crossword puzzles makes your kids think and act accordingly. In the process, they learn new words and become a pro over the time. Crossword puzzles are an old-trick to test your kids’ thinking skills while forming words and check their spellings.

10. Creative illusions:

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Illusions are great to look at and they not only trick our eyes but trick our brain too. These are some modern examples for brainteasers for kids. Even adults are captivated with these illusions and with the growing internet hype, creative illusions are the new brainteasers as they make you question what and how of the picture.

It’s understandable that why brainteasers are equivalent to magic. A little reasoning and a little work and boom! What once seemed like a mystery now feels like proper execution of simple logic. With brainteasers like these, we can come out with a great philosophy that one must try and try until one succeeds.

Mithravinda Tenneti