15 Vital Brain Foods For Kids


Did you know, what goes in your child eats, has a big influence on their intelligence and cognitive powers? Yes, there are many brain foods for kids that you must know and feed your growing up tot.

Your little one is growing up real fast and turning to be a naughty toddler. They are learning, discovering new things and showing their curiosity each passing day. Very soon they are going to be able to learn new activities and it is time you prepare them for what’s coming in future by feeding them the right foods.

A healthy and balanced diet is not only good for a kid’s body, but also for their brain. The right food helps to improve the functions of the brain, memory and the concentrating power. Similar to the body that absorbs nutrients; the brains as well absorb nutrients from foods. Let’s take a look at all the foods that can help kids boost their brainpower.

Check Out These Vital Brain Foods For Kids 

Best Foods for Brain Power


1. Eggs:


Eggs are excellent sources of protein and other nutrients which helps kids to concentrate. Eggs are packed with choline in the yolk, which helps memory development in kids. You can make homemade quick breakfast for kids every morning. This makes excellent brain-boosting food for kids.

2. Greek Yogurt:

ImageSource: anutritionisteats.com

Fat is very important for brain health. The Greek yogurt is good with protein that keeps the brain cells in good shape for the function of sending and receiving information. Greek yogurt is the best brain food for kids.

3. Peanut Butter:

Kids love this brain nutrition food, don’t they? The good thing about peanut butter is that it is packed with vitamin E and has antioxidants that help to protect the nerve membranes. Thiamin content in peanut butter is also good brain nutrition and glucose content which gives energy.

4. Greens:

The green leafy vegetables like kale and spinach etc. are rich in folate and vitamins which help in brain growth. The kids might hate these for every reason possible but there are ways you must feed the kids. Add it to the omelet or make some wraps, rolls or grind it to make some dip. This is the best good for brain growth.

5. Berries:


Strawberries, blueberries or cherries and blackberries are a great source of nutrients. They are intense in color and have high levels of antioxidants, especially vitamin C which helps to prevent cancer. With the extract of blueberries and strawberries, there has been an improved memory which is proven in some studies. The seeds from the berries are also a good source of omega-3s fats which is very essential for the body. Toss it with salad or make a smoothie. Hence berries make best brain food for kids.

6. Oatmeal:

Oatmeal is known as the grain of the brain. These are not only very famous for kid’s breakfast, but also very nutritious for the kid’s brain. Oatmeal is loaded with fiber, it keeps kid’s brain fed all the time at school. Also being a good source of vitamin E, B-vitamins and zinc and potassium, it helps the bodies and brains to function at full capacity. There are plenty of snacks to have with oatmeal and hence these make amazing brain food for children.

7. Whole Grains:

The excellent brain nutrition, whole grains are a constant supply of glucose. The fiber content in the grains helps to regulate the release of glucose in the body. The vitamin B in the whole grain provides nourishment to the nervous system, making it the best food for brain development.

8. Beans:

The energy content from beans is all from the protein and complex carbs along with fiber and lots of vitamins and minerals present in the beans. They are an excellent food for kids because they keep the child’s energy at peak and also the thinking levels all afternoon if they enjoy beans at lunch. Pinto and kidney beans contain more omega-3s fats in them as compared to other beans. This helps in brain growth and other functions.

9. Colorful vegetables:

The tomatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, spinach, all have rich and deep colors which are best sources of antioxidants that help to keep the brain cells strong and healthy. The baby carrots and small tomatoes make excellent lunch munch.

10. Milk & Yogurt:


The dairy foods are full of protein and B-vitamins which are essential for the baby’s brain growth – brain tissue, neurotransmitters, and enzymes. These are full of both protein and carbohydrates that are a big source of energy for the brain.

11. Lean Beef:

The high content of iron is an essential mineral that keeps the kids energized and to concentrate at school. Lean beef is a great source of iron. Also a source of zinc which helps with memory.

12. Fish:


The best brain food for its development is fish for kids. Fishes like sardines, salmon, tuna etc. are a rich source of Vitamin D and omega-3s fatty acids. Both of the above nutrients help in protecting the brain against memory loss or age-related issues on memory decline etc. For kids, omega-3 fatty acids are highly recommended for building up the immunity and boost their energy.

13. Nuts and Seeds:

The walnuts, almonds, flax, chia seeds, etc. makes sure your kid has the right amount of protein and essential fatty acids that help in boosting mood and keeps the child’s nervous system healthy and functioning.

14. Apples:

The lunch-box friendly and amazing versatile fruit which makes a healthy snack or appetizer for the kids. Apple has the vital antioxidants which fight cognitive decline helping to keep up your kid’s health. Organic apples are the best and out of risk of pesticides and chemicals.

15. Turmeric:


The very famous anti-inflammatory which helps in boosting the memory when added to foods for your kid’s diet. The curcumin content in it helps in the functioning of the brain and fights the inflammation of brain tissue by making them stronger and resistant to Alzheimer’s disease or plaque formation. Most Indian cuisine is prepared with turmeric, so you are sorted if you enjoy them.

So, these are a list of brain foods your kids need. Alter the contents in their diet every day and make each diet count to their good health. It is said that what you eat shows up on your body and hence undoubtedly stands very true in our lives.

If you have any more to add to the list here, please feel free to do it via the comment’s section. We love hearing from you. Keep reading with us and share ahead.