Best Toys for Kids of All Ages

Best toys for kids of all ages 2017

Learning and development definitely reach an altogether different level with age appropriate and stimulating toys for kids at every stage. There are several legendary toys which are known to have some of the most enriching effects on kids. Branded toys and even independent toy manufacturers both have been playing a significant role in our kids all round development.

Age wise Best Toys for Kids:

While most of the toys can be held by kids at around 3-4 months but even a newborn can be shown colored and musical toys. They help in immense enrichment. They may just be observing the toys but even that gives them vision stability, hearing, being active and more. Infants not only enjoy the patterns and colors but also movement too. A gym is enjoyed at early as a few weeks kid and they begin trying to hold or hit the hanging toys which improves their hand eye coordination and helps them get physically active too. Some of these age wise toys are:

1. Age 0-6 Months:

Since infants are immobile and mostly sleepy, the toys here are patterned or colored musical and sound producing kinds. Rattles, floor gym, noisy and handy toys, activity boards, stuffed toys, teether and lullaby musical toys

2. Age 6-12 Months:

Now the toddlers are mobile and constantly trying to explore around. Stacking, nesting, sorting and arranging toys are not only fun but also stimulating and enriching. Push pull toys which make noises and hammering ones which are helpful for fine motor and gross motor skills development. The simple puzzles like shape sorting and musicals like tambourine, drum, maracas are exciting and thrilling too

Age 6-12 months

3. Age 12-24 Months:

Age 12-24 months

Now its time for more pretend play, Toys like tea set, kitchen set, trike, ride on or balance bike, make believe party set, blocks and construction toys, puzzle, animals and vehicles. Colors and sound based toys and also stories. Kids at age 12-24 months are more and more participative thus activity based learning toys are great

4. Age 24-36 Months:

Kids this age are ready for art, craft, phonics, numbers, counting, words, and more such core learning based toys. Action figures, barbie, doll house, kitchen set up, Dress up props and climbing, jumping or outdoor fun toys are whats likes by kids this age

5. Age 3-4 Years:

Age 3-4 years

Kids are now more and more independent, some beginner board games with difficult puzzles, planets and space toys, shape and sorting for their age, sports and indoor toys which prompt movement and learning too, support wheeled bike, scooter, hand holding skateboard. Magnetic and craft based games, play-dough, kinetic sand, sensory toys and more such can be stimulating and enriching for kids

6. Age 5 and Above:

More and more board games and sports toys must be given to these kids. Construction toys, video games, sports, strategy based games, and even modeling kits are wonderful too

Some Award Winning Toys for Kids Include:

  1. Action figure Category: DC superhero girls action figure
  2. Outdoor toy of the year: Bunch o Balloons
  3. Activity Toy of the year: Crayola air marker sprayer
  4. Construction Toy of the year: Lego friends amusement park roller coaster
  5. Doll of the year: Barbies fashionista
  6. Collectible of the year: Pop by funkoo LLC
  7. Infant and preschool toy of the year: Doc MC Stuffins hospital care cart
  8. Game of the year: Yeti by Spaghetti
  9. Innovative toy of the year: BB8
  10. Tech Toy of the year: Code gamer

The above compilation on Best toys for kids of all ages 2017 is to help parents and caregivers provide cool toys for kids, They are important in sensory, motor, language and academic rather overall development of a child. The more exposure to these stimulating toys, the quicker they reach their milestones and beyond.

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