20 Best Parenting Books For Toddlers


The goal of every parent is to shape their children. You should be equipped with the best parenting techniques to overcome the different conditions that you encounter in your child. Reading good parenting books will help you to deal with difficult situations in the development of your child.

Invest in some time for reading parenting books for your toddler. When you are a first-time parent you are required to read pregnancy and baby-related books to prepare for the arrival of your baby. Parenting books help to catch and understand the emotional capabilities of your toddler.

This article discusses the benefits of parenting books. It presents the factors to be considered while selecting the best parenting books. It also presents a list of good parenting books for toddlers.

Benefits of Parenting Books:


These days, parenting books are available in every store and library. Here are a few benefits that parenting books offer:

1. Enhances Parental Empowerment:

Parenting books improve self competency and parental satisfaction. Parenting books bring some positive changes to the parents’ attitude. These books make parents strong enough to understand and grow their children.

2. Increases Positive Parenting Practices:

Parenting books promote positive parenting practices like using positive language, following the principles of discipline, and adopting best family routines. It increases parents’ knowledge regarding their child development.

3. Improves Parent-Child Interactions:

Parenting books enhance the ability of parents to understand the mindset of their children and strengthen parent-child interactions.

4. Help To Improve The Behavior Of The Child:

Parenting books allow parents to teach their child social behaviors like empathy, sharing, and helping others. Parents with good parenting techniques can keep their children away from antisocial behaviors.

5. Help To Discipline Child:

Discipline plays a prominent role in the development of a child. Best discipline allows your child to build and develop social skills which in turn helps in strengthening their secure networks.

6. Decreases The Use Of Punishments and Child Abuse:

Parents equipped with good parenting techniques know how to respond to stressful and hard situations. They rarely yell at their kids as they know the self-controlling techniques. These parents can offer a healthy and abuse-free home environment for the growth and well being of their children.

7. Helps Parents To Improve Mental Health and Well Being:

Parenting books can help parents to overcome mental conditions like depression, anxiety, anger, guilt, and stress.

Best Parenting Books for Toddlers:


Here are a few parenting books for toddlers:

1. How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk:

Authors: Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish.

This book is equipped with actionable methods and practical solutions. This book will help you to build a strong foundation with your kid. The authors addressed the common problems between parents and kids. The authors have articulated the ways that help to discipline and praise your child.

2. Brain Rules For Baby:

Author: John Medina

Medina, being a molecular biologist and dad, gives advice on raising a smart and happy child. He believes that impulse control is the best indicator of performance, not IQ. This book has fascinating funny stories that describe how a child’s brain develops. The author also mentions the extent to which the TV is ok for babies.

3. Oh Crap! Potty Training: Everything Modern Parents Need to Know to Do it Once and Do it Right:

Author: Jamie Glowacki

The author presents essential and effective ways required for potty training. It is a popular parenting guide to say goodbye to diapers.

4. Playful Parenting:

Author: Lawrence J.Cohen

This book focuses on effective parenting strategies using humor. You can also find the audio version of playful parenting. This book offers valuable and fun approaches to parenting. Play is an essential parenting tool that offers the best environment for the kids to grow.

5. 1-2-2-Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12:

Author: Thomas W. Phelan

Phelan helps you with the three effective levels that help to get your kids to cooperate reducing your stress levels. This book will help to deal with the tricky situations of your toddler like mealtimes, meltdowns, and homework arguments. The tricks provided by the author help to encourage better behavior for mom and kids.

6. Sibling without Rivalry:

Authors: Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

This is one of the good parenting books for toddlers. This is a good book to deal with siblings. This book helps to create a peaceful environment at the home. It is the most well-known fact for the parents that adding another child to the family triples the task. This book teaches you gentle and smart techniques to parent each child. This helps kids to setup better sibling relationships.

7. No-Drama Discipline:

Authors: Daniel J. Siegel, and Tina Payne Bryson

This book is a follow up to the whole brain child and uses the whole brain child approaches to teach how to discipline a child effectively. This book has gentle instructions to discipline a child without instructions. This book is attaining more popular with it’s more intentional techniques for disciplining a child.

8. Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems:

Author: Richard Ferber

The author has provided the best standard techniques for getting your baby to sleep through the night and nap in the day. The author describes step by step instructions to cross this difficult process.

9. The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed:

Author: By Jessica Lahey

This book is very helpful for parents with school-age children. It helps to fulfill the desire of every parent to raise responsible, resilient, and independent adults.

The author assists the parents through this book to help kids with their homework and resolve their friendship troubles. She lays a blueprint for the parents to handle homework, report cards, social dynamics, and sports.

10. Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting:

Author: Dr. Laura Markham

This book focuses on the concept of positive psychology. This book helps parents to understand their connection with the toddlers. This book discusses the impact of parents’ mental state on their child. This book speaks about many tricky situations that the parents may find themselves while dealing with their toddlers. This book helps parents to connect with their kids by understanding their kid’s behavior.

11. Unconditional Parenting: Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason

Author: Alfie Kohn

This book helps the parents to deal with their child from the place of understanding instead of discipline and control. The author argues that rewards are as bad as punishments. The concepts in this book revolve around the basic principle of unconditional love.

12. No Bad Kids:

Author: Janet Lansbury

This is one of the best positive parenting books for toddlers. This book is a collection of the author’s most popular posts on parenting toddlers. This book identifies the most common problems that the parents face with their kid in the toddlerhood. This book helps parents to understand toddlers.

13. The Happiest Baby On The Block:

Authors: Harvey Karp

This book helps the parents to deal with the screaming fits of their new babies with the help of sensible and best solutions. This book is updated with the latest insights to deal with infant sleep, bedsharing, swaddling, and SIDS risk. This book helps to transform even fussiest parents into the happiest baby.

14. The Gardener and the Carpenter: What the New Science of Child Development Tells us about the Relationship between Parents and Children

Author: Alison Gopnik

The basic goal of every parent is to take care of their children. Billion-dollar industry surrounding the parenting has transformed childcare into obsessive, controlling, and goal-oriented to create a particular kind of child. This book brings up the drastic changes in parenting over the years. The author argues that children are designed to be messy and unpredictable, playful, and imaginative.

15. Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World:

Author: Kristen Welch

In this book, the author shares the ups and downs that she has encountered in her own family’s journey of discovering why it is healthiest not to give their kids everything. The best way of guiding the children on the right path is to make them understand the difference between want and need. She helps parents to raise faith-filled kids with many practical tips and anecdotes.

16. Raising Your Spirited Child:

Author: Mary Sheedy Kurcinka

The author, being a parenting expert offer the parents an overview of what makes their kids to behave the way they do? This book is equipped with proven and smart strategies that offer emotional support to the parents to handle the toughest times.

The author presented a simple four-step program in this book that deals with the mealtimes, bedtimes, holidays, and many other situations.

The third edition of this book will help you to find practical strategies to manage your own intensity. It presents effective discipline tips.

17. The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Gentle Ways to Help your Baby Sleep Through The Night

Author: Elizabeth Pantley

Pantley’s guide provides you with the most effective ways to overcome naptime and nightmare problems. The step by step ideas presented in this book will help your little one to steer towards a good sleep in the night. Pantley’s successful solutions are tested and proven to be effective.

18. Double Time: A helpful Book of Schedule keeping for Twins

Author: Lynn Lorenz

When did you feed your twins? When do you have an appointment with the pediatrician? This book helps you to keep track of feeding, diapering, medication, naps, and other information with the easy to use daily schedules provided in this book. This book is very helpful for the parents to deal with the twins. This book also includes progress reports for the pediatrician, help for the caretakers, especially dads who want themselves to be involved more in taking care of the kids.

19. Hands Free Mama: A Guide to Putting Down the Phone, Burning To-Do List, and Letting Go of Perfection to Grasp What Really Matters

Author: Rachel Macy Stafford

These days, we are spending most of our time with the screens rather than looking into the eyes of our loved ones. The author mentioned the ways that enable us to establish distortionless connections with the kids. She argues that it is most important to seize the little moments that life offers us and engage in meaningful interactions.

20. The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children

Author: Ross W. Green

Explosive children respond to routine situations with extreme frustration. This may leave the parents in frustration. The author of this book is an expert in treating the kids with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges. He explains the ways to deal with the child with behavioral problems. He has presented smart ways to teach these kids the skills they lack.

Promote the emotional and physical health of your child by adopting the best parenting techniques. Get adequate skills that you require to grow up a child with the help of the best parenting books.