Top Benefits Of Playing Music For Baby In The Womb


Music for baby in the womb, has an amazing effect on prenatal babies. A baby in the womb hears many sounds from the outside world, but one type of noise, that they get a lot of attention from expecting mothers is music.

Benefits Of Playing Music For Baby In The Womb

1. Reduces stress levels in the mother

Reduces-stress-levelsPregnancy music, reduces stress levels in the mother. For most women, pregnancy, can be quite an overwhelming experience. And few of them experience high levels of stress, which can have a detrimental effect on the baby. Due to high levels of stress in pregnant women, there is an increase in the risks of premature delivery, low birth weight for the baby and chances of behavioral problems in children. Being stress free for an expecting mother, is always an added advantage of the unborn child.

2. Stimulates the baby’s brain

Stimulates-the-baby's-brainMusic for baby in the womb, is known to stimulate the growth of the baby’s structures of the brain. It also helps to stimulate the senses of the baby, and in turn improves his/her brain development.

3. Helps your child bond better with you

Helps-your-child-bond-betteBabies, who listen to music, when in their mother’s womb, are able to associate with them post their birth too. The songs, and music, which you have been listening to, when pregnant, can have a soothing effect on the child post birth. In addition, it builds in her a sense of trust and security.

4. Helps baby establish a better sleeping pattern

Helps-baby-establish-a-betterMusic for baby in the womb, after their birth, helps in establishing a better sleeping pattern for the baby, and lets them sleep for longer time periods. After their birth, familiar music captures their attention, comforts and relaxes them.

5. Music affects fetal development

Music-affects-fetal-developThe benefits of music for pregnancy, is it helps to smile, sing, peacefully relax, and fall asleep, for expecting mothers. For babies, in addition, to sleeping patterns, music sharpens the ears to listen, combines and produces language sounds for the baby in the womb, stimulates the brain to grow.

According to research, during pregnancy, mothers who played music and read to their babies, feel a strong maternal bond. Pregnancy music, can even alleviate symptoms of postpartum depression (R). Playing the same music after birth can further help establish a better sleeping pattern for your baby, which in turn lets you get more sleep.

6. Develops auditory system

According to research, playing pregnancy music correlates, with a more developed auditory system, and that newborns already have experiences and memories of the surrounding world, even before they come out of the womb.

Although it is a general belief, that listening to music, while pregnant, may help with the development of the fetus brain.

Fetuses, by 23 weeks of their development, are capable of hearing and reacting to sound simulation. That is the reason, why many psychologists and therapists, believe, that listening to music while pregnant, can benefit the health of a baby, and in turn development of the baby’s brain.

However, some positive results and studies, have been shown, with prenatal sonic stimulation, when a fetus is exposed to music, while in the womb. Babies, who listen to music, while in the womb, are more likely to have better language skills, increased intellectual ability, increased cognitive development, and strengthens intellectual ability.

7. Various studies, have tried to show that, according to the intensity of the music and sound, fetuses do react to the sounds and music they hear, by kicking and moving.

8. Different studies, have shown different results. According to a research, it was hypothesized, that, if an expecting mother, listens to the sounds during her pregnancy, the benefits that she received, would pass on to the fetus, as the ear is connected to the vital pneumogastric (Vagus) nerve. Another research showed, a fetus exposed to 70 hours of classical music, during the last few weeks of pregnancy, tend to be more physical and mentally developed after birth. They seem to be more advanced in terms of linguistic, motor development skills, and intellectual abilities.

Benefits of Classical Music for Babies


  1. The best type of music you can choose to play, for your unborn baby, while in the womb, is classical music. This type of music, usually includes a range of notes, creating a lullaby sound.
  2. Keep in mind to choose, a melody and a soothing music for your baby. Experts suggest, to play music as a therapy moderately, for expecting mothers. When you feel relaxed, when listening to music or singing, your baby may even feel the same too.
  3. Choose the sound volume carefully. As an amniotic fluid, is a good conductor of sound, the volume should be chosen lower than 50 decibels (R). Avoid placing, any headphones or any musical object directly on your belly;
  4. Avoid any loud, disturbing music. The choice of music played also matters for your baby, as playing loud music may startle your baby. A classical or any soothing music, can make a baby happier, healthier
  5. Classical music, has a positive impact on physical health. It is believed to have a calming effect on the human mind and body. The slow tunes in the music, relaxes the mind and the heart, and has a positive effect by helping them relax and sleep, and by improving their mental health.
  6. Additionally, infants who have difficulty in sleeping, and who suffered emotional trauma, can benefit from classical music.
  7. Another benefit of classical music for babies is it is good for language development. Babies who listen to classical music, when in the womb, may learn to talk and read faster. It also helps, to develop good listening skills and improves memory, which is necessary for learning a language.
  8. It also uplifts mood and mental health. Listening to classical music for baby in the womb, stimulates the production of endorphins, which turn uplifts the mood, lead to improved mental health, relaxes the body and increased learning abilities.
  9. Another benefit of classical music, is it develops complex neural pathways. Playing music for baby in the womb, increase the baby’s intelligence levels; improve the ability to speak, see, and hear; improves creativity later in life.

By Supraja